lines3DDataFrame-init: Drillhole database

Description Usage Arguments Details See Also


Drillhole database represented as line segments.


lines3DDataFrame(lines_list = NULL, df = NULL, collar = NULL,
  assay = NULL, survey = NULL, holeid = "HOLEID", from = "FROM",
  to = "TO", X = "X", Y = "Y", Z = "Z")



A list containing the line segments' coordinates.


A data.frame with the line segments' attributes.

collar, assay, survey

Data frames with drillhole data.

holeid, from, to, X, Y, Z

Column names from which to draw the parameters.


There are two ways to build a lines3DDataFrame object: either providing the data in the format that is seen in the final object (less common) or by providing collar and assay data (more common).

In the first mode, both lines_list and df must be given. lines_list is a list where each entry is a numeric vector of length 6 containing the X, Y, and Z coordinates for both ends of a line segment. df is a data frame containing the attributes for each segment.

In the second mode, both collar and assay must be given. collar contains the X, Y, and Z coordinates for each drillhole's collar. assay contains the lithological description, chemical analysis, etc. in intervals delimimted by the from and to columns. survey contains the dipmeter measurements for each interval. If it is missing, the holes are assumed vertical. The holeid column must be present in all three data frames.

See Also

spatial3DDataFrame-class, lines3DDataFrame-class

italo-goncalves/geomod3D documentation built on May 24, 2019, 2:49 p.m.