
Defines functions write_camtrapdp

Documented in write_camtrapdp

#' Write a Camera Trap Data Package to disk
#' Writes a Camera Trap Data Package and its related Data Resources to disk as a
#' `datapackage.json` and CSV files.
#' @inheritParams print.camtrapdp
#' @param directory Path to local directory to write files to.
#' @param ... Further arguments, passed to [frictionless::write_package()]
#'   (e.g. `compress = TRUE`).
#' @return `datapackage.json` and CSV files written to disk.
#' @family write functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- example_dataset()
#' # Filter (and therefore change) the dataset
#' x <- filter_deployments(x, deploymentID == "00a2c20d")
#' # Write the Camera Trap Data Package to disk
#' write_camtrapdp(x, directory = "my_directory")
#' # Check files
#' list.files("my_directory")
#' # Clean up (don't do this if you want to keep your files)
#' unlink("my_directory", recursive = TRUE)
write_camtrapdp <- function(x, directory, ...) {

  # Remove columns and duplicates that were added by read_camtrapdp()
  media(x) <-
    media(x) %>%
    dplyr::select(-"eventID") %>%
  # Do not use assign function for observations because it would update
  # x$taxonomic without the "taxon."-terms
  x$data$observations <-
    observations(x) %>%

  # Update resources
  resource_names <- c("deployments", "media", "observations")
  for (resource_name in resource_names) {
    schema <- purrr::keep(x$resources, ~ .x$name == resource_name)[[1]]$schema
    x <- frictionless::add_resource(
      resource_name = resource_name,
      data = x$data[[resource_name]],
      schema = ,
      replace = TRUE,
    # Hack to circumvent that add_resource() adds schema verbosely
    resource_index <- purrr::detect_index(x$resources, ~ .x$name == resource_name)
    x$resources[[resource_index]]$schema <- schema

  # Remove data
  x$data <- NULL

  # Remove NA values in x$taxonomic to avoid validation error in frictionless
  x$taxonomic <- purrr::map(x$taxonomic, ~ .x[!is.na(.x)])

  # Write files
  frictionless::write_package(x, directory, ...)

  # Return NULL rather than x, since x is no longer a valid camtrapdp object
inbo/camtrapdp documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 3:31 a.m.