
Defines functions gmultilabel

GMultiLabel <- setRefClass(
    contains = "GWidgetWithItems",
    fields = list(
        change_handler = "ANY",
        placeholder = "character",
        remove_on_click = "logical",
        only_unique = "logical"
    methods = list(
        initialize = function(toolkit, items, placeholder = "",
                              removeOnClick = FALSE,
                              only_unique = TRUE,
                              handler, action, container, ...) {
            widget <<- if (horizontal) gtkHBox() else gtkVBox()
            block <<- gtkScrolledWindowNew()
            block$setPolicy("GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC", "GTK_POLICY_NEVER")

            gtkContainerSetBorderWidth(widget, 5)

            block$setSizeRequest(-1, 50)

                widgets = list(),
                change_signal = "clicked",
                change_handler = NULL,
                placeholder = placeholder,
                remove_on_click = removeOnClick,
                only_unique = only_unique

            set_items(value = items)
            add_to_parent(container, .self, ...)


        get_value = function(drop = TRUE, ...) {
        set_value = function(value, drop = TRUE, ...) {
        # these don't do anything...
        get_index = function(...) TRUE,
        set_index = function(value, ...) invisible(),
        get_items = function(...) {
            items <- sapply(widgets, function(x) x$get_value())
            stats::setNames(items, NULL)
        set_items = function(value, ...) {
            if (only_unique) value <- unique(value)
            widgets <<- sapply(value, gbutton)
            sapply(widget$getChildren(), gtkContainerRemove, object = widget)
            sapply(widgets, function(x) {
                font(x) <- list(size = 8)
                    object = widget,
                    expand = FALSE,
                    padding = 5

            if (length(widgets) == 0L) {
                lbl <- gtkLabel(placeholder)
                    object = widget,
                    expand = FALSE,
                    padding = 5

            # add click signal handler
            if (remove_on_click) {
                sapply(widgets, addHandlerClicked,
                    handler = function(h, ...) {

            # then update action ...
        add_item = function(value, ...) {
            items <- c(get_items(), value)
        drop_item = function(value, ...) {
            if (is.character(value)) {
                index <- which(sapply(get_items(), function(x) x == value))
            } else {
                index <- as.integer(value)
            if (length(index) == 0L) {

            if (index == 0L || index > length(widgets)) {

            items <- sapply(widgets, function(x) x$get_value())[-index]

        clear = function() {
        get_length = function() length(widgets),
        # hack a change handler ...
        add_handler_changed = function(handler, ...) {
            change_handler <<- handler
        update_handler = function() {
            if (is.null(change_handler)) {
            .self$change_handler(list(obj = .self))
        handler_widget = function() widget

gmultilabel <- function(items, placeholder = "", removeOnClick = FALSE,
                        only_unique = TRUE,
                        horizontal = TRUE, handler = NULL, action = NULL,
                        container = NULL, ...) {
    toolkit <- gWidgets2::guiToolkit()

    if (missing(items)) items <- NULL
    obj <- GMultiLabel$new(
        toolkit, items, placeholder,
        removeOnClick, only_unique,
        horizontal, handler, action, container, ...

    check_return_class(obj, "GMultiLabel")

# # widget displaying a group of tags
# GTags <- setRefClass("GTags",
#     contains = "GGroup",
#     fields = list(
#         placeholder = "ANY",
#         only_unique = "logical",
#         init = "logical"
#     ),
#     methods = list(
#         initialize = function(toolkit = NULL,
#                               items = NULL,
#                               placeholder = NULL,
#                               only_unique = TRUE,
#                               handler = NULL,
#                               action = NULL,
#                               container = NULL,
#                               ...) {
#             initFields(
#                 only_unique = only_unique,
#                 change_signal = "button-press-event",
#                 init = FALSE
#             )
#             on.exit(init <<- TRUE)
#             callSuper(toolkit)

#             add_to_parent(container, .self, ...)
#             set_borderwidth(5)

#             if (!is.null(placeholder)) {
#                 placeholder <<- glabel(placeholder, container = .self)
#                 font(placeholder) <<- list(style = "italic")
#             } else {
#                 placeholder <<- NULL
#             }

#             if (!is.null(items)) {
#                 lapply(items, gtag, container = .self)
#             }

#             handler_id <<- add_handler_changed(handler, action)

#             toggle_placeholder()
#         },
#         add_tag = function(text, ...) {
#             if (only_unique && has_tag(text)) {
#                 return(invisible(FALSE))
#             }

#             gtag(text, container = .self)

#             toggle_placeholder()
#             invoke_change_handler()
#             invisible(TRUE)
#         },
#         has_tag = function(x) {
#             any(sapply(children, function(z) z$get_value() == x))
#         },
#         drop_tag = function(x, ...) {
#             if (is.character(x)) {
#                 index <- which(sapply(children, function(z) z$get_value() == x))
#             } else {
#                 index <- as.integer(x)
#             }
#             if (length(index) == 0L) {
#                 return(invisible(FALSE))
#             }

#             if (index == 0L || index > length(children)) {
#                 return(invisible(FALSE))
#             }
#             tag <- children[[index]]
#             remove_child(tag)

#             toggle_placeholder()
#             invoke_change_handler()
#             invisible(TRUE)
#         },
#         drop_tags = function(x, ...) {
#             sapply(.self$get_value(), .self$drop_tag)
#             invoke_change_handler()
#         },
#         set_value = function(value, index = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) {
#             if (!init) {
#                 return()
#             }
#             blockHandlers(.self)
#             on.exit(unblockHandlers(.self))
#             drop_tags()
#             sapply(value, .self$add_tag)
#             unblockHandlers(.self)
#             invoke_change_handler()
#         },
#         get_value = function(index = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) {
#             sapply(children, function(x) x$get_value())
#         },
#         toggle_placeholder = function() {
#             visible(placeholder) <<- !is.null(placeholder) && length(children) == 1L
#         },
#         handler_widget = function() block, # put on block, not widget
#         add_handler_changed = function(handler, action = NULL, ...) {
#             add_handler_clicked(handler, action = action, ...)
#         },
#         add_handler_clicked = function(handler, action = NULL, ...) {
#             block$addEvents(GdkEventMask["all-events-mask"])
#             add_handler(
#                 block,
#                 "button-press-event",
#                 event_decorator(handler),
#                 action
#             )
#         }
#     )
# )

# gtkTagNew <- function(str) {
#     lbl <- gtkLabel(str)
#     widget <- gtkEventBox()
#     widget$add(lbl)
#     widget$modifyFg(
#         GtkStateType["normal"],
#         "black"
#     )
#     widget$modifyBg(
#         GtkStateType["normal"],
#         "gray90"
#     )
#     lbl$setPadding(6, 3)
#     widget
# }

# # A custom class drawing a label with a background border
# gtags <- function(items, placeholder = NULL, only_unique = TRUE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) {
#     toolkit <- gWidgets2::guiToolkit()

#     if (missing(items)) items <- NULL
#     obj <- GTags$new(toolkit, items, placeholder, only_unique, handler, action, container, ...)

#     check_return_class(obj, "GTags")
#     obj
# }

# GTag <- setRefClass("GTag",
#     contains = "GWidget",
#     methods = list(
#         initialize = function(toolkit = NULL, text = NULL, handler, action, container, ...) {
#             widget <<- gtkLabel(text)
#             block <<- gtkButton()
#             block$add(widget)
#             toolkit <<- toolkit

#             block$modifyFg(
#                 GtkStateType["normal"],
#                 "black"
#             )
#             block$modifyBg(
#                 GtkStateType["normal"],
#                 "gray90"
#             )

#             widget$setPadding(6, 3)

#             initFields(
#                 change_signal = "clicked"
#             )

#             add_to_parent(container, .self, ...)

#             callSuper(toolkit)
#         },
#         get_value = function(index = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...) {
#             widget$getLabel()
#         },
#         handler_widget = function() widget
#     )
# )

# # A custom class drawing a label with a background border
# gtag <- function(text, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) {
#     toolkit <- gWidgets2::guiToolkit()

#     obj <- GTag$new(toolkit, text, handler, action, container, ...)

#     check_return_class(obj, "GTag")
#     obj
# }
iNZightVIT/iNZight documentation built on April 8, 2024, 10:23 a.m.