.Names = c(
)-> .ll_trans
#' AthenaJDBC
#' @export
identifier.quote = "character",
jdrv = "jobjRef"
#' AthenaJDBC
#' @param identifier.quote how to quote identifiers
#' @export
Athena <- function(identifier.quote = '`') {
driverClass = "com.simba.athena.jdbc.Driver",
identifier.quote = identifier.quote
) -> drv
return(as(drv, "AthenaDriver"))
#' AthenaJDBC
#' Connect to Athenadb
#' Mandatory JDBC connection parameters are also named function
#' parameters. You can use `...` to supply additional/optional
#' parameters.
#' @section Higlighted Extra Driver Configuration Options:
#' These are take from the second item in References. See that resource
#' for more information.
#' - `BinaryColumnLength`: <int> The maximum data length for `BINARY` columns. Default `32767L`
#' - `ComplexTypeColumnLength`: <int> The maximum data length for `ARRAY`, `MAP`, and `STRUCT` columns. Default `65535L`
#' - `StringColumnLength`: <int> The maximum data length for `STRING` columns. Default `255L`
#' @param drv driver
#' @param Schema The name of the database schema to use when a schema is not explicitly
#' specified in a query. You can still issue queries on other schemas by explicitly
#' specifying the schema in the query.
#' @param AwsRegion AWS region the Athena tables are in
#' @param AwsCredentialsProviderClass JDBC auth provider; You can add a
#' lengrh1 character vecrtor named parameter `AwsCredentialsProviderArguments`
#' to the `dbConnect()` call to use alternate auth providers. Use a
#' comma-separated list of String arguments.
#' @param S3OutputLocation A write-able bucket on S3 that you have permissions for
#' @param MaxErrorRetry,ConnectTimeout,SocketTimeout
#' technical connection info that you should only muck with if you know what you're doing.
#' @param LogLevel,LogPath The Athena JDBC driver can provide a decent bit
#' of data in logs. Set this to a temporary directory or something `log4j` can use. For
#' `LogPath` use the names ("`INFO`", "`DEBUG`", "`WARN`", "`ERROR`", "`ALL`", "`OFF`", "`FATAL`", "`TRACE`") or
#' their corresponding integer values 0-6.
#' @param fetch_size Athena results fetch size
#' @param ... passed on to the driver. See Details.
#' @references [Connect with JDBC](;
#' [Simba Athena JDBC Driver with SQL Connector Installation and Configuration Guide](
#' @export
def = function(
Schema = "default",
AwsRegion = "us-east-1",
AwsCredentialsProviderClass = paste0(c(
"com", "simba", "athena", "amazonaws","auth",
), collapse = "."),
S3OutputLocation = Sys.getenv("AWS_S3_STAGING_DIR", unset = ""),
MaxErrorRetry = 10,
ConnectTimeout = 10000,
SocketTimeout = 10000,
LogPath = "",
LogLevel = 0,
fetch_size = 1000L,
...) {
conn_string = sprintf(
'jdbc:awsathena://', AwsRegion, Schema
if (!(LogLevel %in% 0:6)) LogLevel <- .ll_trans[LogLevel]
S3OutputLocation = S3OutputLocation,
Schema = Schema,
AwsRegion = AwsRegion,
MaxErrorRetry = MaxErrorRetry,
ConnectTimeout = ConnectTimeout,
SocketTimeout = SocketTimeout,
LogPath = LogPath,
LogLevel = LogLevel,
AwsCredentialsProviderClass = AwsCredentialsProviderClass,
) -> jc
jc <- as(jc, "AthenaConnection")
jc@fetch_size <- as.integer(fetch_size)
#' AthenaJDBC
#' @param jc job ref
#' @param identifier.quote how to quote identifiers
#' @param fetch_size Athena results fetch size
#' @export
setClass("AthenaConnection", representation("JDBCConnection", jc="jobjRef", identifier.quote="character", fetch_size="integer"))
# setClass("AthenaConnection", contains = "JDBCConnection")
#' AthenaJDBC
#' @export
setClass("AthenaResult", contains = "JDBCResult")
#' AthenaJDBC
#' @param conn Athena connection
#' @param statement SQL statement
#' @param ... unused
#' @export
signature(conn="AthenaConnection", statement="character"),
definition = function(conn, statement, ...) {
return(as(callNextMethod(), "AthenaResult"))
#' AthenaJDBC
#' @param conn Athena connection
#' @param pattern table name pattern
#' @param schema Athena schema name
#' @param ... unused
#' @export
definition = function(conn, pattern='*', schema, ...) {
if (missing(pattern)) {
conn, sprintf("SHOW TABLES IN %s", schema)
) -> x
} else {
conn, sprintf("SHOW TABLES IN %s %s", schema, dbQuoteString(conn, pattern))
) -> x
#' AthenaJDBC
#' @param conn Athena connection
#' @param name table name
#' @param schema Athena schema name
#' @param ... unused
#' @export
signature(conn="AthenaConnection", name="character"),
definition = function(conn, name, schema, ...) {
length(dbListTables(conn, schema=schema, pattern=name)) > 0
#' AthenaJDBC
#' @param conn Athena connection
#' @param name table name
#' @param schema Athena schema name
#' @param ... unused
#' @export
signature(conn="AthenaConnection", name="character"),
definition = function(conn, name, schema, ...) {
query <- sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s.%s LIMIT 1", schema, name)
res <- dbGetQuery(conn, query)
#' AthenaJDBC
#' @param conn Athena connection
#' @param name table name
#' @param schema Athena schema name
#' @param ... unused
#' @export
signature(conn="AthenaConnection", name="character"),
definition = function(conn, name, schema, ...) {
query <- sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s.%s LIMIT 1", schema, dbQuoteString(conn, name))
dbGetQuery(conn, query)
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