
Defines functions map_ssm.h map_ssm.d map_ssm

Documented in map_ssm

#' Plot estimated track, behavioural states and observations on a map. 
#' Takes a fitted \code{fit_ssm} object and plots the observed (data) and estimated 
#' locations on a map. For the behavioural models (DCRWS, hDCRWS), the estimated
#' locations are coloured according to the posterior mean behavioural state estimates.
#' @param fit an output object from \code{fit_ssm}
#' @param onemap  If TRUE (default) then all estimated tracks are plotted on a single, combined 
#' map, if FALSE then tracks are plotted on separate maps.
#' @return Observed locations are plotted as '+' symbols and estimated locations as filled
#' circles. Individual track id's (for DCRW and DCRWS models) are displayed at the top of 
#' each plot, but only when \code{onemap = FALSE}. The model specified in \code{fit_ssm} is
#' also displayed at the top. Takes advantage of \code{ggplot2} plotting functions.
#' Currently, results from the hierarchical models (hDCRW, hDCRWS) can only be plotted on 
#' a combined map.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(ellie)
#' fit.s <- fitSSM(ellie, model = "DCRWS", tstep = 1, adapt = 100, samples = 100, 
#'               thin = 1, span = 0.1)
#' map_ssm(fit.s, onemap = TRUE)
#' hfit.s <- fit_ssm(ellie, model = "hDCRWS", tstep = 1, adapt = 100, samples = 100, 
#'                 thin = 1, span = 0.1)
#' map_ssm(hfit.s)
#' }
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes ggtitle geom_point scale_colour_gradient2 xlab ylab aes_string
#' @importFrom ggplot2 fortify geom_polygon coord_cartesian
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_polygon
#' @export 

map_ssm <- function(fit, onemap = TRUE) 
  if(!is.null(fit$model)) map_ssm.h(fit, onemap)
  else {
    map_ssm.d(fit, onemap)

map_ssm.d <- function(fit, onemap) {
  countriesHigh <- NULL
  data(countriesHigh, package = "rworldxtra", envir = environment())
  wm <- suppressMessages(fortify(countriesHigh))
  plt <- function(m) {
    xl <- extendrange(m$data$lon, f = 0.1)
    yl <- extendrange(m$data$lat, f = 0.1)
    p <- ggplot() + geom_polygon(data = wm, aes_string(x = "long", y = "lat", group = "group"), 
                                 fill = grey(0.3)) + 
      coord_cartesian(xlim = xl, ylim = yl) + xlab("Longitude") + ylab("Latitude")
    if(!onemap) {
      p <- p + ggtitle(paste(unique(as.character(m$summary$id)), "; ", m$model, sep = ""))
    else if(onemap) {
      p <- p + ggtitle(m$model)
    if(m$model == "DCRWS") {
      p <- p + geom_point(data = m$data, aes_string(x = "lon", y = "lat", group = NULL), 
                          colour = grey(0.7), pch = "+", size = 4) +
        geom_point(data = m$summary, aes_string(x = "lon", y = "lat", group = NULL, colour = "b"), size = 1.25) +
        scale_colour_gradient2(midpoint = 1.5, low = "blue", mid = "white", high = "red")
    else {
      p <- p + geom_point(data = m$data, aes_string(x = "lon", y = "lat", group = NULL), 
                          colour = grey(0.7), pch = "+", size = 4) +
        geom_point(data = m$summary, aes_string(x = "lon", y = "lat", group = NULL), colour = 'dodgerblue', 
                   size = 1.25)
  if(length(fit) == 1) plt(fit[[1]])
  else if(onemap && length(fit) > 1) {
    s <- do.call(rbind, lapply(fit, function(x) x$summary))
    d <- do.call(rbind, lapply(fit, function(x) x$data))
    m <- sapply(fit, function(x) x$model)[1]
    fit <- list(summary = s, data = d, model = m)
  else if(!onemap) {
    lapply(fit, plt)

map_ssm.h <- function(fit, onemap) {
  countriesHigh <- NULL
  data(countriesHigh, package = "rworldxtra", envir = environment())
  wm <- suppressMessages(fortify(countriesHigh))
  xl <- extendrange(fit$data$lon, f = 0.2)
  yl <- extendrange(fit$data$lat, f = 0.2)
  p <- ggplot() + geom_polygon(data = wm, aes_string(x = "long", y = "lat", group = "group"), 
                               fill = grey(0.3)) + 
    coord_cartesian(xlim = xl, ylim = yl) + xlab("Longitude") + ylab("Latitude")
  if(!onemap) {
    p <- p + ggtitle(paste(unique(as.character(fit$summary$id)), "; ", fit$model, sep = ""))
  else if(onemap) {
    p <- p + ggtitle(fit$model)
  if(fit$model == "hDCRWS") {
    p <- p + geom_point(data = fit$data, aes_string(x = "lon", y = "lat", group = NULL), 
                        colour = grey(0.7), pch = "+", size = 4) +
      geom_point(data = fit$summary, aes_string(x = "lon", y = "lat", group = NULL, colour = "b"), size = 1.25) +
      scale_colour_gradient2(midpoint = 1.5, low = "blue", mid = "white", high = "red")
  else {
    p <- p + geom_point(data = fit$data, aes_string(x = "lon", y = "lat", group = NULL), 
                        colour = grey(0.7), pch = "+", size = 4) +
      geom_point(data = fit$summary, aes_string(x = "lon", y = "lat", group = NULL), colour = 'dodgerblue', 
                 size = 1.25)
ianjonsen/bsam documentation built on July 4, 2024, 2:44 p.m.