
Defines functions computeScores

Documented in computeScores

#' @title Recode/Invert items
#' @description Recodes items from questionnaires
#' @param dat Data object
#' @param subscale_namess Names for target scores
#' @param list4items List of item/column names for each score in subscale_names
#' @param fun Set function for score computation as character: "mean" or "sum"
#' @export
computeScores <- function(dat,
                          col_name_prefix = NULL,
                          col_name_prefix_overall = NULL,
                          lower_subscale_names = T,
                          fun = "mean",
                          compute_z = F,
                          compute_overall = F) {

  score_names <- names(subscale_items_list)
  if (!is.null(col_name_prefix)) {
    score_names <- paste(col_name_prefix, score_names, sep = "_")

  score_name_overall <- "overall"
  if (!is.null(col_name_prefix_overall)) {
    score_name_overall <- paste_(col_name_prefix_overall, score_name_overall)

  if (lower_subscale_names) {
    score_names <- tolower(score_names)
    score_name_overall <- tolower(score_name_overall)

  dat_score <- dat
  dat_score[, unlist(subscale_items_list, use.names = F)] <- NULL

  for(s in 1:length(subscale_items_list)) {

    score_name_temp <- score_names[s]
    subscales_items_temp <- subscale_items_list[[s]]

    if (length(subscales_items_temp) == 1) {
      dat_score[, score_name_temp] <- dat[, subscales_items_temp]
    } else
      if (fun == "mean") {
        dat_score[, score_name_temp] <-
          rowMeans(dat[, subscales_items_temp], na.rm = T)

      if (fun == "sum")  {
        dat_score[, score_name_temp] <-
          rowSums(dat[, subscales_items_temp], na.rm = T)

      if (compute_z) {
        score_name_temp_z <- paste_(score_name_temp, "z")
        dat_score[, score_name_temp_z] <-
          scale(dat_score[, score_name_temp],
                center = T,
                scale = T)

  } ## End of for loop

  if (compute_overall) {

    names_items <- unlist(subscale_items_list, use.names = F)

    if (fun == "mean") {
      dat_score[, score_name_overall] <-
        rowMeans(dat[, names_items], na.rm = T)

    if (fun == "sum") {
      dat_score[, score_name_overall] <-
        rowSums(dat[, names_items], na.rm = T)

    if (compute_z) {
      score_name_overall_z <- paste_(score_name_overall, "z")
      dat_score[, score_name_overall_z] <-
        scale(dat_score[, score_name_overall],
              center = T,
              scale = T)

itawaputtytat/puttytat4R documentation built on Jan. 1, 2020, 9:46 a.m.