
# mc.R - DESC
# mse/R//mc.R

# Copyright European Union, 2017
# Author: Iago Mosqueira (EC JRC) <iago.mosqueira@ec.europa.eu>
# Distributed under the terms of the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) V.1.1.

#' Compute number of necessary Monte Carlo runs
#' The `mcN` function implements the simple method of Bukaci et al. (2016) to
#' calculate the number of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations required to obtain
#' results with a given precision level.
#' @references Bukaci, E. Korini, Th., Periku, E., Allkja, S., Sheperi, P. 2016. Number of iterations needed in Monte Carlo Simulation using reliability analysis for tunnel supports.  Int. J. of Eng. Res. and Apps., 6 (6-3): 60-64. <www.ijera.com/papers/Vol6_issue6/Part%20-%203/J0606036064.pdf>
#' @name mcN
#' @rdname mcN
#' @param z Value of Z for a given confidence level for a normally distributed random variable, default is 1.96 for a 95\% CI, *numeric*.
#' @param E The required percentage error of the mean, *numeric*.
#' @param s
#' @param start
#' @param by
#' @examples
#'  data(ple4) 
#'  ssb <- rlnorm(2000, log(ssb(ple4)), 0.5)
#'  itse <- mcN(ssb) 
#'  plot(se~iters, itse, type='l')

setGeneric("mcN", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("mcN"))

setMethod("mcN", signature(x="FLQuant"),
  function(x, E=5, z=1.96, start=100, by=1) {

    i <- dim(x)[6]
    if(i < start)
      stop(paste0("Object does not have enough 'iter', dim(x)[6] = ", i))
    its <- seq(start, i, by=by)

    mciters <- function(x, s, E=5, z=1.96) {  
      ((100 * z * s) / (E * x)) ^ 2

    res <- unlist(lapply(its,
      function(y) mciters(mean(iter(x, seq(1, y))),
        s=var(iter(x, seq(1, y))) ^ 0.5)))

  return(data.frame(iters=its, se=res))
iagomosqueira/mse documentation built on April 24, 2024, 4:35 a.m.