gitbook: Output format for a web version of the report

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gitbookR Documentation

Output format for a web version of the report


A version of bookdown::gitbook() with a different styling.


gitbook(code_folding = c("none", "show", "hide"))



Enable document readers to toggle the display of R code chunks. Specify "none" to display all code chunks. Specify "hide" or "show" to hide or show all R code chunks by default, and let readers toggle the states on browsers. See the Code folding

Available YAML headers options shared among output formats

  • title: the main title

  • subtitle: the optional subtitle

  • author: the authors formatted as indicated in the section below.

  • flandersfont: if set to TRUE, use the Flanders Art Sans font. When not set, or set to FALSE or empty, use the Calibri font.

  • style: Defaults to "INBO" when missing.

    • "INBO" for the INBO style.

    • "Vlaanderen" for the generic style of the Flemish Government in Dutch.

    • "Flanders" for the generic style of the Flemish Government in a language other than Dutch.

  • lang: the main language of the document as RFC 5646 tags. style "INBO" and "Vlaanderen" require "nl" as lang. style "Flanders" uses "en" as default and can use other languages (but not "nl").

    • "nl" for Dutch

    • "en" for English

    • "fr" for French

  • codesize: Relative size of R code compared to normal text. Defaults to "footnotesize". All options going from large to small are: "normalsize", "small", "footnotesize", "scriptsize", "tiny". "normalsize" implies the same size as normal text.

Formatting author information

Quotes are required when a part contains spaces. If the author doesn't have an ORCID, you can omit that line. However, note that the INBO policy is that all scientific personnel is required to obtain an ORCID from Add corresponding: true to the corresponding author.

  - name:
     given: "Authors first name"
     family: "Authors last name"
    email: ""
    orcid: 0000-0002-1825-0097
    corresponding: true

Available YAML headers options specific for reports

Bold items are required when creating a public report. Omitting them results in an ugly warning in the rendered document. This is deliberate done so you can prepare the document without adding the information. But the ugly warnings nudges you to add the required information before publication.

  • public_report: A logical value indicating whether the report will be published or not. Setting public_report: FALSE will alter the colophon. Omitting public_report is equivalent to public_report: TRUE. An internal report can't have a DOI. Setting a DOI is equivalent to public_report: TRUE.

  • reviewer: names of the reviewers. Use the same syntax as for the authors.

  • year: year of publication. Used in the same places as shortauthor.

  • cover_photo: the relative path to the image you want on the cover.

  • cover_description: Description of the cover photo, including information on the author of the picture and license information.

  • cover the relative path to a pdf with the cover provided by the graphical designer. The first page of this pdf will be prepended to the pdf version of the report. It becomes the title page in the web and e-book version of the report. And also shows as a thumbnail in the floating table of content in the web version.

  • doi: the Digital Object Identifier of the report. Used in conjunction with shortauthor and year.

  • reportnr: Report number assigned by the INBO library.

  • ordernr: Optional reference number specified by the client.

  • depotnr: Report number assigned by the INBO library.

  • client: Optionally the name, address and website of the client.

  • client_logo: Optionally the logo of the client. Only used when client is set.

  • cooperation: Optionally the name, address and website of the organisation you collaborated with.

  • cooperation_logo: Optionally the logo of the collaborator. Only used when cooperation is set.

  • geraardsbergen: Set this to TRUE to add the address of INBO Geraardsbergen to the colophon. If not set or set to FALSE add the address of INBO Brussels.

  • watermark: an optional text to display as a watermark on the pdf or html. Note that omitting any of the required element will automatically generate a watermark with the text "DRAFT". Fill all required fields to get ride of this automatic watermark.

Available YAML headers options specific for gitbook

  • github-repo: You can optionally set the github repo in organisation/repository format (e.g. inbo/INBOmd). This will add an 'edit' button to the source file on GitHub. Note that only people with write access can edit the files directly in the repository. Others can only edit the source code in a fork of the repository and suggest the changes through a pull request.

  • split_by: How to name the HTML output files from the book:

    • chapter+number means split the file by the first-level headers;

    • section+number means the second-level headers. For chapter+number and section+number, the HTML file names will be determined by the header ID's, e.g. the file name for the first chapter with a chapter title # Introduction will be ‘1-introduction.html’. Note that you need to place at least one level 1 heading in index.Rmd. Otherwise you don't get an index.html file.

See Also

Other output: epub_book(), handouts(), minutes(), mission(), pdf_report(), poster(), slides()

inbo/INBOmd documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 5:58 p.m.