aerial_image | A 1 m resolution aerial image. |
airmasscoef | Calculates the airmass coefficient |
albedo | Calculates surface albedo |
albedo2 | Partitions surface albedo between ground and canopy albedo |
albedo_adjust | Adjusts albedo to correct for image brightness and contrast |
albedo_reflected | Calculates the mean albedo of surfaces surrounding each... |
arrayspline | Applies a spline function to an array of values |
basindelin | Delineates hydrological or cold-air drainage basins |
basins100m | A wrapped SpatRaster of basins numbered as integers |
cadconditions | Calculates whether conditions are right for cold air drainage |
canopy | Calculates canopy cover |
cfc | A 0.05º resolution dataset of hourly fractional cloud cover |
clearskyrad | calculates clearsky radiation |
cloudfromrad | calculates cloud cover form shortwave radiation |
coastalNCEP | Calculates coastal effects from NCEP data |
coastalTps | Calculates coastal effects using thin-plate spline |
dailyprecipNCEP | Obtain daily precipitation from NCEP |
demworld | A 1.875 (long) by 1.904129(lat) resolution dataset of... |
difprop | Calculates the diffuse fraction from incoming shortwave... |
difrad | A 0.05º resolution dataset of hourly diffuse radiation |
dnirad | A 0.05º resolution dataset of hourly direct radiation normal... |
dot-basindelinCpp | Wrapper for C++ function |
dot-cadconditions2 | Cold air drainage direct from emissivity |
dot-difprop2 | Calculates the diffuse fraction from incoming shortwave... |
dot-emissivity | calculates emmisivity from humidity etc |
dot-fitsoil | Derives parameters for fitting soil temperatures |
dot-get_sst | Downloads sea-surface temperature data | | Calculates coastal exposure automatically |
dot-pointradwind | get radiation and wind for use with NicheMapR |
dot-propmaxrad | derived proportion of maximum radiation |
dot-rast | Create SpatRaster object using a template |
dot-shortwave.ts | get shortwave radiation (time series) |
dot-solarday | derived fraction of solar day |
dtm100m | A 100 m resolution wrapped SpatRaster object of elevation for... |
dtm1km | A 1 km resolution wrapped SpatRaster object of elevation for... |
dtm1m | A 1 m resolution wrapped SpatRaster object of elevation for... |
dtr | A 1 km resolution dataset of diurnal temperature ranges |
fitmicro | Fits micro- or mesoclimate model |
flowacc | Calculates accumulated flow |
get_dem | Gets raster of elevations |
get_NCEP | Obtains NCEP data required to run microclima |
globalclimate | A dataset of global climate variables |
habitats | A table of habitat types |
horizonangle | Calculates the tangent of the horizon angle |
hourlyNCEP | Interpolate NCEP data for running microclima to hourly |
hourlytemp | Derives hourly temperatures from daily data |
humidityconvert | Converts between different measures of humidity |
huss | A 1 km resolution dataset of interpolated daily specific... |
if_raster | Flexible conversion to SpatRaster object |
invls | Calculates land to sea ratio in upwind direction |
invls_calc | invls_calc |
is_raster | Checks whether object is a SpatRaster and returns a matrix if... |
julday | Calculates the astronomical Julian day |
lai | Calculates Leaf Area Index |
lai_adjust | Calculates Leaf Area Index for specified height above ground |
laifromhabitat | Derives leaf area index, leaf geometry and canopy height from... |
landsearatios | Inverse-distance weighted land-sea ratios in 36 directions |
lapserate | Calculates the moist adiabatic lapse rate |
latlongfromraster | Derives latitude and longitude of centre of SpatRaster object |
leaf_geometry | Calculates leaf orientation |
longwavetopo | calculates net longwave radiation above canopy |
longwaveveg | Calculates net longwave radiation below canopy |
mean_slope | Calculates the mean slope to the horizon |
mesofitdata | 2010 Data for fitting mesoclimate model. |
microclimaforNMR | Extract NCEP data and run microclima for use with NicheMapR |
microfitdata | May 2010 Data for fitting microclimate model. |
microvars | Climate variables for May 2010. |
modis | A ~500 m resolution dataset of MODIS-derived albedo values |
netlong100m | A 100 m resolution matrix of net longwave radiation |
netlong1m | A one metre resolution matrix of net longwave radiation |
netshort100m | A 100 metre resolution matrix of net shortwave radiation |
netshort1m | A one metre resolution matrix of net shortwave radiation |
pcad | Calculates cold air drainage potential |
pres | A 1 km resolution dataset of interpolated daily sea-level... |
runauto | Function for automatically generating microclimate surfaces... |
runmicro | Runs micro- or mesoclimate model |
shortwavetopo | Downscales shortwave radiation accounting for topographic... |
shortwaveveg | Downscales net shortwave radiation accounting for topography... |
siflat | Calculates the solar index for a flat surface |
skyviewtopo | calculates the proportion of sky in view |
skyviewveg | Calculates a sky view correction factor underneath vegetation |
solalt | Calculates the solar altitude |
solarindex | Calculates the solar index |
solartime | Calculates the solar time |
solazi | Calculates the solar azimuth |
suntimes | Calculates sunrise, sunset and daylength |
tas | A 1km resolution dataset of daily sea-level temperature |
temp100 | A 100 m resolution array of hourly reference temperatures. |
veg_hgt | A 1 m resolution SpatRaster object of vegetation height. |
wind1m | A one metre resolution matrix of windspeed |
wind2010 | Six-hourly wind speed at 10 m for 2010. |
windcoef | Calculates wind shelter coefficient |
windheight | Applies height correction to wind speed measurements |
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