
Defines functions filter_unlink

Documented in filter_unlink

#' Filter for "unlinked" loci
#' Parses a data table of genotypes/allele frequencies and returns a list of
#' loci that are "unlinked", in the sense they occur on different contigs.
#' Note, this function is specifically designed for RADseq data where
#' contigs comprise small (100s bp) genomic regions assembed from restriction
#' digest fragments. It should not be used on genomic contigs from genome assembly.
#' Additionally, it is also important to follow up filtering with formal tests of
#' linkage disequilibrium.
#' @param dat Data table: The sequencing read information, must contain the columns:
#' \code{CHROM} = the chromosome ID, i.e. contigs; and \code{LOCUS} = the locus ID.
#' \enumerate{
#'    \item The chromosome (or contig) ID (see param \code{chromCol}).
#'    \item The locus ID (see param \code{locusCol}).
#'    \item The SNP position (see param \code{posCol}).
#' }
#' @param chromCol Character: The chromosome (or contig) information column. Default = \code{'CHROM'}.
#' @param locusCol Character: The locus information column. Default = \code{'LOCUS'}.
#' @param posCol Character: The locus position column. Default = \code{'POS'}.
#' @param method Character: How should the filtering be performed? Default = \code{'random'},
#' a single random SNP will be drawn per contig. Alternatively, \code{'first'} can
#' be used to draw the first SNP in the contig.
#' @return Returns a character vector of locus names in \code{dat[[locusCol]]}
#' that are not on the same contig in \code{dat[[chromCol]]}.
#' @examples
#' data(data_Genos)
#' # Number of unique SNP per locus
#' data_Genos[, length(unique(LOCUS)), by=CHROM]$V1 %>% table
#' # Randomly sample 1 SNP per locus
#' snp.rand.1st <- filter_unlink(data_Genos, method='random')
#' snp.rand.2nd <- filter_unlink(data_Genos, method='random')
#' # Number of SNPs different between random sets
#' setdiff(snp.rand.1st, snp.rand.2nd) %>% length
#' # Sample first SNP per locus
#' snp.first.1st <- filter_unlink(data_Genos, method='first')
#' snp.first.2nd <- filter_unlink(data_Genos, method='first')
#' # Number of SNPs different between random sets
#' setdiff(snp.first.1st, snp.first.2nd) %>% length
#' @export
filter_unlink <- function(dat, chromCol='CHROM', locusCol='LOCUS', posCol='POS', method='random'){

  # BEGIN ............

  # --------------------------------------------+
  # Libraries and assertions
  # --------------------------------------------+
  libs <- library(data.table)
  for(L in libs){ require(L, character.only=TRUE)}

  # Make sure that dat is a data table.
  if(!'data.table' %in% class(dat)){ stop("Argument dat isn't a data table.")}

  # Make sure the right columns are in dat.
  if(length(which((c('CHROM', 'LOCUS', 'POS') %in% colnames(dat))==FALSE)) > 0){
    stop("Argument `dat` needs the columns $CHROM, $LOCUS, and $POS.")

  # Check that specification of method is correct.
  if(!method %in% c('random','first')){
    stop('Argument `method` needs to one of "random" or "first".')

  # --------------------------------------------+
  # Internal function
  # --------------------------------------------+
  FUN_sort_loci <- function(X){
    X %>%
      setorder(., POS) %>%

  # --------------------------------------------+
  # Code
  # --------------------------------------------+
  # Reassign column names
  colReass <- match(c(chromCol, locusCol, posCol), colnames(dat))
  colnames(dat)[colReass] <- c('CHROM', 'LOCUS', 'POS')

  # Random SNPs
    keep.loci <- dat[, sample(LOCUS, 1, replace=FALSE), by=CHROM]$V1

  # First SNP per lcous
    uniq.locs <- dat %>% .[, c('CHROM','POS','LOCUS')] %>% unique
    keep.loci <- uniq.locs %>%
      .[, min(POS), by=CHROM] %>%
      left_join(., uniq.locs) %>%

  # Subset original dataset by loci in 'keep.loci'.

  # ............ END
j-a-thia/genomalicious documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 7:51 p.m.