
options(encoding = "UTF-8")
library(vein) # vein
library(sf) # spatial data
library(cptcity) # 7120 colour palettes
library(ggplot2) # plots
library(eixport) # WRF Chem
library(data.table) # blasting speed

# 0 Configuration
language <- "portuguese" # english spanish
path <- "config/inventory.xlsx"
readxl::excel_sheets(path) # For libre office, readODS::read_ods()
metadata <- readxl::read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "metadata")
mileage <- readxl::read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "mileage")
tfs <- readxl::read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "tfs")
veh <- readxl::read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "fleet_age")
fuel <- readxl::read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "fuel")
met <- readxl::read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "met")
year <- 2020
month <- 3
theme <- "black" # dark clean ink
scale <- "tunnel2018"
delete_directories <- TRUE
source("config/config.R", encoding = "UTF-8")

# 1) Network ####
language <- "portuguese" # english spanish
net <- sf::st_read("network/net.gpkg")
crs <- 4326
tit <- "Fluxo veicular [veh/h] em São Paulo"
categories <- c("pc", "lcv", "trucks", "bus", "mc") # in network/net.gpkg
source("scripts/net.R", encoding = "UTF-8")
# source("scripts/net_github_actions.R", encoding = "UTF-8")

# 2) Traffic ####
# to improve your inventory, improve your input data
language <- "portuguese" # english spanish
net <- st_read("network/net.gpkg")
metadata <- readRDS("config/metadata.rds")
categories <- c("pc", "lcv", "trucks", "bus", "mc") # in network/net.gpkg
veh <- readRDS("config/fleet_age.rds")
verbose <- FALSE
year <- 2020
theme <- "black" # dark clean ink
survival <- TRUE
source("scripts/traffic.R", encoding = "UTF-8")

# 3) Estimation ####
language <- "portuguese" # english spanish
metadata <- readRDS("config/metadata.rds")
mileage <- readRDS("config/mileage.rds")
tfs <- readRDS("config/tfs.rds")
veh <- readRDS("config/fleet_age.rds")
met <- readRDS("config/met.rds")
net <- readRDS("network/net.rds")
lkm <- net$lkm
scale <- "tunnel2018"
verbose <- FALSE
year <- 2020

# Fuel eval
language <- "portuguese" # english spanish
fuel <- readRDS("config/fuel.rds")
pol <- "FC"
source("scripts/fuel_eval.R", encoding = "UTF-8")

# Exhaust
language <- "english" # english spanish
pol <- c(
    "ETOH", "CO", "NMHC",
    "PM", "NO2", "NO", "SO2", "NH3"
# for a comprehensive estimation, uncomment the following lines
# pol <- c(
#    "ETOH", "CO", "HC", "NMHC", "NOx", "CO2",
#    "PM", "NO2", "NO", "SO2", "CH4", "NH3", "CH4", "N2O"
# )

scale <- "tunnel2018"
source("scripts/exhaust.R", encoding = "UTF-8")

# Evaporatives
source("scripts/evaporatives.R", encoding = "UTF-8")

# ressuspensao gera PM e PM10
language <- "portuguese" # english spanish
metadata <- readRDS("config/metadata.rds")
mileage <- readRDS("config/mileage.rds")
tfs <- readRDS("config/tfs.rds")
net <- readRDS("network/net.rds")
veh <- readRDS("config/fleet_age.rds")
lkm <- net$lkm
tf_PC <- tfs$PC_G
tf_LCV <- tfs$LCV_G
tf_BUS <- tfs$BUS_URBAN_D
tf_MC <- tfs$MC_150_G
sL1 <- 2.4 # silt [g/m^2] se ADT < 500 (CENMA CHILE) i
sL2 <- 0.7 # silt [g/m^2] se 500 < ADT < 5000 (CENMA CHILE)
sL3 <- 0.6 # silt [g/m^2] se 5000 < ADT < 10000 (CENMA CHILE)
sL4 <- 0.3 # silt [g/m^2] se ADT > 10000 (CENMA CHILE)
source("scripts/pavedroads.R", encoding = "UTF-8")

# 4) Post-estimation ####
language <- "portuguese" # english spanish
net <- readRDS("network/net.rds")
tfs <- readRDS("config/tfs.rds")
# pol <- c(
#    "ETOH",
#    "CO", "HC", "NOx", "CO2", "SO2",
#    "N2O", "CH4", "NH3",
#    "PM", "PM10",
#    "NO2", "NO",
#    "D_NMHC", "G_NMHC", "E_NMHC",
#    "G_EVAP_01", "E_EVAP_01"
# )
pol <- c(
    "CO", "SO2",
    "PM", "PM10",
    "NO2", "NO",
    "D_NMHC", "G_NMHC", "E_NMHC",
    "G_EVAP_01", "E_EVAP_01"
# Month October
g <- eixport::wrf_grid("wrf/wrfinput_d02")
# Number of lat points 48
# Number of lon points 60
crs <- 3857
source("scripts/post.R", encoding = "UTF-8")

# plots ####
language <- "portuguese" # english spanish
metadata <- readRDS("config/metadata.rds")
tfs <- readRDS("config/tfs.rds")
veh <- readRDS("config/fleet_age.rds")
pol <- c("CO", "NO")
hours <- 8
bg <- "white"
pal <- "mpl_viridis" # procura mais paletas com ?cptcity::find_cpt
breaks <- "quantile" # "sd" "quantile" "pretty"
tit <- "Emissões veiculares em São Paulo"

# MECH ####
# Needs post/grids/ETOH.rds
# mechs <- c("CBMZ", "CB05", "S99", "RADM2")
mechs <- c("CBMZ")
for (z in seq_along(mechs)) {
    language <- "english" # english spanish
    net <- readRDS("network/net.rds")
    evap <- c("G_EVAP_01", "E_EVAP_01")
    g <- eixport::wrf_grid("wrf/wrfinput_d02")
    # Number of lat points 51
    # Number of lon points 60
    pol <- c("CO", "NO", "NO2", "SO2", "NH3")
    mol <- c(12, 14 + 16, 14 + 16 * 2, 32 + 16 * 2, 14 + 3)
    aer <- "pmneu2" # pmiag, pmneu
    # mech <- "iag" # iag_cb05v2, neu_cb05, iag_racm
    # source("scripts/mech.R", encoding = "UTF-8")
    mech <- mechs[z] # "CB4", "CB05", "S99", "S7","CS7", "S7T", "S11", "S11D","S16C","S18B","RADM2", "RACM2","MOZT1" "CBMZ"^
    source("scripts/mech2.R", encoding = "UTF-8")

# WRF CHEM ####
# mechs <- c("CBMZ", "S99", "RADM2", "CB05")
mechs <- c("CBMZ")

for (z in seq_along(mechs)) {
    mech <- mechs[z]
    language <- "english" # english spanish
    tfs <- readRDS("config/tfs.rds")
    wrf_times <- 673 # nrow(tfs)
    net <- readRDS("network/net.rds")
    cols <- 51
    rows <- 63
    dir_wrfinput <- "wrf"
    dir_wrfchemi <- "wrf"
    domain <- 2
    hours <- 0
    io_style_emissions <- 2 # 2 for all the hours, 1 for two emission files 0-12z
    n_aero <- 15 # number of PM species
    rotate <- "cols" # see ?GriddedEmissionsArray
    # radm2 and racm2 would not include ETOH. Then, ETOH emissions (mol) is added in HC3
    # if mech is CB05, CBMZ or MOZT1, ETOH is renamed to C2H5OH
    # CB05 works con ETOH, si se usa opt2 en wrf emis_opt$ecb05_opt2[order(emis_opt$ecb05_opt2)]

    source("scripts/wrf.R", encoding = "UTF-8")

# if domain 1 is available
# mechs <- c("CBMZ", "S99", "RADM2", "CB05")
# mechs <- c("CBMZ")
# for (z in seq_along(mechs)) {
#     print(mechs[z])
#     mech <- mechs[z]
#     language <- "english" # english spanish
#     wrf_times <- 673 # nrow(tfs)
#     dir_wrfinput <- "../wrfinputs/"
#     dir_wrfchemi <- "wrf"
#     domain <- 1
#     hours <- 0
#     dir_mech <- paste0("post/", mechs[z])
#     lf <- list.files(path = dir_mech, pattern = ".rds", full.names = TRUE)
#     na <- list.files(path = dir_mech, pattern = ".rds", full.names = F)
#     emis_option <- na <- gsub(".rds", "", na)
#     if (mech %in% c("MOZT1", "CBMZ")) {
#         emis_option <- ifelse(emis_option == "E_ETOH", "E_C2H5OH", emis_option)
#         na <- ifelse(na == "E_ETOH", "E_C2H5OH", na)
#     }
#     wrfc <- wrf_create(
#         wrfinput_dir = dir_wrfinput,
#         wrfchemi_dir = paste0("wrf/", mechs[z]),
#         io_style_emissions = io_style_emissions,
#         domains = domain,
#         frames_per_auxinput5 = wrf_times,
#         auxinput5_interval_m = 60,
#         variables = emis_option,
#         separator = "_",
#         verbose = TRUE,
#         return_fn = TRUE
#     )
# }
ibarraespinosa/vein documentation built on April 13, 2024, 8:51 p.m.