
Defines functions read.EK_bot

Documented in read.EK_bot

#' Read bot files from Simrad EK60 echosounder
#' This function will read Simrad BOT0 datagrams with bottom depth data.
#' @param file EK60 bot file name.
#' @details This function read the bot file by calling \code{read.EK_raw}, 
#' and \code{get_dgIdx} functions. From the datagram index, it finds the BOT0
#' datagrams, and then extracts ping times and depth(s) associated with 
#' all the transceiver(s) in the file.
#' @return A data frame with ping times and detected bottom depth for 
#' every transceiver in the file.
#' @seealso \code{read.EK_idx}.
#' @author Héctor Villalobos.   
#' @examples
#' fn <- system.file("extdata", "demo-D20130504-T083828.bot", package = "echogram")
#' depth <- read.EK_bot(fn)
#' head(depth)
#' plot(depth[, 1:2], type = "l", ylim = rev(c(0, max(depth[,2]))))
read.EK_bot <- function(file){
  bot <- read.EK_raw(file)
  dgIdx <- get_dgIdx(bot)	
  idx <- dgIdx[dgIdx$dgType == "BOT0", ]
  # get number of transceivers from configuration
  ntr <-  readBin(bot[529:532], 'integer', 1, 4, signed	= TRUE, endian = "little")
  # there is one BOT0 datagram for every ping
  np <- nrow(idx)
  if (np > 0){
    bottom <- matrix(NA, ncol = ntr, nrow = np)
    pingTime <- .POSIXct(double(np), tz = "UTC")
    # loop over the pings
    for (p in 1:np){
      pingTime[p] <-  dgTime(bot, ini = idx$sdgD[p])
      # in BOT0 datagrams, 8 bytes contain the pingtime, and the next 4 the transceiver count
      bottom[p, ] <- readBin(bot[(idx$sdgD[p] + 12):idx$edgD[p]], 'double', ntr, endian = "little")
  } else {
    # get dgTime from CON0 datagram
    idx <- dgIdx[dgIdx$dgType == "CON0", ]
    ini <- idx$sdgD
    bottom <- matrix(NA, ncol = ntr, nrow = 1)
    pingTime <- dgTime(bot, ini)
  ans <- data.frame(pingTime = pingTime, bottom)
  names(ans)[2:(2 + ntr - 1)] <- paste("depth.tr", 1:ntr, sep = "")
hvillalo/echogram documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 7:28 a.m.