
#' \code{CTDdata} for ilustrative purpouses
#'  \code{CTDdata} with information of 258 genes downloaded from CTDbase.
#'  The object was created from from the genes obtained from  the scientific
#'  article entitleed Case-control admixture mapping in Latino populations
#'  enriches for known asthma-associated genes" (Table E1) by Torgerson et. al.
#'  The genes were used to query CTDbase using \code{query_ctd_genes} function.
#' @usage data("gala")
#' @return An \code{CTDdata} object.
#' @examples
#' data("gala")
#' gala
isglobal-brge/CTDquerier documentation built on Oct. 6, 2022, 1:18 p.m.