
#' Territoriality:  The Experiment
#' @description A subset of the \code{parking} data frame, giving only the
#' subject involved in the experiment.  In the experiment, parked cars 
#' were approached by either an expensive car or a cheap one.  The approaching
#' car waited for the spot, and while waiting either honked once or did not
#' honk at all.
#' @name parkExp
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 237 observations on the following 12 variables.
#' \describe{ \item{confcar}{The type of car that was waiting for the parking 
#' spot (or that just drove by).  Either a Nissan Maxima or an Infinity Q45. The car is 
#' "confronting" the parked car, hence the
#' name of the variable.}
#' \item{sex}{Sex of the driver of the parked car.}
#' \item{race}{Race of the driver of the parked car.}
#' \item{num}{Number of people in the parked car (including the driver).}
#' \item{horn}{Thhe waiting car either honked the horn once, or did
#' not honk at all.}
#' \item{carval}{Book value of the parked car, in dollars.}
#' \item{month}{Month in which the incident occurred.}
#' \item{day}{Day of the week on which the incident occurred.}
#' \item{miltime}{Time at which the incident occurred, in military units.
#' For example, 1130 denotes 11:30AM, while 1350 denotes for 1:50PM.}
#' \item{time}{Time in seconds for the parked car to depart the parking
#' spot.}
#' \item{ccstatus}{Status of the waiting "confronting" car.  The Maxima
#' is considered a low-status car, whereas the Infinity Q45 is an
#' expensive, "high-status" car.}
#' \item{valuediff}{Difference in value between the confronting car and the
#' parked car, in dollars.  The values of the confronting cars were as follows:
#' Maxima:  5200, Infinity Q45:  57000.}
#'  }
#' @source "Territorial Defense in Parking Lots: Retaliation 
#' Against Waiting Drivers", B. Ruback and D. Juieng, Journal of Applied
#' Social Psychology, Volume 27, Issue 9, May 1997, pp. 821-834.
#' Provided by B. Ruback.
#' @note This is almost the orginal data.  B. Ruback indicates
#' (personal communication) that several observations are missing and
#' cannot be recovered at the present time.
#' @keywords datasets
homerhanumat/tigerData documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 4:53 p.m.