
#' Class CTDdata
#' Class resulting of \code{\link{query_ctd_gene}},
#' \code{\link{query_ctd_chem}} and \code{\link{query_ctd_dise}}. It is used
#' to encapsulate all the information in \emph{CTDbase} for given set of genes,
#' chemicals or diseases.
#' @details
#' \code{CTDdata} objects provides with a summarized representation of the
#' downloaded data obtained from the standard \code{show} method. For instance,
#' a \code{CTDdata} created using \code{query_ctd_chem} shows: \cr\cr
#' \code{Object of class 'CTDdata'} \cr
#' \code{-------------------------} \cr
#' \code{ . Type: CHEMICAL } \cr
#' \code{ . Creation (timestamp): 2018-03-13 13:11:50 } \cr
#' \code{ . Length: 2 } \cr
#' \code{ . Items: IRON, ..., AIR POLLUTANTS } \cr
#' \code{ . Diseases: 1755 ( 203 / 3322 ) } \cr
#' \code{ . Chemical-gene interactions: 2070 ( 2799 ) } \cr
#' \code{ . KEGG pathways: 637 ( 637 ) } \cr
#' \code{ . GO terms: 3641 ( 3641 ) } \cr\cr
#' The information shows corresponds to:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Type: Indicates the source (chemical, gene or disease) used
#'   to create the object.
#'   \item Creation: Shows the time-stamp from the creation time.
#'   \item Length: Shows the number of terms used to create the object.
#'   \item Items: Shows some of the terms used to create the object.
#'   \item Diseases: Corresponds to the unique number of
#'   diseases obtained in the query. In parenthesis: number of curated
#'   chemical-diseases and total number of chemical-diseases association.
#'   \item Chemical-gene interactions: Indicates the unique number of
#'   chemical-gene interactions. In parenthesis the total number of
#'   chemical-gene interactions.
#'   \item KEGG pathways: Shows the unique number of KEGG pathway versus
#'   chemical associations. In parenthesis the total number of associations.
#'   \item GO terms: Shows the unique number of GO terms versus
#'   chemical associations. In parenthesis the total number of associations.
#' }
#' \code{CTDdata} objects allows many types of representation according to the
#' different sources (chemical, gene or disease). The used method is
#' \code{plot}, matching the argument \code{x} with a \code{CTDdata} object. The
#' argument \code{index_name} indicates the type of plot to be draw. The
#' default value of \code{index_name} is \code{"base"}.
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{"base"}: shows a bar-plot indicating the number of lost &
#'    found terms for the given object.
#' }
#' For \emph{gene} queries, \code{index_name} can take values:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{"disease"}: (argument \code{representation} must be
#'    \code{"heatmap"}) shows shows the inference score that associates the
#'    given genes with diseases according to CTDbase.
#'    \item \code{"chemical interactions"}: (argument \code{representation}
#'    must be \code{"heatmap"}) shows the number of reference that cites the
#'    association between the given genes and chemicals.
#'    \item \code{"gene-gene interaction"}: (argument \code{representation}
#'    can be \code{"network"} and \code{"heatmap"}) in the network
#'    representation teh original genes are dark-colored while the other genes
#'    are light-colored. Both plots allows to to explore the gene-gene
#'    interactions.
#'    \item \code{"kegg pathways"}: (argument \code{representation} must be
#'    \code{"network"}) shows the linked between genes and KEGG pathways.
#'    \item \code{"go terms"}: (argument \code{representation} must be
#'    \code{"network"}) shows the links between genes and GO terms.
#' }
#' For \emph{chemical} queries, \code{index_name} can take values:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{"gene interactions"}: (argument \code{representation}
#'    can be \code{"network"} and \code{"heatmap"}) shows the gene-chemical
#'    interactions. Network representation includes the "mechanism" of the
#'    interactions.
#'    \item \code{"disease"}: (argument \code{representation}
#'    can be \code{"network"} and \code{"heatmap"}) shows the inference
#'    score of the link between chemicals and diseases.
#'    \item \code{"kegg pathways"}: (argument \code{representation} must be
#'    \code{"network"}) shows the P-Value of relation between KEGG pathways
#'    and chemicals.
#'    \item \code{"go terms"}: (argument \code{representation} must be
#'    \code{"network"}) shows the P-Value of relation between GO terms and
#'    chemicals.
#' }
#' For \emph{disease} queries, \code{index_name} can take values:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{"gene"}: (argument \code{representation} must be
#'    \code{"heatmap"}) shows the number of references linking a set of genes
#'    with a set of diseases.
#'    \item \code{"chemical"}: (argument \code{representation} must be
#'    \code{"heatmap"}): shows the inference-score linking diseases with
#'    chemicals.
#'    \item \code{"kegg pathways"}: (argument \code{representation} must be
#'    \code{"network"}) shows the pathways linked to a set of diseases.
#' }
#' The other arguments of \code{plot} functions follows:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{subset.chemical}: filters the chemicals to be include into
#'    the plot.
#'    \item \code{subset.gene}: filters the genes to be include into
#'    the plot.
#'    \item \code{subset.pathway}: filters the KEGG pathways or GO terms
#'    included into the plot.
#'    \item \code{subset.source}: filters the origin in gene-gene interaction
#'    network.
#'    \item \code{subset.target}: filters the end in gene-gene interaction
#'    network.
#'    \item \code{field.score}: can take values \code{"Inference"} or
#'    \code{"Reference"} depending of the used source and representation.
#'    \item \code{filter.score}: allows to filter the relations to be included
#'    into the plot in base of the set of \code{field.score}.
#'    \item \code{max.length}: indicates the maximum number of characters of
#'    the names of each "item" in the plot.
#'    \item \code{ontology}: for the KEGG pathways, allows to filter the
#'    pathways in base of their ontology. By default:
#'    \code{c("Biological Process", "Cellular Component",
#'    "Molecular Function" )}.
#'    \item \code{main}: title to be displayed in network representations.
#'    For heatmap representations use: \code{ + ggtitle("TITLE")}.
#' }
#' @name CTDdata
#' @aliases CTDdata-class
#' @rdname CTDdata-class
#' @exportClass CTDdata
#' @slot timestamp Character with the timestamp.
#' @slot type Character saving \code{"GENE"}, \code{"CHEMICAL"} or
#' \code{"DISEASE"} depending if it was created using
#' \code{\link{query_ctd_gene}}, \code{\link{query_ctd_chem}} or
#' \code{\link{query_ctd_dise}}
#' @slot terms \code{DataFrame} with the genes, chemicals or diseases used
#' to create the object.
#' @slot losts Character with the terms used to create the object
#' but that were nor present in CTDbase.
#' @slot gene_interactions (Only for chemicals) Table with a relation
#'   of the genes interacting with the given chemicals.
#' @slot chemicals_interactions (Only for genes) Table with a relation
#'   of the chemicals interacting with the given genes.
#' @slot diseases Table with a relation of the diseases associated with
#'   given genes or chemicals.
#' @slot gene_gene_interactions (Only for genes) Table with a relation
#'   of the genes interacting with the given genes.
#' @slot kegg Table with a relation of the KEGG pathways affected by the
#' given chemicals or where the given genes play a role.
#' @slot go Table with a relation of the GO terms affected by the given
#' chemicals or where the given genes play a role.
#' @seealso \code{\link{query_ctd_gene}} to create a \code{CTDdata}
#' from a set of genes, \code{\link{query_ctd_chem}} to create a
#' \code{CTDdata} from a set of chemicals, \code{\link{query_ctd_dise}} to
#' create a \code{CTDdata} from a set of diseases,
#' \code{\link{get_table}} to retrieve encapsulated data and
#' \code{plot} to get nice plots from stored data.
#' @return An object of class \code{CTDdata}
setClass( "CTDdata",
          representation =
                  # esentials
                  timestamp              = "character",
                  type                   = "character",
                  terms                  = "DataFrame",
                  losts                  = "character",
                  # CTDbase results
                  gene_interactions      = "DataFrame",
                  chemicals_interactions = "DataFrame",
                  diseases               = "DataFrame",
                  gene_gene_interactions = "DataFrame",
                  kegg                   = "DataFrame",
                  go                     = "DataFrame"
isglobal-brge/CTDquerier documentation built on Oct. 6, 2022, 1:18 p.m.