
Defines functions dea.costmin dea.output dea.input dea dea.costmin.rescaling dea.output.rescaling dea.input.rescaling

Documented in dea

######## input minimization with rescaling ######
dea.input.rescaling <- function(XREF, YREF, X, Y, RTS, rescaling=1) {
  XREF.rescaled = XREF * rescaling
  result = dea.input(XREF=XREF.rescaled, YREF=YREF, X=X, Y=Y, RTS=RTS)

dea.output.rescaling <- function(XREF, YREF, X, Y, RTS, rescaling=1) {
  YREF.rescaled = YREF / rescaling
  result = dea.output(XREF=XREF, YREF=YREF.rescaled, X=X, Y=Y, RTS=RTS)

dea.costmin.rescaling <- function(XREF, YREF, W, X, Y, RTS, rescaling=1) {
  XREF.rescaled = XREF * rescaling
  result = dea.costmin(XREF=XREF.rescaled, YREF=YREF, W=W, X=X, Y=Y, RTS=RTS)
  return( result$gammaOpt )

dea <- function(XREF, YREF, X, Y, W=NULL, model, RTS="variable") {
  if (missing(model) || ! model %in% c("input", "output", "costmin") ) {
    stop("Parameter 'model' has to be either 'input', 'output' or 'costmin'.")
  if (missing(XREF)) stop("XREF is missing.")
  if (missing(YREF)) stop("YREF is missing.")
  if (missing(X))    stop("X is missing.")
  if (missing(Y))    stop("Y is missing.")
  if (model == "input") {
    return( dea.input(XREF=XREF, YREF=YREF, X=X, Y=Y, RTS=RTS) )
  } else if (model == "output") {
    return( dea.output(XREF=XREF, YREF=YREF, X=X, Y=Y, RTS=RTS) )
  } else { 
    ## costmin
    return( dea.costmin(XREF=XREF, YREF=YREF, X=X, Y=Y, W=W, RTS=RTS) )

######## cost minimization with LP using GLPK ########
### XREF - N x Dinput matrix for ref. inputs (possibly multiplied by prices), N is the number of firms
### YREF - N x Doutput matrix for ref. outputs
### X - M x Dinput matrix of inputs (only for calculating cost efficiency)
### Y - M x Doutput matrix of outputs
### RTS - returns to scale: "variable" (default), "constant", "non-increasing"
######## output #######
### out$thetaOpt = thetaOpt
### out$lambda   = lambda
### out$feasible = feasible
### out$lambda_sum = rowSums(lambda)
dea.input <- function(XREF, YREF, X, Y, RTS="variable") {
  if ( ! is.matrix(XREF)) { XREF = as.matrix(XREF) }
  if ( ! is.matrix(YREF)) { YREF = as.matrix(YREF) }
  if ( ! is.matrix(X)) { X = as.matrix(X) }
  if ( ! is.matrix(Y)) { Y = as.matrix(Y) }

  if ( ! is.numeric(XREF)) { stop("XREF has to be numeric matrix or data.frame.") }
  if ( ! is.numeric(YREF)) { stop("YREF has to be numeric matrix or data.frame.") }
  if ( ! is.numeric(X)) { stop("X has to be numeric matrix or data.frame.") }
  if ( ! is.numeric(Y)) { stop("Y has to be numeric matrix or data.frame.") }
  if (nrow(XREF) != nrow(YREF)) { stop( sprintf("Number of rows in XREF (%d) does not equal the number of rows in YREF (%d)", nrow(XREF), nrow(YREF)) ) }
  if (nrow(X)    != nrow(Y)) { stop( sprintf("Number of rows in X (%d) does not equal the number of rows in Y (%d)", nrow(X), nrow(Y)) ) }
  if (ncol(XREF) != ncol(X)) { stop( sprintf("Number of columns in XREF (%d) does not equal the number of columns in X (%d)", ncol(XREF), ncol(X)) ) }
  if (ncol(YREF) != ncol(Y)) { stop( sprintf("Number of columns in YREF (%d) does not equal the number of columns in Y (%d)", ncol(YREF), ncol(Y)) ) }
  ## N is the number of firms in reference
  N = nrow(XREF)
  ## M is the number of firms for which we calculate the efficiency
  M = nrow(X)
  Dinput  = ncol(XREF)
  Doutput = ncol(YREF)
  ## adding 1 constraint if RTS is "variable" or "non-increasing"
  Drts = RTS %in% c("variable", "non-increasing")
  # variables = c(lambdas(N), theta(1) )
  # objective function:
  obj = c(rep(0, N), 1)
  # constraints in GLPK by default set variables to [0, Inf), see bounds in GLPK
  # constraint matrix C, RHS, constraint type:
  # we have a constriant for each output and for each input.
  C  = matrix(0.0, Doutput+Dinput+Drts, N+1 )
  b  = rep(0.0,    Doutput+Dinput+Drts)
  cd = rep(">=",   Doutput+Dinput+Drts)
  # constraints on outputs:
  C[1:Doutput, 1:N] = t(YREF)
  # b[1:Doutput] will be changed for each firm in the for loop
  # constraints on inputs: -X'*lambda + theta*x0 >= 0
  C[(Doutput+1):(Doutput+Dinput), 1:N ]  = -t(XREF)  ## -X' * lambda
  #C[(Doutput+1):(Doutput+Dinput), (N+1)] will be changed for each firm in the loop
  # positivity constrant on lambdas (unnecessary, they are bounded below from 0 in GLPK):
  # variable returns to scale constraint:
  if (RTS=="variable") {
    ## adding constraint sum(lambda) == 1
    i = Doutput + Dinput + 1
    C[i,] = c(rep(1.0,N), 0.0)
    b[i]  = 1.0
    cd[i] = "=="
  } else if (RTS=="non-increasing") {
    ## adding constraint sum(lambda) < 1
    i = Doutput + Dinput + 1
    C[i,] = c(rep(1.0,N), 0.0)
    b[i]  = 1.0
    cd[i] = "<"
  } else {
    ## constant returns to scale, no constraint needed.
  ## using multi optimization to solve M linear programs
  outlp = multi_glpk_solve_LP(obj=obj, mat=C, dir=cd, rhs=b,
                              mrhs_i   = 1:Doutput,
                              mrhs_val = t(Y),
                              mmat_i   = cbind( (Doutput+1):(Doutput+Dinput), N+1 ),
                              mmat_val = t(X))
  # output:
  out = list()
  out$feasible = outlp$status==0
  out$thetaOpt = outlp$solution[N+1,]
  out$lambda   = t(outlp$solution[1:N, ])
  # necessary for VRS case, all rows should be equal to 1:
  out$lambda_sum = rowSums(out$lambda)

######## output DEA with GLPK ########
### XREF - N x Dinput matrix for ref. inputs (possibly multiplied by prices), N is the number of firms
### YREF - N x Doutput matrix for ref. outputs
### X - M x Dinput matrix of inputs (only for calculating cost efficiency)
### Y - M x Doutput matrix of outputs
### RTS - returns to scale: "variable" (default), "constant", "non-increasing"
######## output #######
### out$thetaOpt = thetaOpt
### out$lambda   = lambda
### out$feasible = feasible
### out$lambda_sum = rowSums(lambda)
dea.output <- function(XREF, YREF, X, Y, RTS="variable") {
  if ( ! is.matrix(XREF)) { XREF = as.matrix(XREF) }
  if ( ! is.matrix(YREF)) { YREF = as.matrix(YREF) }
  if ( ! is.matrix(X)) { X = as.matrix(X) }
  if ( ! is.matrix(Y)) { Y = as.matrix(Y) }
  if ( ! is.numeric(XREF)) { stop("XREF has to be numeric matrix or data.frame.") }
  if ( ! is.numeric(YREF)) { stop("YREF has to be numeric matrix or data.frame.") }
  if ( ! is.numeric(X)) { stop("X has to be numeric matrix or data.frame.") }
  if ( ! is.numeric(Y)) { stop("Y has to be numeric matrix or data.frame.") }
  if (nrow(XREF) != nrow(YREF)) { stop( sprintf("Number of rows in XREF (%d) does not equal the number of rows in YREF (%d)", nrow(XREF), nrow(YREF)) ) }
  if (nrow(X)    != nrow(Y)) { stop( sprintf("Number of rows in X (%d) does not equal the number of rows in Y (%d)", nrow(X), nrow(Y)) ) }
  if (ncol(XREF) != ncol(X)) { stop( sprintf("Number of columns in XREF (%d) does not equal the number of columns in X (%d)", ncol(XREF), ncol(X)) ) }
  if (ncol(YREF) != ncol(Y)) { stop( sprintf("Number of columns in YREF (%d) does not equal the number of columns in Y (%d)", ncol(YREF), ncol(Y)) ) }
  ## N is the number of firms in reference
  N = nrow(XREF)
  ## M is the number of firms for which we calculate the efficiency
  M = nrow(X)
  Dinput  = ncol(XREF)
  Doutput = ncol(YREF)
  ## adding 1 constraint if RTS is "variable" or "non-increasing"
  Drts = RTS %in% c("variable", "non-increasing")
  # variables = c(lambdas(N), theta(1) )
  # objective function:
  obj = c(rep(0, N), 1)
  # constraints in Rglpk by default set variables to [0, Inf)
  # constraint matrix C, RHS, constraint type:
  # we have a constriant for each output and for each input.
  C  = matrix(0.0, Doutput+Dinput+Drts, N+1 )
  b  = rep(0.0,    Doutput+Dinput+Drts)
  cd = rep(">=",   Doutput+Dinput+Drts)
  # constraints on outputs: Y'*lambda - theta*y >= 0
  C[1:Doutput, 1:N] = t(YREF)
  #C[1:Doutput, (N+1)] will be changed for each firm in the loop
  # constraints on inputs: -X'*lambda >= -x0
  C[(Doutput+1):(Doutput+Dinput), 1:N ]  = -t(XREF)  ## -X' * lambda
  # b[(Doutput+1):(Doutput+Dinput)] will be changed for each firm in the for loop
  # positivity constrant on lambdas (unnecessary, they are bounded below from 0 in Rglpk):
  # variable returns to scale constraint:
  if (RTS=="variable") {
    ## adding constraint sum(lambda) == 1
    i = Doutput + Dinput + 1
    C[i,] = c(rep(1.0,N), 0.0)
    b[i]  = 1.0
    cd[i] = "=="
  } else if (RTS=="non-increasing") {
    ## adding constraint sum(lambda) < 1
    i = Doutput + Dinput + 1
    C[i,] = c(rep(1.0,N), 0.0)
    b[i]  = 1.0
    cd[i] = "<"
  } else {
    ## constant returns to scale, no constraint needed.

  outlp = multi_glpk_solve_LP(obj=obj, mat=C, dir=cd, rhs=b,
                              mrhs_i   = (Doutput+1):(Doutput+Dinput),
                              mrhs_val = t(-X),
                              mmat_i   = cbind(1:Doutput, N+1),
                              mmat_val = t(-Y),
                              max=TRUE )
  # output:
  out = list()
  out$feasible = outlp$status==0
  out$thetaOpt = 1 / outlp$solution[N+1,]
  out$lambda   = t(outlp$solution[1:N, ])
  # necessary for VRS case, all rows should be equal to 1:
  out$lambda_sum = rowSums(out$lambda)

######## cost minimization with LP using GLPK ########
### XREF - N x Dinput matrix for ref. inputs (possibly multiplied by prices), N is the number of firms
### YREF - N x Doutput matrix for ref. outputs
### X    - M x Dinput matrix of inputs (only for calculating cost efficiency)
### Y    - M x Doutput matrix of outputs
### W    - M x Dinput matrix of input prices (ones for Tone version), M is number of investigated firms
### RTS  - returns to scale, "variable" (default), "constant" and "non-increasing"
dea.costmin <- function(XREF, YREF, X, Y, W, RTS="variable") {
  if ( ! is.matrix(XREF)) { XREF = as.matrix(XREF) }
  if ( ! is.matrix(YREF)) { YREF = as.matrix(YREF) }
  if ( ! is.matrix(X)) { X = as.matrix(X) }
  if ( ! is.matrix(Y)) { Y = as.matrix(Y) }
  if ( ! is.matrix(W)) { W = as.matrix(W) }
  if ( ! is.numeric(XREF)) { stop("XREF has to be numeric matrix or data.frame.") }
  if ( ! is.numeric(YREF)) { stop("YREF has to be numeric matrix or data.frame.") }
  if ( ! is.numeric(X)) { stop("X has to be numeric matrix or data.frame.") }
  if ( ! is.numeric(Y)) { stop("Y has to be numeric matrix or data.frame.") }
  if ( ! is.numeric(W)) { stop("W has to be numeric matrix or data.frame.") }
  if (nrow(XREF) != nrow(YREF)) { stop( sprintf("Number of rows in XREF (%d) does not equal the number of rows in YREF (%d)", nrow(XREF), nrow(YREF)) ) }
  if (nrow(X)    != nrow(Y)) { stop( sprintf("Number of rows in X (%d) does not equal the number of rows in Y (%d)", nrow(X), nrow(Y)) ) }
  if (ncol(XREF) != ncol(X)) { stop( sprintf("Number of columns in XREF (%d) does not equal the number of columns in X (%d)", ncol(XREF), ncol(X)) ) }
  if (ncol(YREF) != ncol(Y)) { stop( sprintf("Number of columns in YREF (%d) does not equal the number of columns in Y (%d)", ncol(YREF), ncol(Y)) ) }
  if (nrow(X)    != nrow(W)) { stop( sprintf("Number of rows in X (%d) does not equal the number of rows in W (%d)", nrow(X), nrow(W)) ) }
  if (ncol(X)    != ncol(W)) { stop( sprintf("Number of columns in X (%d) does not equal the number of columns in W (%d)", ncol(X), ncol(W)) ) }
  N = nrow(XREF)
  M = nrow(W)
  Dinput  = ncol(XREF)
  Doutput = ncol(YREF)

  ## adding 1 constraint if RTS is "variable" or "non-increasing"
  Drts = RTS %in% c("variable", "non-increasing")
  # variables = c(lambdas(N), x(Dinput) )
  # objective function:
  obj = rep.int(0.0, N + Dinput)
  # constraints in GLPK by default set variables to [0, Inf), see bounds in GLPK
  # constraint matrix, RHS, constraint type:
  C  = matrix(0.0, Doutput+Dinput+Drts, N+Dinput )
  b  = rep(0.0,    Doutput+Dinput+Drts)
  cd = rep(">=",   Doutput+Dinput+Drts)
  # constraints on outputs:
  C[1:Doutput, 1:N] = t(YREF)
  #b[1:Doutput] = Y
  # constraints on inputs:
  C[(Doutput+1):(Doutput+Dinput), 1:N ]             = -t(XREF)
  C[(Doutput+1):(Doutput+Dinput), (N+1):(N+Dinput)] = diag(Dinput)
  # constrant on lambdas (unnecessary, they are bounded below from 0 in Rglpk):
  #n = Doutput+Dinput
  #C[(n+1):(n+N), 1:N] = diag(N)
  # variable returns to scale constraint:
  if (RTS=="variable") {
    i = Doutput + Dinput + 1
    C[i,] = rep.int(c(1.0, 0.0), c(N, Dinput))
    b[i]  = 1.0
    cd[i] = "=="
  } else if (RTS=="non-increasing") {
    i = Doutput + Dinput + 1
    C[i,] = rep.int(c(1.0, 0.0), c(N, Dinput))
    b[i]  = 1.0
    cd[i] = "<"
  outlp = multi_glpk_solve_LP(obj=obj, mat=C, dir=cd, rhs=b,
                              mobj_i   = (N+1):(N+Dinput),
                              mobj_val = t(W),
                              mrhs_i   = 1:Doutput,
                              mrhs_val = t(Y))
  # output
  out = list()
  out$XOpt     = t(outlp$solution[(N+1):(N+Dinput), , drop=F])
  out$gammaOpt = unname( rowSums(out$XOpt*W) / rowSums(X*W) )
  out$feasible = outlp$status==0
  out$lambda   = t(outlp$solution[1:N, ])
  # necessary for VRS case, all rows should be equal to 1:
  out$lambda_sum = rowSums(out$lambda)
jaak-s/rDEA documentation built on July 6, 2023, noon