
Defines functions as_scale as_scale.numeric as_scale.character as_scale.factor clean_scale rescale_100 rescale_10

Documented in as_scale clean_scale rescale_10 rescale_100

#' Convert variable to scale
#' Takes a character or factor variable and converts it to a factor with labels
#' ordered by numerals in the label. Labels with duplicated numerals will be
#' merged in the output.
#' Note: \code{as_scale} is convenient for converting likert scales from \code{character}
#' to \code{factor}. This tends to happend when merging data with e.g.
#' \code{\link[dplyr]{bind_rows}}.
#' @param var A \code{numeric} vector.
#' @author Kristian D. Olsen
#' @seealso \code{\link{rescale_10}} to convert 100-point scales to 10-point.
#' @export
#' @examples

as_scale <- function(var) {

#' @export
as_scale.numeric <- function(var) {
  labs <- unique(var)[order(unique(var))]
  factor(var, labels = as.character(labs))

#' @export
as_scale.character <- function(var) {
  # Get labels and numerals in labels
  lab <- unique(var)
  num <- str_to_numeric(lab, FUN = stop, " <- ", "Labels contain multiple numerals.")
  out <- factor(var, levels = lab[order(num)])

  # Also recode labels if there are any duplicates
  is_dup <- duplicated(num) & !is.na(num)
  if (!any(is_dup)) return(out)

  for (i in num[is_dup]) {
    ID <- num == i & !is.na(num)
    out <- recode_(out, setNames(list(lab[ID]), lab[ID][1L]))


#' @export
as_scale.factor <- function(var) {

#' Clean scale scores
#' Takes vectors representing likert scales and cleans text descriptions.
#' E.g. "10 Very happy" becomes "10", and the value is converted to \code{numeric}
#' (without warning).
#' @param var A \code{character} vector (\code{factor} will be coerced).
#' @author Kristian D. Olsen
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- clean_scale(c("1 Not happy", "10 Very happy", "11 Don't know"))
#' identical(x, c(1, 10, NA))

clean_scale <- function(var) {
  if (is.factor(var))
    var <- as.character(var)
  if (!is.character(var))
    stop("'var' should be a factor or character vector.")

  # Extract first occurrence of a 1-2 digit number and convert to integer.
  var <- stringi::stri_extract_first(var, regex = "[0-9]{1,2}")
  var <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(var))

  # Set all values other than 1 - 10 as NA. Return
  var[var > 10L | var < 1L] <- NA


#' Rescale 1-10 integer to 0-100 numeric.
#' Takes vectors representing 10-point likert scales and transforms them to
#' 100-point scales (\code{numeric}). Formula: \code{(x-1)*(100/9)}
#' @param var An \code{integer} vector.
#' @author Kristian D. Olsen
#' @seealso \code{\link{rescale_10}} for the complement.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rescale_100(c(1L, 10L))
#' identical(x, c(0, 100))

rescale_100 <- function(var) {
  if (!is.numeric(var))
    stop("'var' should be numeric.")

  # Rescale from 10 point to 100 point scale
  var <- (var-1L)*(100L/9L)

  # Set values other than 0 - 100 as NA. Return
  var[var > 100L | var < 0L] <- NA


#' Rescale 0-100 numeric to 1-10 integer.
#' Takes vectors representing 100-point scales and transforms them to
#' 10-point likert-scales (\code{numeric}).
#' @param var A \code{numeric} vector.
#' @author Kristian D. Olsen
#' @seealso \code{\link{rescale_100}} for the complement.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rescale_100(c(1L, 10L))
#' x <- rescale_10(x)
#' identical(x, c(1L, 10L))

rescale_10 <- function(var) {
  if (!is.numeric(var))
    stop("'var' should be numeric.")

  # Rescale from 10 point to 100 point scale
  var <- (var-0L)/100L * 9L + 1L

  # Set values other than 0 - 100 as NA. Return
  var[var > 10L | var < 1L] <- NA
itsdalmo/reporttoolDT documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:11 a.m.