Man pages for hui-sheen/MetaGSCA
Meta-analysis of Gene Set differential Co-expression Analysis

bootstrapPAppend final two bootstrap statistics
check_sdCheck gene-wise STD of each one matrix
dichotGSARDichotomize p-value matrix to 0-1 matrix for each PW across...
GSAR_bootPerform differential coexpression analysis on original and...
GSARboot_formatAssemble GSNACA results on original dataset and bootstrap...
gsnca_gsetsRun GSNCA over multiple gene sets
gsnca_pGene Sets Net Correlation Analysis (GSNCA) including...
gsnca_statTest statistics of Gene Sets Net Correlation Analysis (GSNCA)
input2PWcTalkExample input data to pathway crosstalk analysis
metaMinimum example inputs to MetaGSCA function
metaAndPlotPerform GLMM or inverse variance meta-analysis
MetaGSCAMeta-analysis of differential coexpression analysis
MetaGSCA_plotDraw Forest plot based on metaprop() result
PWcTalkStreamlined functions for Pathway Crosstalk Network analysis
PWcTalkNWDraw pathway crosstalk network given a finite set of pathway...
PWcTalkNWpreCascaded steps in pathway crosstalk analyis prior to network...
PWsimCalculate similarity measure for every pair of PWs
PWsimDichotDichotomize p-values of PW pairs according to pair p...
hui-sheen/MetaGSCA documentation built on April 9, 2022, 7:24 p.m.