Man pages for hyochoi/Scissors

adj.centerProvide a center value adjusted by a lower bound
ADstat.hyProvide the Anderson-Darling test statistic of standard...
ADstatWins.hyProvide the winsorized Anderson-Darling test statistic
annotate_pileupAnnotating pileup
center_dataCentering data
detect_localoutDetect local shape outliers with a residual matrix
detect_onoffoutDetect local shape outliers based on a residual matrix
find.exon.hyFinding exons and introns
generdirwritten by –
get_offstatDetect off local shape changes in residual matrix.
getShiftParamShift parameter
get_sparsePD4oneDetermining the most outlying structure using sparse basis...
kdeplot.hykernel density function
len.intron.hyFind intron length to be inserted
logtransform_dataLog-transforming data
miscGlobalDetect global shape variants in RNA-seq data
miscLocalDetect local shape variants in RNA-seq data
normalize_dataNormalizing log data
pd.rate.hyProjection depth
plot_ScissorOSPlot outlyingness scores with a kernel density estimate
plot_ScissorSCPlot shape changes from SCISSOR
process_dataProcessing data
RNAcurvePlot RNA-seq curves
scale.factorObtain robust mean scale factors
ScissorAll-in-one function for identifying shape changes in RNA-seq...
weigh_dataWeighing data
hyochoi/Scissors documentation built on July 3, 2019, 4:48 a.m.