Man pages for inbo/INBOmd
Markdown Templates for INBO

add_authorAdd an author to the a report
add_report_numbersAdd the report numbers to a bookdown report
blocksInsert a markdown block These functions will add template...
check_dependenciesCheck if the required dependencies of INBOmd are installed...
column_startCalculate the starting position of an A0 column
column_widthCalculate the width of an A0 column
cover_infoCreate a cover.txt from the YAML header
create_reportCreate a template for an INBOmd bookdown report
deprecatedDeprecated functions
dyn_tableUse a different table style depending on the output format
epub_bookStyle for e-book
gitbookOutput format for a web version of the report
handoutsUse the handout version of slides with the INBO theme
minutesCreate a minutes of a meeting with the INBO corporate...
missionCreate a mission report with the INBO corporate identity
pdf_reportCreate a report with the Flemish corporate identity
posterCreate a poster with the INBO theme version 2015
referencesInsert references at this position
render_natbibRender a Markdown file with 'natbib' bibliography
slidespdf slides with an INBO or Flanders theme
validate_doivalidate a DOI
inbo/INBOmd documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 5:58 p.m.