  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


ohchibi is a library with functions I recurrently utilize to analyze community data, phylogenomic and pangenome matrices. There are two types of function in the ohchibi package.

The functions oh perform a myriad of analyses and create structued suited for plotting.

The functions chibi take the structure output by its corresponding oh function and create a plot to visualize the results.


You can install the ohchibi package using the devtools library


Example dataset

We will utilize the syncom dataset to show the usage of the main functions in this package.


Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA)

#Define Bray Curtis as the dissimilarity
distfun <- function(x,method) vegan::vegdist(x = x, method = "bray")

#Run the oh.pco function
mpco <- oh.pco(Tab = Dat$Tab %>% t, Map = Dat$Map,
       distfun = distfun,id_var = "ID_Matrix")

#Plot the results using chibi.pco
p_pco <- chibi.pco(list_ohpco = mpco,
          col_val = "Fraction",size = 8,alpha = 1,size_panel_border = 2)


Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA)

#Use vegan adonis function to compute permanova
Tab_bray <- distfun(t(Dat$Tab))
mypermanova <- adonis(Tab_bray ~  Fraction + Phosphate,
                      data = Dat$Map,strata = Dat$Map$Rep,
                      permutations = 999)


#Plot the results using chibi.permanova
p_perm <- chibi.permanova(mypermanova = mypermanova)

Combining figures

We can usee the ggarrange function in the egg package to combine multiple panels

a <- p_perm$p + theme(legend.position = "none")
b <- p_pco + theme(legend.position = "none")
egg::ggarrange(a,b,nrow = 1,widths = c(0.05,1))

Constrained analysis of principal coordinates (CAP)

#Run the oh.cap function
Dat_sub <- Dat %>% subset.Dataset(Fraction == "Root",drop = T,clean = T)
mcap <- oh.cap(Tab = Dat_sub$Tab, Map = Dat_sub$Map,
                  formula = "Phosphate + Condition(Rep)",
                  distfun = distfun,perms = 9999)

#Plot the results using chibi.cap
chibi.cap(list_ohpco = mcap,comp_a = "CAP1",comp_b = "CAP2",
          col_val = "Phosphate",size = 8,alpha = 1,size_panel_border = 2)

Bargraphs of taxonomy (Phylogram)

#Collapse taxonomy to the phylum level
Dat_phyla <- Dat %>% collapse_by_taxonomy.Dataset(Dat = .,level = 3)

res <- chibi.phylogram(Tab = Dat_phyla$Tab,Map = Dat_phyla$Map,
                       facet_formula = "Fraction",
                       size_ticks_x = 0,size_strip_text = 35,size_axis_text = 25,
                       legend_proportion_size = 0.5,,size_legend_text = 30,
                  size_axis_title = 0,font_family = "Arial",size_title_text = 35)

The chibi.phylogram function creates two graphs, one with the raw values (raw) and one with average measurements (mean). The way the average is computed is dependent on the facet_formula argument.

res$p_raw + theme(legend.position = "none")
res$p_mean + theme(legend.position = "none")

We can change the structure of the figure by adding terms to the facet_formula

res <- chibi.phylogram(Tab = Dat_phyla$Tab,Map = Dat_phyla$Map,
                       facet_formula = "Fraction+Phosphate",
                       size_ticks_x = 0,size_strip_text = 35,size_axis_text = 25,
                       legend_proportion_size = 0.5,,size_legend_text = 30,
                  size_axis_title = 0,font_family = "Arial",size_title_text = 35)

res$p_raw + theme(legend.position = "none",
                  strip.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,size = 5,vjust = 0.5,hjust = 1))
res$p_mean + theme(legend.position = "none",
                   strip.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,size = 5,vjust = 0.5,hjust = 1))

isaisg/ohchibi documentation built on Nov. 27, 2021, 3:02 a.m.