
  ve_earth <- function(type = c("satellite", "map")) {
  type <- c(satellite = "a", map = "r")[match.arg(type)]
  server_num <- "{server_num}"
  quadkey <- "{quadkey}"
  glue::glue_data(list(type = type), '<GDAL_WMS>
  <Service name="VirtualEarth">

aws_elev <- function() {
    <Service name="TMS">

osm_map <- function() {
    <Service name="TMS">
      <UserAgent>Please add a specific user agent text, to avoid the default one being used, and potentially blocked by OSM servers in case a too big usage of it would be seen</UserAgent>
      <Cache />


## create a grid in any projection anywhere
g <- list(extent = c(-1, 1, -1, 1) * 350000,
          dimension = c(256, 256),
          projection = "+proj=ortho +lon_0=145 +lat_0=-37 +datum=WGS84")
#g <- gdalio_get_default_grid()
vei <- gdalio_graphics(ve_earth("satellite"))
vem <- gdalio_graphics(ve_earth("map"), resample = "cubic")
ele <- gdalio_matrix(aws_elev())
ele1 <- gdalio_data(aws_elev())[[1]]

osm <- gdalio_graphics(osm_map(), resample = "cubic")
par(mar = rep(0, 4), mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(as.raster(matrix(osm, g$dimension[2], g$dimension[1], byrow = TRUE)))
plot(as.raster(matrix(vei, g$dimension[2], g$dimension[1], byrow = TRUE)))
ele[ele < 0] <- 0
#ele1[ele1 < 0] <- 0
#plot(as.raster(t(matrix(scales::rescale(ele1), g$dimension[1]))), asp = 1, col = grey.colors(24))
image(matrix(ele, g$dimension[1], g$dimension[2], byrow = F), asp = 1, col = grey.colors(240, start = 0, end = 1))
plot(g$extent[1:2], g$extent[3:4], xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", type = "n")
rasterImage(g$extent[1], g$extent[3],
            g$extent[2], g$extent[4], as.raster(matrix(scales::rescale(ele), g$dimension[2], g$dimension[1], byrow = TRUE)))


mars <- "/vsicurl/"
#geblocal <- topofile("gebco_19")
## create a grid in any projection anywhere
g <- list(extent = c(-1, 1, -1, 1) * 350000,
          dimension = c(1024, 1024),
          projection = "+proj=ortho +lon_0=145 +lat_0=-37 +R=3389500")
ele <- gdalio_data(mars)[[1]]
#ele[ele<0] <- NA
plot(g$extent[1:2], g$extent[3:4], xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", type = "n", asp = 1)
rasterImage(as.raster(matrix(scales::rescale(ele), g$dimension[2], g$dimension[1], byrow = TRUE)),
           g$extent[1], g$extent[3],
            g$extent[2], g$extent[4])
hypertidy/gdalio documentation built on June 15, 2022, 6:45 p.m.