movementSpeeds: Calculate time and speed

View source: R/movements.R

movementSpeedsR Documentation

Calculate time and speed


Triggers movementTimes and also calculates the speed between events.


movementSpeeds(movements, speed.method, dist.mat)



the movement dataframe for the tag being analysed.


Can take two forms: 'last to first' or 'last to last'. If 'last to first' (default), the last detection on the previous array is matched to the first detection on the target array to perform the calculations. If 'last to last', the last detection on the previous array is matched to the last detection on the target array to perform the calculations. If 'first to first', the first detection on the previous array is matched to the first detection on the target array to perform the calculations.


A matrix of the distances between the deployed ALS.


The movement data frame with speed calculations for the target tag.

hugomflavio/actel documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 1:05 p.m.