slides: pdf slides with an INBO or Flanders theme

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slidesR Documentation

pdf slides with an INBO or Flanders theme


Returns an output format for bookdown::render_book().


slides(toc = TRUE, ...)



display a table of content after the title slide


currently ignored

Available YAML headers options shared among output formats

  • title: the main title

  • subtitle: the optional subtitle

  • author: the authors formatted as indicated in the section below.

  • flandersfont: if set to TRUE, use the Flanders Art Sans font. When not set, or set to FALSE or empty, use the Calibri font.

  • style: Defaults to "INBO" when missing.

    • "INBO" for the INBO style.

    • "Vlaanderen" for the generic style of the Flemish Government in Dutch.

    • "Flanders" for the generic style of the Flemish Government in a language other than Dutch.

  • lang: the main language of the document as RFC 5646 tags. style "INBO" and "Vlaanderen" require "nl" as lang. style "Flanders" uses "en" as default and can use other languages (but not "nl").

    • "nl" for Dutch

    • "en" for English

    • "fr" for French

  • codesize: Relative size of R code compared to normal text. Defaults to "footnotesize". All options going from large to small are: "normalsize", "small", "footnotesize", "scriptsize", "tiny". "normalsize" implies the same size as normal text.

Formatting author information

Quotes are required when a part contains spaces. If the author doesn't have an ORCID, you can omit that line. However, note that the INBO policy is that all scientific personnel is required to obtain an ORCID from Add corresponding: true to the corresponding author.

  - name:
     given: "Authors first name"
     family: "Authors last name"
    email: ""
    orcid: 0000-0002-1825-0097
    corresponding: true

Available YAML headers options specific for slides

  • location: optional text placed on the title slide below the (sub)title.

  • institute: optional text placed on the title slide below the author.

  • toc: add a slide with the table of content. Defaults to TRUE.

  • toc_name: slide title for the table of content. Defaults to Overzicht when missing.

  • cover_photo: the relative path to the image you want on the cover. When missing, you get a default picture.

  • cover_horizontal: When omitted, scale the cover_photo so that it covers the full page vertically. When set to any value but FALSE or empty, scale the cover_photo so that it covers the full page horizontally.

  • cover_offset: A measurement like ⁠8mm⁠ or ⁠-1.5cm⁠. Positive values move the cover_photo upwards on the title slide. Negative values move the cover_photo downwards.

  • cover_hoffset: Similar as cover_offset but moves cover_photo horizontally. Positive values move it to the right, negative values to the left.

  • aspect: the required aspect ratio for the slides. Defaults to "16:9". See the section below for a list of the available aspect ratios.

  • fontsize: Size of the normal text on the slides. Other elements are scaled accordingly. Defaults to "11pt". See the section Aspect_ratio for more details.

  • website: URL in the sidebar. Defaults to

Aspect ratio

The table below lists the available aspect ratios and their "paper size". The main advantage of using a small “paper size” is that you can use all your normal fonts at their natural sizes. E.g. an 11pt font on a slide is as readable as an 11pt font on a A4 paper.

aspect ratio width height
16:9 1.78 160.0 mm 90 mm
16:10 1.60 160.0 mm 100 mm
14:9 1.56 140.0 mm 90 mm
3:2 1.50 135.0 mm 90 mm
1.4:1 1.41 148.5 mm 105 mm
4:3 1.33 128.0 mm 96 mm
5:4 1.25 125.0 mm 100 mm

See Also

Other output: epub_book(), gitbook(), handouts(), minutes(), mission(), pdf_report(), poster()

inbo/INBOmd documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 5:58 p.m.