#' @title Summarise columns to single values
#' @name summarise_dt
#' @description Summarise group of values into one value for each group. If there is only one group, then only one value would be returned.
#' The summarise function should always return a single value.
#' @param .data data.frame
#' @param ... List of variables or name-value pairs of summary/modifications
#' functions for \code{summarise_dt}.Additional parameters to be passed to
#' parameter '.func' in \code{summarise_vars}.
#' @param by unquoted name of grouping variable of list of unquoted names of
#' grouping variables. For details see \link[data.table]{data.table}
#' @param when An object which can be coerced to logical mode
#' @param .cols Columns to be summarised.
#' @param .func Function to be run within each column, should return a value or vectors with same length.
#' @details \code{summarise_vars} could complete summarise on specific columns.
#' @return data.table
#' @seealso \code{\link[dplyr]{summarise}}
#' @examples
#' iris %>% summarise_dt(avg = mean(Sepal.Length))
#' iris %>% summarise_dt(avg = mean(Sepal.Length),by = Species)
#' mtcars %>% summarise_dt(avg = mean(hp),by = .(cyl,vs))
#' # the data.table way
#' mtcars %>% summarise_dt(cyl_n = .N, by = .(cyl, vs)) # `.` is short for list
#' iris %>% summarise_vars(is.numeric,min)
#' iris %>% summarise_vars(-is.factor,min)
#' iris %>% summarise_vars(1:4,min)
#' iris %>% summarise_vars(is.numeric,min,by ="Species")
#' mtcars %>% summarise_vars(is.numeric,mean,by = c("vs", "am"))
#' # use multiple functions on multiple columns
#' iris %>%
#' summarise_vars(is.numeric,.func = list(mean,sd,median))
#' iris %>%
#' summarise_vars(is.numeric,.func = list(mean,sd,median),by = Species)
#' @rdname summarise_dt
#' @export
summarise_dt = function(.data,...,by = NULL){
dt = as_dt(.data)
eval.parent(substitute(dt[,.(...),by = by]))
#' @rdname summarise_dt
#' @export
summarize_dt = summarise_dt
#' @rdname summarise_dt
#' @export
summarise_when = function(.data,when,...,by = NULL){
dt = as_dt(.data)
eval.parent(substitute(dt[when,.(...),by = by]))
#' @rdname summarise_dt
#' @export
summarize_when = summarise_when
#' @rdname summarise_dt
#' @export
summarise_vars = function (.data, .cols = NULL, .func, ...,by) {
dt = as_dt(.data)
deparse(substitute(.cols)) -> .cols
deparse(substitute(by)) -> .by
if (.cols == "NULL")
sel_name = names(dt[0])
text =
str_glue("select_dt(dt[0],{.cols}) %>% names() -> sel_name")))
eval(parse(text = str_glue(
"res = dt[,lapply(.SD, .func, ...), by = {.by},.SDcols = sel_name]")))
res[, unique(names(res)), with = FALSE]
func_names = sapply(substitute(.func),deparse) %>% .[-1]
eval(parse(text = str_glue(
"res = dt[,lapply(.SD, get(func), ...),
by = {.by},.SDcols = sel_name][,fun_name:=func]")))
}) %>% rbindlist()
#' @rdname summarise_dt
#' @export
summarize_vars = summarise_vars
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