
Defines functions r2hpcc.Connect

Documented in r2hpcc.Connect

#' Creates a connection object for HPCC
#' Takes in the HPCC host name, target cluster, user name, password, reult limit
#' and returns a connection object
#' @param host - ip address of HPCC host
#' @param targetCluster - Target Thor cluster
#' @param userId - user id - if the cluster is secure
#' @param password - password associated with the user
#' @param resultLimit - limits the result at connection level
#' @param debugMode - debug mode
#' @param WsSQLPort - WsSQL Port default is 8510
#' @export
r2hpcc.Connect <- function(host, targetCluster, userId, password, resultLimit, debugMode = FALSE,WsSQLPort = "8510")
	hpccPassword <- password
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\!", "%21", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\#", "%23", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\$", "%24", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\&", "%26", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\'", "%27", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\(", "%28", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\)", "%29", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\*", "%2A", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\+", "%2B", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\,", "%2C", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\/", "%2F", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\:", "%3A", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\;", "%3B", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\=", "%3D", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\?", "%3F", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\@", "%40", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\[", "%5B", hpccPassword)
	hpccPassword <- gsub("\\]", "%5D", hpccPassword)
	connectionList <- c(host, targetCluster, userId, hpccPassword, resultLimit, debugMode,WsSQLPort)
hpcc-systems/r2hpcc documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:53 p.m.