izoo2rzoo: Irregular Zoo -> Regular Zoo

View source: R/izoo2rzoo.R

izoo2rzooR Documentation

Irregular Zoo -> Regular Zoo


It takes an irregular zoo object (with non-existing values for some dates/times) and converts it into a regularly spaced zoo object within the time period defined by from and to, by filling the missing dates with ‘NA’


izoo2rzoo(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
izoo2rzoo(x, from= start(x), to= end(x), 
                   date.fmt, tstep, tz, ...)
## S3 method for class 'zoo'
izoo2rzoo(x, from= start(x), to= end(x), 
                   date.fmt, tstep, tz, ...)



irregular zoo object (vector or matrix) representing a time series (very likely read with some user-defined procedure, and with some missing values for particular days/months/years)


Character indicating the starting date for creating the regularly spaced zoo object. The default value corresponds to the date of the first element of x
It has to be in the format indicated by date.fmt.


Character indicating the ending date for creating the regularly spaced zoo object. The default value corresponds to the date of the last element of x
It has to be in the format indicated by date.fmt.


character indicating the format in which the dates are stored in from and to, e.g. %Y-%m-%d. See ‘Details’ section in strptime. By default, date.fmt is missing, and it is automatically set to %Y-%m-%d when time(x) is Date object, and set to %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S when x is a sub-daily zoo object.


character, indicating the time step used for creating the time sequence going from from to to that will be used as time(x)
Valid values are (but not limited to) hours, days, months, years. By default, tstep is missing, and it is automatically set to "minutes" when sfreq(x) is min, to "hours" when sfreq(x) is hourly, to "days" when sfreq(x) is daily, to "weeks" when sfreq(x) is weekly, to "months" when sfreq(x) is monthly, to "quarters" when sfreq(x) is quarterly, and to "years" when sfreq(x) is annual.


character, with the specification of the time zone used for x, from, and to. System-specific (see time zones), but "" is the current time zone, and "GMT" is UTC (Universal Time, Coordinated). See Sys.timezone and as.POSIXct.

If tz is missing (the default), it is automatically set to the time zone used in time(x).

If tz is provided, it forces time(x) to be in the tome zone specified by tz, without modifying the the values (hours, minutes, seconds, etc).

A list of valid time zones can be obtained by calling the base function OlsonNames().

This argument can be used when working with sub-daily zoo objects to force using time zones other than the local time zone for from and to. It should be used with caution, being well aware of the time zone of the data. See examples.


further arguments passed to or from other methods


If the full time period of x is a subset of the time period defined by from and to, the time period of the resulting zoo is the one defined by from and to, assigning 'NA' to all the dates in which x does not have a value.


a regularly spaced zoo object, with values given by x and time stamps going from from to to at intervals defined by tsteps.


Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini, mzb.devel@gmail

See Also

zoo, vector2zoo, as.POSIXct, Sys.timezone


## Example 1: Adding NA for February 29th to an existing zoo object

# dummy values and dates (February 29th is not present !)
x <- 1:9
dates <- c("1964-02-25", "1964-02-26", "1964-02-27", "1964-02-28", "1964-03-01", 
           "1964-03-02", "1964-03-03", "1964-03-04", "1964-03-05")

# From 'character' to 'Date' class
dates <- as.Date(dates)

## From 'numeric' to 'zoo' class
( x <- zoo(x, dates) ) # Feb 29th is still not present in 'x'
## checking the length of 'x'
length(x) # 9 elements (there is no data for Feb 29th)

## Adding a missing value (NA in this case) for Feb 29th
( y <- izoo2rzoo(x) )

## checking the new length
length(y) # 1 element more than the original 'x' (thre is an NA value in Feb 29th)

## Example 2: Extending the original 'x' object from February 1st to the end of March, 
#             assigning 'NA' to the days in which 'x' do not have a value.
( y <- izoo2rzoo(x, from="1964-02-01", to="1964-03-31") )

## Example 3: Working with a zoo matrix with two identical 'x' time series, 
##            from 1964-02-25 to 1964-03-05
( Y <- cbind(x,x) )

# Adding a missing value (NA in this case) for Feb 29th in all the columns of Y
( rY <- izoo2rzoo(Y) )

## Example 4: Working with hourly data, from 01:00 to 10:00 UTC on 12th December 2000
dates  <- ISOdatetime(year=2000, month=12, day=12, hour=1:10, min=0, sec=0, tz="UTC")
values <- 1:10
x      <- zoo(values, dates)

# removing four values in 'x', from 02:00 to 05:00, i.e., they will not be present 
# anymore in 'x' at all, not even NA !)
x <- x[-c(2:5)]

# Adding missing values (NA in this case) from 02:00 to 05:00
y <-  izoo2rzoo(x)

## Example 5: Extending hourly data to a DateTime before 'start(x)', 
##            specifying only the date.
##            Time of 'x' is in local time zone (tz="") instead of UTC
dt <- hip("2021-01-01 00:00:00", "2021-01-01 20:00:00", tz="")
x  <- zoo(0:20, dt)
(y  <- izoo2rzoo(x, from="2020-12-31") )# 00:00:00 is ommited

## Example 6: Extending hourly data to a DateTime before 'start(x)', 
##            specifying date and time.
##            Time of 'x' is in local time zone (tz="") instead of UTC
dt <- hip("2021-01-01 00:00:00", "2021-01-01 20:00:00", tz="")
x  <- zoo(0:20, dt)
( y  <- izoo2rzoo(x, from="2020-12-31 20:00:00") )

## Example 7: Extending hourly data to a DateTime before 'start(x)', 
##            specifying date and time, and forcing UTC to be the time zone.
##            Time of 'x' is in local time zone (tz="") instead of UTC, but
##            it will be treated as UTC by using the 'tz' argument
dt <- hip("2021-01-01 00:00:00", "2021-01-01 20:00:00", tz="")
x  <- zoo(0:20, dt)
(y  <- izoo2rzoo(x, from="2020-12-31 20:00:00", tz="UTC") )# 00:00:00 is ommited

## Example 8: Extending hourly data to a DateTime after 'end(x)', 
##            specifying date and time.
##            Time of 'x' is in local time zone (tz="") instead of UTC
dt <- hip("2021-01-01 00:00:00", "2021-01-01 20:00:00", tz="")
x  <- zoo(0:20, dt)
( y  <- izoo2rzoo(x, to="2021-01-02 12:00:00") )

## Example 9: Extending hourly data to a DateTime before 'start(x)'.
##            Note that the 'tz' argument can be ommited in the 'hip' function, 
##            because by default it assumes UTC as time zone
dt <- hip("2021-01-01 00:00:00", "2021-01-01 20:00:00", tz="UTC")
x  <- zoo(0:20, dt)
( y  <- izoo2rzoo(x, from="2020-12-31 20:00:00", tz="UTC") )

## Example 10: Extending hourly data to a date before 'start(x)'. However, hourly 'x'
##            values are given at HH:15:00 hours instead of HH:00:00 hours.

## Loading the time series of hourly streamflows for the station Karamea at Gorge
## Time Zone for 'KarameaAtGorgeQts' data is 'UTC' (see ?KarameaAtGorgeQts), but it will
## be tr4ated as 'NZ' (Zealand Standard Time) for this example
x <- KarameaAtGorgeQts

# Subsetting 'x' to its first day only
# (01/Jan/1980 08:15:00 - 01/Jan/1980 23:15:00)
x <- window(x, end="1980-01-01 23:59:00")

# Adding NA hourly data since 1979-12-31 21:15:00
izoo2rzoo(x, from="1979-12-31 21:15:00", tz="NZ")

hzambran/hydroTSM documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 5:49 p.m.