actel | actel: Acoustic Telemetry Data Analysis |
actel-deprecated | Deprecated functions in package 'actel'. |
additional.residency.results | Example residency results |
advEfficiency | Calculate beta estimations for efficiency |
assembleArrayCJS | Combine the individual CJS's of each array into a single... |
assembleGroupCJS | Assembles CJS tables for all groups |
assembleMatrices | Assemble detection matrices |
assembleOutput | Create status.df |
assembleResidency | Collect summary information for the residency analysis |
assembleSectionOverview | Create section.overview |
assembleSplitCJS | Assembles CJS tables for all group x release site... |
assembleTimetable | Create the timetable |
assembleValidMoves | Wrapper for simplifyMovements |
assembleValidSecMoves | Wrapper for sectionMovements |
blameArrays | Find which arrays to blame for a jump in movement events |
blankWorkspace | Create a Blank Workspace |
breakMatricesByArray | Break the detection matrices per array |
check_args | check.R arguments |
checkArguments | Check argument quality |
checkDeploymentStations | Confirm that the station names in the deployments table match... |
checkDeploymentTimes | Confirm that receivers were not re-deployed before being... |
checkDetectionsBeforeRelease | Check if there are detections for the target tags before... |
checkDupDetections | Check if there are duplicated detection in the input data |
checkDupSignals | Check if there are duplicated signals in the detected tags. |
checkFirstMove | Check for movements upstream of the release site. |
checkGUI | Check if the dependencies required to open a GUI are... |
checkImpassables | Find out if a tag moved in an impossible direction |
checkInactiveness | Find if a tag is standing still in an array |
checkIssue79 | warn users if they are about to run into an unfixed bug. |
checkJumpDistance | Check if tags are jumping over arrays |
checkLinearity | Check that the tag linearly moved along the sections |
checkMinimumN | Check the number of detections (total and per event) of a... |
checkNoDetections | Check if there are detections matching the target tags. |
checkReport | Check report compatibility |
checkSMovesN | Verify number of detections in section movements |
checkSpeeds | check tag speeds against defined thresholds (in m/s) |
checkTagsInUnknownReceivers | Check for target data in the unknown receivers |
checkToken | Verify that the source data has been compiled using actel's... |
checkUnknownReceivers | Find detections from unknown receivers |
circularSection | Draw a section on the outside of the circle |
cjs_args | CJS.R arguments |
collectStrays | Collect summary information on the tags detected but that are... |
combine | Combine a list of vectors |
combineCJS | Combine multiple CJS models |
compileDetections | Combine ALS detections |
completeMatrix | Complete a Distances Matrix |
convertCodes | Convert code spaces |
convertLotekCDMAFile | Convert Lotek CDMA log to csv |
convertTimes | Convert Times |
copyOfCirclePlotRad | circular:::circlePlotRad |
copyOfRosediagRad | circular:::RosediagRad |
countArrayFailures | Find and list arrays which failed during the movements of the... |
countBackMoves | Count backwards movements |
createEventRanges | collapse event indexes into ranges |
createNewEvents | Upon invalidating detections, recombines the remaining valid... |
createStandards | Standardize serial numbers, stations and arrays in the... |
createUniqueSerials | Include the deployment in the serial number of the receive |
createWorkspace | Deprecated function. |
darken | darken colours |
dataToList | Import RData in a list format |
decimalTime | Convert hh:mm:ss time to hh.hhh |
deleteHelpers | Delete temporary files |
detectionsSingleWidget | Detections Widget (Single table version) |
detectionsTabbedWidget | Detections Widget (Tabbed version) |
discardFirst | Discard early detections |
distancesMatrix | Calculate Distances Matrix |
dotList | Break the dot data frame into a list |
dotMatrix | Create numerical distances between dot elements |
dotPaths | Find arrays valid for efficiency calculation |
dualArrayCJS | Calculate estimated last-array efficiency |
dualMatrix | Compile detection matrix for last array |
efficiencyMatrix | Compile inter-array detection matrix |
emptyMatrix | Create a Template Distances Matrix |
event | Log a new event |
eventsSingleWidget | Event Widget (Single table version) |
eventsTabbedWidget | Event Widget (Tabbed version) |
example.biometrics | Example biometric data |
example.deployments | Example deployment data |
example.detections | Example detection data |
example.distances | Example distances matrix |
example.results | Example migration results |
example.spatial | Example spatial data |
exampleWorkspace | Deploy Example Data |
excludeTags | Collect summary information on the tags detected but that are... |
expandEvent | Handler for event expansion |
explore | Explorative Analysis |
extractCodeSpaces | Extract Code Spaces from transmitter names |
extractSignals | Extract signals from transmitter names |
fact | nearsq helper |
findDirectChains | Find all arrays linked to an array in a given direction |
findPeers | Find efficiency peers for a specific array |
findSecondsPerSection | Calculate number of seconds at each location per day |
findShortestChains | Find the shortest paths between arrays |
firstArrayFailure | Determine if the first array after release has failed |
getDualMatrices | Prepare intra-array matrices for selected arrays |
getResidency | Assemble residency tables per tag |
getSpeeds | Extract speeds from the analysis results. |
getSpeedsChecker | Helper function of getSpeeds |
getSpeedsCompiler | Helper function of getSpeeds |
getTimes | Extract timestamps from the analysis results. |
gg_colour_hue | Generate default ggplot colours |
globalRatios | Calculate number/percentage of tags at each location for each... |
graphicalInvalidate | Opens a new window that allows the user to determine movement... |
graphicalInvalidateDetections | Opens a new window that allows the user to determine... |
groupMovements | Group movements |
includeIntraArrayEstimates | Incorporate intra-array estimates in the overall CJS object |
includeMissing | Include tags that were never detected |
includeUnknownReceiver | Temporarily include missing receivers in the spatial object |
invalidateDetections | Allow the user to determine a given set of detections invalid |
invalidateEvents | Allow the user to determine a given movement event invalid |
liveArrayTimes | Assign live times to arrays |
loadBio | Load Biometrics file |
loadDeployments | Load deployments file and Check the structure |
loadDetections | Load ALS detections |
loadDistances | Load distances matrix |
loadDot | Load |
loadShape | DEPRECATED |
loadSpatial | Load Spatial File |
loadStudyData | Load, structure and check the inputs |
lowestSignal | cleanly extract lowest signal from signals string |
matchl | TRUE/FALSE wrapper for match |
match.POSIXt | Match POSIX values |
mbGroupCJS | Calculate CJS for each group for each array |
mbSplitCJS | Calculate CJS for each group.release combination |
migration | Migration Analysis |
minuteTime | Convert numeric time to HH:MM |
move_args | movements.R arguments |
movementSpeeds | Calculate time and speed |
movementTimes | Calculate movement times |
myRoseDiag | Edited rose diagram function | | Consider NA's as FALSE |
nearsq | Find optimum plotting grid |
oneWayMoves | Trim movements table to contain only uni-directional... |
overrideChecks | Skips all validity checks for a tag and allows the user to... |
parse_arg | Parse argument and its value as a string |
parse_list | Helper to parse list arguments |
plotArray | Plot simultaneous/cumulative presences at a give array or set... |
plotDetections | Plot detections for a single tag |
plotDot | Plot DOT diagram |
plotLive | Plot array live times |
plotMoves | Plot moves for one ore more tags |
plotRatios | Plot global/group residency |
plotResidency | Plot residency for a single tag |
plotSensors | Plot sensor data for a single tag |
plotTimes | Print circular graphics for time series. |
preload | Load a dataset before running an analysis |
preloadDetections | Run quality checks on preloaded detections |
printArrayOverview | print Rmd fragment for inclusion in the report |
printBiometrics | Print biometric graphics |
printCircular | Print circular graphics for each array |
printDot | Print DOT diagram |
printDotplots | Print dotplots |
printEfficiency | Print efficiency fragment |
printExploreRmd | Print Rmd report |
printGlobalRatios | print the distribution of tags per location |
printIndividualResidency | print the individual locations per day |
printIndividuals | Print individual graphics |
printLastArray | Print a simple barplot with the number of tags last seen at... |
printLastSection | Print a simple barplot with the number of tags last seen at... |
printMigrationRmd | Print Rmd report |
printProgression | Print progression diagram |
printResidencyRmd | Print Rmd report |
printSectionTimes | Print arrival and departure times per section |
printSensorData | Print sensor data for each individual tag |
printSurvivalGraphic | Print survival graphic |
processInnovaseaFile | Innovasea files |
processStandardFile | Standard detections file created for actel |
processThelmaNewFile | Thelma new export files |
processThelmaOldFile | Thelma old export files |
processVemcoFile | Vemco files |
readDot | Read dot file or string |
recoverLog | Recover latest actel crash log |
res_assembleOutput | Create status.df |
res_efficiency | Calculate array efficiency for residency analysis |
residency | Residency Analysis |
resPositions | Find the location where the tag spent most time per day |
resRatios | calculate residency ratios per tag |
resRatiosIndOut | compile output of dailyRatios |
ringsRel | Draw rings at relative points |
roseMean | Draw mean value in the axis margin |
sectionMovements | Compress array-movements into section-movements |
setSpatialStandards | Create Standard Names for spatial elements |
shapeToRaster | Load shapefile and convert to a raster object. |
simpleCJS | Analytical CJS model |
simplifyMovements | Removes invalid events |
speedReleaseToFirst | Calculate time and speed since release. |
splitDetections | Split detections by tag |
splitN | Split a dataframe every nth row |
splitSignals | Split signals from multi-signal input |
stationName | Find original station name |
std.error.circular | Calculate the standard error of the mean for circular data |
storeStrays | Store summary information on the stray tags detected in a... |
substrRight | Subset a character string counting from the right end |
tableInteraction | Handler for table interaction events |
timesToCircular | Convert a data frame with timestamps into a list of circular... |
transferValidity | Transfer validity updates from valid movements to all... |
transformSpatial | Process spatial elements |
transitionLayer | Calculate Transition Layer |
updateValidity | update array-movement validity based on the section-movements |
userInput | Wrap frequently used code to handle user input |
user_interaction_args | user_interaction.R arguments |
validateDetections | Compare original detections with the valid movements and... |
vectorsIntoTables | Transform vectors into data frames with specific columns |
widget_args | widget_setups.R arguments |
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