
Defines functions align_plot_dna

Documented in align_plot_dna

#' Plot DNA alignments
#' This function takes in an alignment of DNA sequences in a matrix format
#' and returns a plot of that alignment.
#' @param alignMat Matrix: the DNA alignments. Rows are the taxa, columns are
#' the base positions, and cells contain the values. Values should be one of
#' 'A', 'T', 'G', 'C', '?', 'N', '-'.
#' @param nuc_colours Character: named vector of colour values for nucleotides.
#' For example, \code{c('A'='blue', 'T'='yellow', 'G'='green', 'C'='red')}.
#' Default is NA, which will produce automated colours.
#' @param other_colours Character: named vector colour values for '?' or 'N'
#' values. For example, \code{c('?'='black', 'N'='black')}.
#' Default is NA, which will produce automated colours.
#' @param gap_colour Chracter: named vector colour for gaps. For examples,
#' \code{c('-'='white')}. Default is NA, which will produce
#' automated colours.
#' @param border_colour Character: single value, the colour of borders around
#' base positions. Default is NA, no assigned border colour.
#' @param pos_vec Integer: a vector of base positions to plot, subsets alignment.
#' Default is NULL, which will plot all bases.
#' @param show_bases Logical: whether the values of bases should be plotted.
#' Default is TRUE.
#' @param base_size Numeric: the text size used for nucleotide bases. Default is 3.
#' @param show_legend Logical: whether a legend should be plotted.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @examples
#' library(genomalicious)
#' # Create a link to raw external datasets in genomalicious
#' genomaliciousExtData <- paste0(find.package('genomalicious'), '/extdata')
#' # Path to the demo FASTA file
#' fasta <- paste0(genomaliciousExtData, '/data_COI_dna.fasta')
#' # Multi sequence alignmnet of demo COI data.
#' aln <- align_many_genes_dna(fasta, gene.names='COI')
#' # Plot base positions from 598 to 627
#' align_plot_dna(as.matrix(aln$COI$align), pos_vec=598:627)
#' # Custom colours, no text, and borders
#' align_plot_dna(
#'    as.matrix(aln$COI$align),
#'    nuc_colours=c(`A`='#ce0073',`T`='#e46adf',`G`='#59A3FF',`C`='#08c7e0'),
#'    border_colour='grey20',
#'    pos_vec=598:627,
#'    show_bases=FALSE
#' )
#' @export

align_plot_dna<- function(
  alignMat, nuc_colours=NULL, other_colours=NULL, gap_colour=NA,
  border_colour=NA, pos_vec=NULL, show_bases=TRUE, base_size=3, show_legend=FALSE){


  # Is input a matrix?
  if(!'matrix' %in% class(alignMat)){
    stop('Argument alignMat is not of class matrix. See ?align_plot_dna.')

  # If colours not specified
    nuc_colours <- c(

    other_colours <- c('?'='black', 'N'='black')

    gap_colour <- c('-'='white')

  # Combine colours
  colour_map <- c(nuc_colours, gap_colour, other_colours)

  # Convert matrix into data.table
  alignDT <- alignMat %>%
    t() %>%
    as.data.table() %>%
    .[,POS:=1:.N] %>%
    melt(., id.vars='POS', variable.name='TAXA', value.name='X') %>%
    .[, TAXA:=factor(TAXA,levels=rownames(alignMat))]

  # If pos_vec specified, subset
    alignDT <- alignDT[POS %in% pos_vec]

  # Maximum base position
  pos.max <- alignDT$POS %>% max

  # Create alignment
  alignGG <- (ggplot(alignDT, aes(x=POS, y=TAXA,fill=X))
              + theme(
                panel.background = element_blank(),
                axis.ticks.length= unit(2,'mm')
              + geom_tile(
              + scale_fill_manual(values=colour_map)
              + scale_x_continuous(
              + scale_y_discrete(
              + labs(x='Alignment position', y='Taxa', fill=NULL)

  # If base values desired
    alignGG <- alignGG + geom_text(mapping=aes(label=X), size=base_size)

  # If the legend should be removed
    alignGG <- alignGG + theme(legend.position='none')

  # Output

j-a-thia/genomalicious documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 7:51 p.m.