
Defines functions fetch_table request_table

Documented in fetch_table request_table

### Functions for making and receiving http requests

# Constants -------------------------------------------------------------------

URL_INFO <- "https://stat-xplore.dwp.gov.uk/webapi/rest/v1/info"
URL_TABLE <- "https://stat-xplore.dwp.gov.uk/webapi/rest/v1/table"

# Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Send an http request with a query and return the response
#' \code{request_table} sends a query to the table endpoint, checks the
#' response, parses the response text as json, and returns the parsed data. If
#' the query syntax is not valid or the request fails for any other reason an
#' error is raised with the response text.
#' @param query A valid Stat-Xplore query as a string.
#' @return A list of the query results as parsed json.
#' @export

request_table <- function(query) {

    # Get api key from cache
    api_key <- get_api_key()

    # Set headers
    headers <- httr::add_headers(
        "APIKey" = api_key,
        "Content-Type" = "application/json")

    # POST and return
        response <- httr::POST(
            body = query,
            encode = "form",
            timeout = 60)},
        error = function(c) {
            stop("Could not connect to Stat-Xplore: the server may be down")

    # Extract the text
    response_text <- httr::content(response, as = "text", encoding = "utf-8")

    # If the server returned an error raise it with the response text
    if (response$status_code != 200) {
            "The server responded with the error message: {response_text}"))

    # Process the JSON, and return
    jsonlite::fromJSON(response_text, simplifyVector = FALSE)

#' Send a table query and return the results
#' \code{fetch_table} sends a query to the table endpoint and returns the
#' response as a list containing the results. The results include a dataframe
#' of tidy data for each measure requested by the query.
#' A query can be provided as a string or can be loaded from a file using the
#' \code{filename} argument. This is sometimes convenient as Stat-Xplore
#' queries can be large and are most easily produced using the table builder
#' tool on the website, which exports queries as json text files.
#' Stat-Xplore returns one set of results for each measure included in a query.
#' Each set of results includes data for different measures on the same set of
#' observations.
#' The list of results has the following structure:
#' measures - the names of the measures for each dataset (character)
#' fields - the names of categorical variables included in the data (character)
#' items - the names of the categories or levels within each field (list)
#' uris - the uris of the categories or levels within each field (list)
#' dfs - a dataframe for each measure with the data in long form (list)
#' @param query Stat-Xplore query as a string.
#' @param filename The path to a text file containing a Stat-Xplore query.
#'   This argument is not required but has priority: if a \code{filename} is
#'   provided, the \code{query} argument is ignored.
#' @param custom A named list of character vectors. Each name/value pair
#'   indicates the item labels to use for the field with the given name when
#'   constructing the results dataframes. It is necessary to specify item
#'   labels explicitly using this argument when your query uses custom
#'   aggregate variables, as the number of variables in the results will not
#'   agree with the number of variables shown in the metadata.
#' @return A list containing the results of the query, with one item per cube.
#' @export

fetch_table <- function(query, filename = NULL, custom = NULL) {

    # Read the query from a file if given
    if (! is.null(filename)) query <- readr::read_file(filename)

    # Send the query and get the response
    response_json <- request_table(query)

    # Extract results
    extract_results(response_json, custom)
houseofcommonslibrary/statxplorer documentation built on Sept. 13, 2020, 12:14 a.m.