
Defines functions osar

Documented in osar

##' @title calculate one-step-ahead (prediction) residuals from a `aniMotum` 
##' `ssm` fit
##' @param x a `aniMotum` `ssm` fit object with class `ssm_df`
##' @param method method to calculate prediction residuals 
##' (default is `oneStepGaussianOffMode`; see [TMB::oneStepPredict] for details)
##' @param ... other arguments to [TMB::oneStepPredict]
##' @details One-step-ahead residuals are useful for assessing goodness-of-fit 
##' in latent variable models. This is a wrapper function for [TMB::oneStepPredict]
##' (beta version). `osar` tries the `fullGaussian` (fastest) method first and 
##' falls back to the `oneStepGaussianOffMode` (slower) method for any failures. 
##' Subsequent failures are dropped from the output and a warning message is given. 
##' Note, OSA residuals can take a considerable time to calculate if there are 
##' many individual fits and/or deployments are long. The method is automatically
##' parallelised across 2 x the number of individual fits, up to the number of 
##' processor cores available.
##' @references Thygesen, U. H., C. M. Albertsen, C. W. Berg, K. Kristensen, and 
##' A. Neilsen. 2017. Validation of ecological state space models using the Laplace 
##' approximation. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 24:317–339.
##' @examples
##' # generate a ssm fit object (call is for speed only)
##' xs <- fit_ssm(ellie, spdf=FALSE, model = "rw", time.step=24, control = ssm_control(verbose = 0))
##' res <- osar(xs)
##' @importFrom dplyr select slice mutate bind_rows everything
##' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
##' @importFrom TMB oneStepPredict
##' @export
##' @md

osar <- function(x, method = "fullGaussian", ...)

  map_fn <- function(f, method) {
    oneStepPredict(obj = f$tmb,
                   observation.name = "Y",
                   data.term.indicator = "keep",
                   method = method,
                   subset = which(rep(f$isd, each = 2)),
                   discrete = FALSE,
                   trace = FALSE,

  if(inherits(x, "ssm_df")) {
    if(nrow(x) > 3 & 
       requireNamespace("future", quietly = TRUE) &
       requireNamespace("furrr", quietly = TRUE) &
       requireNamespace("parallelly", quietly = TRUE)
       ) {
    cat("running in parallel, this could take a while...\n")
    cl <- future::makeClusterPSOCK(parallelly::availableCores())
    future::plan("future::cluster", workers = cl)
    r <- x$ssm |>
      furrr::future_map(~ try(map_fn(.x, method), silent = TRUE), 
                 .options = furrr::furrr_options(seed = TRUE))
    } else {
      if(nrow(x) > 3) cat("future and furrr packages not installed for parallel processing, 
                           running sequentially. This could take a while...\n")
      r <- lapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) {
        try(map_fn(x$ssm[[i]], method), silent = TRUE)
  } else {
    stop("a aniMotum ssm fit object with class `ssm_df` is required")
  cr <- sapply(r, function(.) inherits(., "try-error"))

  ## if any try-errors then retry using oneStepGaussianOffMode but preserve successful results
  if (any(cr)) {
    ## re-try on failures
    redo <- x[which(cr), ]
    if(nrow(x) > 3 & 
       requireNamespace("future", quietly = TRUE) &
       requireNamespace("furrr", quietly = TRUE) &
       requireNamespace("parallelly", quietly = TRUE)
    ) {
      cat("running in parallel, this could take a while...\n")
      cl <- future::makeClusterPSOCK(parallelly::availableCores())
      future::plan("future::cluster", workers = cl)
      r.redo <- redo$ssm |>
        furrr::future_map(~ try(map_fn(.x, method = "oneStepGaussianOffMode")), 
                   .options = furrr::furrr_options(seed = TRUE))
    } else {
      if(nrow(x) > 3) cat("future and furrr packages not installed for parallel processing, 
                           running sequentially. This could take a while...\n")
      r.redo <- lapply(1:nrow(redo), function(i) {
        try(map_fn(redo$ssm[[i]], method = "oneStepGaussianOffMode"), silent = TRUE)
    ## check for repeat failures & throw warning but preserve all successful results
    cr.redo <- sapply(r.redo, function(.) inherits(., "try-error"))
    if (any(cr.redo)) {
          "\n failed to calculate OSA residuals for the following individuals: %s \n",
        ), immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE
    r.redo <- r.redo[-which(cr.redo)]  
    ## combine original successes with redo successes
    if(length(r.redo) > 0) r[which(cr)] <- r.redo
    else {
     r <- r[-which(cr)]

  ## return error if no successful results, otherwise return OSA resid object
  if (length(r) == 0) {
    stop("no residuals calculated", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    out <- lapply(1:length(r), function(i) {
      z <- r[[i]] |>
        mutate(id = x$id[i]) |>
        select(id, everything())
      x.z <- z |> slice(seq(1, nrow(z), by = 2))
      y.z <- z |> slice(seq(2, nrow(z), by = 2))
      date <- x$ssm[[i]]$fitted$date
      bind_rows(data.frame(date, x.z), data.frame(date, y.z)) |>
        mutate(coord = rep(c("x", "y"), each = nrow(z) / 2))
    out <- lapply(out, function(x) {
        x[, c("id", "date", "residual", "coord")]
    out <- do.call(rbind, out) |> 

    class(out) <- append("osar", class(out))
ianjonsen/foieGras documentation built on Jan. 17, 2025, 11:15 p.m.