vis_public_clonotypes: Visualisation of public clonotypes

View source: R/vis.R

vis_public_clonotypesR Documentation

Visualisation of public clonotypes


Visualise correlation of public clonotype frequencies in pairs of repertoires.


  .x.rep = NA,
  .y.rep = NA,
  .title = NA,
  .ncol = 3,
  .point.size.modif = 1,
  .cut.axes = TRUE,
  .density = TRUE,
  .lm = TRUE,
  .radj.size = 3.5



Public repertoire data - an output from the pubRep function.


Either indices of samples or character vector of sample names for the x-axis. Must be of the same length as ".y.rep".


Either indices of samples or character vector of sample names for the y-axis. Must be of the same length as ".x.rep".


The text for the title of the plot.


An integer number of columns to print in the grid of pairs of repertoires.


An integer value that is a modifier of the point size. The larger the number, the larger the points.


If TRUE then axes limits become shorter.


If TRUE then displays density plot for distributions of clonotypes for each sample. If FALSE then removes density plot from the visualisation.


If TRUE then fit a linear model and displays an R adjusted coefficient that shows how similar samples are in terms of shared clonotypes.


An integer value, that defines the size of the The text for the R adjusted coefficient.


A ggplot2 object.

See Also

pubRep, vis.immunr_public_repertoire


pr <- pubRep(immdata$data, .verbose = FALSE)
vis(pr, "clonotypes", 1, 2)

immunomind/immunarch documentation built on March 20, 2024, 12:01 p.m.