Man pages for j-a-thia/genomalicious
A smorgasbord of R functions for population genomic analyses

adegenet_DT2genXConvert a long-format data table of genotypes into a...
align_many_genes_aaAlignment of many genes (amino acid sequences)
align_many_genes_dnaAlignment of many genes (DNA sequences)
align_plot_aaPlot amino acid alignments
align_plot_dnaPlot DNA alignments
allele_countsCalculate allele counts
allele_freq_corr_windowsAllele frequency correlations across genomic windows
allele_freqs_DTGenerate an allele frequency data table
allele_uniq_DTGenerate a data table of unique alleles per locus
amino_acid_namesRetrieve amino acid names
annotDT2exonListConvert a data.table of gene annotations to a list of exon...
assembly_correct_gapsCorrect uneven gaps in an assembled genome
bayescan_inputs_poolsGenerate 'bayescan' input files
bed2featuretabConverts a BED file of annotations into a GenBank feature...
circle_cutterCut a replicated circular sequence to generate a linear...
circularity_testTest the circularity of a genetic sequence
codonDT2genomeAlign a codon data.table to genomic positions
da2DTConvert a 'lda' object to a long-format 'data.table'
dadi_inputsGenertate dadi input from genotype or allele frequency data
dapc_fitPerform a DAPC of individual genotype data in a data table
dapc_inferConduct an inference of _k_ prior to DAPC.
dapc_plotPlot DAPC results
data_FreqsMatAn example matrix of allele frequencies
data_GenosAn example genotype data set
data_PoolFreqsAn example pooled allele frequency data set
data_PoolInfoAn example of pool-seq sample info
dna2codonDTTranslate a list of coding sequences into a codon data.table
DT2fastaData table to FASTA file
DT2Mat_freqsConvert a data table of allele frequencies into a matrix (or...
DT2Mat_genosConvert a data table of genotypes into a matrix (or vice...
DT2RADdataConvert a long-format data table into polyRAD's RADdata...
family_sim_compareCompare simulated and observed inferred genetic relationships
family_sim_genosSimulate families of individuals from population allele...
family_sim_qtlSimulate quantitative trait from simulated families
fasta2DTFASTA file to data table
filter_depthFilter loci by sequencing depth
filter_mafFilter loci by minor allele frequency (MAF)
filter_missing_lociFilter missing data by loci
filter_missing_unitsFilter missing data by units (sampled individuals or...
filter_space_lociFilter loci based on their spacing
filter_supporting_readsFilter samples by the minimum supporting reads for alleles.
filter_unlinkFilter for "unlinked" loci
fstat_calcCalculate F-statistics from genotypes or allele frequencies...
fstat_varcompsCalculate variance components for F-statistics
gene_map_plotPlot a gene map
genomalicious'genomalicious': A smorgasbord of R functions for population...
genos2freqsGet population allele frequencies from a (long) data table of...
genos2indAllelesConvert a genotype data table to an allele data frame
genoscore_converterConvert between genotype scores (separated alleles vs counts)
het_calcCalculate heterozygosity from genotypes or allele frequencies
kmeans_join_DTJoin K-means clustering results into a reference (long)...
locus_overlapProbability of random null overlap among groups for outlier...
miss_plot_heatmapPlot a heatmap of missing information
miss_plot_histPlot missing genotypes, by samples
mitoGbk2DTConvert a mitogenome GENBANK file into a data table
mitogenome_seq_reposReposition a mitogenomic sequence
mrbayes_inputGenerate input file for 'MrBayes'
normalise_pattersonPerform the Patterson et al. (2006) normalisation to a...
outflank_input_freqsConvert a (long_) allele frequency data table to 'OutFLANK'...
outflank_mod_fst_correctModificatin of OutFLANK's...
outflank_mod_fst_nocorrectModificatin of OutFLANK's...
pairwiseMat2DTConvert a pairwise matrix into a pairwise data table
pca2DTConvert a 'prcomp' object to a long-format 'data.table'
pca_genosPerform a PCA (principal components analysis) on individual...
pca_plotPlot PCA results
pcoa_freqsPerform a PCoA (principal coordinates analysis) on population...
pcoa_plotPlot PCoA results
polyrad_DT2RADdataConvert a long-format genotype data table into polyRAD's...
poolfstat_DT2FstCalculate FST with 'poolfstat' from a data table of read...
poolfstat_DT2pooldataConvert a data table of read counts into a pooldata object
poolne_estim_boot_piParametric bootstrap of 'poolne_estim' allele frequencies
poolne_estim_inputGenerate input files for 'poolne_estim'
poolne_estim_outputMerge 'poolne_estim' outputs
replace_miss_genosReplace missing genotypes
vcf2DTVCF file to data table
j-a-thia/genomalicious documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 7:51 p.m.