OcaEnOnaQts: Oca in "Ona" (Q0931), time series of daily streamflows.

OcaEnOnaQtsR Documentation

Oca in "Ona" (Q0931), time series of daily streamflows.


Time series with daily streamflows of the Oca River (subcatchment of the Ebro River basin, Spain) measured at the gauging station "Ona" (Q093), for the period 01/Jan/1961 to 31/Dic/1963




zoo object.


Downloaded from the web site of the Confederacion Hidrografica del Ebro (CHE) http://www.chebro.es/ (original link http://oph.chebro.es/documentacion/CaudalEA/CaudalEA.htm, last accessed [March 2010]).

These data are intended to be used for research purposes only, being distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

hzambran/hydroTSM documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 5:49 p.m.