
Defines functions duplicateCol duplicateRow

Documented in duplicateCol duplicateRow

#' Duplicates elements of a data frame
#' Duplicates rows and columns of a given a data frame.
#' @param x a data frame.
#' @param id.el identity of the elements to be duplicated.
#' @param times number of times elements are duplicated. Could be a vector of the same length as `id.el`.
#' @param append A logical. If `TRUE`, duplicated elements will be appended to the data frame otherwise duplicated elements remain next to their parent. Non-existing columns cannot be duplicated while non-existing rows can and produce `NA`.
#' @returns returns a data frame with duplicated rows.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(iris, package = "datasets")
#' iris2 <- duplicateRow(iris, id.el = 1:50, times = 2)
#' iris3 <- duplicateCol(
#' iris,
#' id.el = c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"),
#' times = c(1, 2),
#' append = TRUE)
duplicateRow <- function(x, id.el = 1, times = 1, append = FALSE) {
    pos <- sort(rep(id.el, times))
    if (inherits(pos, "character")) {
        ord <- c(rownames(x), pos)
    } else {
        ord <- c(seq_len(nrow(x)), pos)
    if (!append) {
        ord <- sort(ord)
    x[ord, ]

#' @describeIn duplicateRow returns a data frame with duplicated columns.
#' @export
duplicateCol <- function(x, id.el = 1, times = 1, append = FALSE) {
    pos <- sort(rep(id.el, times))
    if (inherits(pos, "character")) {
        ord <- c(colnames(x), pos)
    } else {
        ord <- c(seq_len(ncol(x)), pos)
    if (!append) {
        ord <- sort(ord)
    x[, ord]
inSileco/inSilecoMisc documentation built on Sept. 14, 2022, 5:44 a.m.