Man pages for hzambran/hydroTSM
Time Series Management and Analysis for Hydrological Modelling

annualfunctionAnnual Function
calendarHeatmapCalendar heatmap
Cauquenes7336001Hydrometeorological time series for "Cauquenes en El Arrayan"...
cmvCounting Missing Values
daily2annual(sub)Daily/Monthly -> Annual
daily2monthly(sub)Daily -> Monthly
daily2weeklyDaily -> Weekly
dipDays in Period
diyDays in Year
dm2seasonal(sub)Daily/Monthly -> Seasonal Values
drawxaxisCustomized Time Axis
dwdaysAmount of dry/wet days in a time series
dwiDays with Information
EbroPPtsMonthlyEbro Monthly Precipitation Time Series
extractExtract from Zoo
fdcFlow Duration Curve
fdcuFlow Duration Curve with uncertainty bounds.
hipHours in Period
hydropairsVisual Correlation Matrix
hydroplotHydrological time series plotting and extraction.
hydroTSM-internalInternal hydroTSM objects
hydroTSM-packageManagement, analysis, and plot of hydrological time series,...
infillxyInfills NA values
istdxInverse Standarization
izoo2rzooIrregular Zoo -> Regular Zoo
KarameaAtGorgeQtsKaramea at Gorge, time series of hourly streamflows
maMoving Average
MaquehueTemucoSan Martino, ts of daily precipitation.
mipMonths in Period
monthlyfunctionMonthly Function
OcaEnOnaQtsOca in "Ona" (Q0931), time series of daily streamflows.
plot_pqPlot precipitation and streamflow time series in the same...
rm1stcharRemove First Character(s)
SanMartinoPPtsSan Martino, ts of daily precipitation.
seasonalfunctionSeasonal Function
sfreqSampling Frequency
siSeasonality Index
sname2tsStation Name -> Time Series
subdaily2dailySub-daily -> Daily
subdaily2weeklySubdaily -> Weekly
subhourly2hourlySub-hourly -> Hourly
subhourly2nminutesSub-hourly -> n-minutes
time2seasonDate/DateTime character -> Seasonal character
vector2zooVector -> Zoo
weeklyfunctionWeekly Function
yipYears in Period
zoo2RHtestZoo -> RHTest
hzambran/hydroTSM documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 5:49 p.m.