
observeEvent(input$new_country_name, {
    message(paste("A new country name has been entered:", input$new_country_name))

    # new we need to 'undisable' the buttons ...
    # activate links to 'edit' pages. (conditional on input$new_country_name != "")
    # have some methods of populating the MasterData list()

    # The below buttons are still looking at the current country selected... when a name is entered,
    # we need to override this.
    # So when a 'name' of country is entered, all boxes should go RED and be enabled to allow data to be entered

    # How do we entere data for this?? (pretty much replicating the before methods)

    # Enter CD4 distribution? Sliders? range(0,1)

    # values that update a plot?

    # We already have this framework, just adapt for a full page

    # Does all this new work deprecate 'data-review'???

    # I'm not sure that is does straight away,, maybe we can loop both in

    if(input$new_country_name == "") {
        updateTextInput(session, inputId = "new_country_name", value = "")
        updateButton(session,    inputId = "CASCADE_FLAG",    disabled = TRUE)
        updateButton(session,    inputId = "CD4_FLAG",        disabled = TRUE)
        updateButton(session,    inputId = "INCIDENCE_FLAG",  disabled = TRUE)
        updateButton(session,    inputId = "GUIDELINES_FLAG", disabled = TRUE)
    } else {
        # These actually need to be CHECK functions (as when we edit the country name, then will all go red again)
        if (length(MasterData) > 0) MasterData <<- list()
        try(MasterData <<- GetBlankMasterDataSet(input$new_country_name), silent = FALSE)
        updateButton(session, inputId = "CASCADE_FLAG",     style = "danger",  disabled = FALSE, icon = icon("times", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
        updateButton(session, inputId = "CD4_FLAG",         style = "danger",  disabled = FALSE, icon = icon("times", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
        updateButton(session, inputId = "INCIDENCE_FLAG",   style = "danger",  disabled = FALSE, icon = icon("times", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
        updateButton(session, inputId = "GUIDELINES_FLAG",  style = "danger",  disabled = FALSE, icon = icon("times", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
        shinyBS::closeAlert(session, alertId = "alertId_PROCEED")
            anchorId = "_DONOTPROCEED_",
            alertId = "alertId_DONOTPROCEED",
            title = paste(icon("exclamation-triangle", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"), "DO NOT PROCEED"),
            content = "The model has insufficient data to quantify the cascade. Please select another country.",
            style = "danger",
            dismiss = TRUE,
            append = TRUE)
        updateButton(session, inputId = "NEXT_country", disabled = TRUE)

# This observe will kill any input into "new_country_name" if the 'NEW_country' button is deactivated
observeEvent(input$NEW_country, {
    if(input$NEW_country == FALSE) {
        if (length(MasterData) > 0) MasterData <<- list()
        updateTextInput(session, inputId = "new_country_name", value = "")
        shinyBS::closeAlert(session, alertId = "alertId_PROCEED")
            anchorId = "_DONOTPROCEED_",
            alertId = "alertId_DONOTPROCEED",
            title = paste(icon("exclamation-triangle", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"), "DO NOT PROCEED"),
            content = "The model has insufficient data to quantify the cascade. Please select another country.",
            style = "danger",
            dismiss = TRUE,
            append = TRUE)
        updateButton(session, inputId = "NEXT_country", disabled = TRUE)
    } else {
        if (length(MasterData) > 0) MasterData <<- list()
        updateButton(session, inputId = "CASCADE_FLAG",     style = "danger",  disabled = TRUE, icon = icon("times", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
        updateButton(session, inputId = "CD4_FLAG",         style = "danger",  disabled = TRUE, icon = icon("times", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
        updateButton(session, inputId = "INCIDENCE_FLAG",   style = "danger",  disabled = TRUE, icon = icon("times", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
        updateButton(session, inputId = "GUIDELINES_FLAG",  style = "danger",  disabled = TRUE, icon = icon("times", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
        shinyBS::closeAlert(session, alertId = "alertId_PROCEED")
            anchorId = "_DONOTPROCEED_",
            alertId = "alertId_DONOTPROCEED",
            title = paste(icon("exclamation-triangle", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"), "DO NOT PROCEED"),
            content = "The model has insufficient data to quantify the cascade. Please select another country.",
            style = "danger",
            dismiss = TRUE,
            append = TRUE)
        updateButton(session, inputId = "NEXT_country", disabled = TRUE)

# Update mission control button
observeEvent(input$PREV_editCascade, {
    if (Check_NewCascade(MasterData)) {
        updateButton(session, inputId = "CASCADE_FLAG",    style = "success", icon = icon("check", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
    } else {
        updateButton(session, inputId = "CASCADE_FLAG",    style = "danger",  icon = icon("times", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
    if (Check_NewCascade(MasterData) & Check_NewCD4(MasterData) & Check_NewCD42015(MasterData) & Check_NewIncidence(MasterData) & Check_NewGuidelines(MasterData)) {
        shinyBS::closeAlert(session, alertId = "alertId_DONOTPROCEED")
            anchorId = "_PROCEED_",
            alertId = "alertId_PROCEED",
            title = paste(icon("check", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"), "PROCEED"),
            content = "The model has sufficient data to quantify the cascade.",
            style = "success",
            dismiss = TRUE,
            append = TRUE)
        updateButton(session, inputId = "NEXT_country", disabled = FALSE)

observeEvent(input$PREV_editCD4, {
    if (Check_NewCD4(MasterData) & Check_NewCD42015(MasterData)) {
        updateButton(session, inputId = "CD4_FLAG",    style = "success", icon = icon("check", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
    } else {
        updateButton(session, inputId = "CD4_FLAG",    style = "danger",  icon = icon("times", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
    if (Check_NewCascade(MasterData) & Check_NewCD4(MasterData) & Check_NewCD42015(MasterData) & Check_NewIncidence(MasterData) & Check_NewGuidelines(MasterData)) {
        shinyBS::closeAlert(session, alertId = "alertId_DONOTPROCEED")
            anchorId = "_PROCEED_",
            alertId = "alertId_PROCEED",
            title = paste(icon("check", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"), "PROCEED"),
            content = "The model has sufficient data to quantify the cascade.",
            style = "success",
            dismiss = TRUE,
            append = TRUE)
        updateButton(session, inputId = "NEXT_country", disabled = FALSE)

observeEvent(input$PREV_editIncidence, {
    if (Check_NewIncidence(MasterData)) {
        updateButton(session, inputId = "INCIDENCE_FLAG",    style = "success", icon = icon("check", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
    } else {
        updateButton(session, inputId = "INCIDENCE_FLAG",    style = "danger",  icon = icon("times", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
    if (Check_NewCascade(MasterData) & Check_NewCD4(MasterData) & Check_NewCD42015(MasterData) & Check_NewIncidence(MasterData) & Check_NewGuidelines(MasterData)) {
        shinyBS::closeAlert(session, alertId = "alertId_DONOTPROCEED")
            anchorId = "_PROCEED_",
            alertId = "alertId_PROCEED",
            title = paste(icon("check", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"), "PROCEED"),
            content = "The model has sufficient data to quantify the cascade.",
            style = "success",
            dismiss = TRUE,
            append = TRUE)
        updateButton(session, inputId = "NEXT_country", disabled = FALSE)

observeEvent(input$PREV_editGuidelines, {
    if (Check_NewGuidelines(MasterData)) {
        updateButton(session, inputId = "GUIDELINES_FLAG",    style = "success", icon = icon("check", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
    } else {
        updateButton(session, inputId = "GUIDELINES_FLAG",    style = "danger",  icon = icon("times", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"))
    if (Check_NewCascade(MasterData) & Check_NewCD4(MasterData) & Check_NewCD42015(MasterData) & Check_NewIncidence(MasterData) & Check_NewGuidelines(MasterData)) {
        shinyBS::closeAlert(session, alertId = "alertId_DONOTPROCEED")
            anchorId = "_PROCEED_",
            alertId = "alertId_PROCEED",
            title = paste(icon("check", class = "fa-lg fa-fw", lib = "font-awesome"), "PROCEED"),
            content = "The model has sufficient data to quantify the cascade.",
            style = "success",
            dismiss = TRUE,
            append = TRUE)
        updateButton(session, inputId = "NEXT_country", disabled = FALSE)

# CD4 CheckBox
observeEvent(input$copy2010CD4, {
    if (length(MasterData) > 0) {
        if (input$copy2010CD4 == TRUE) {
            MasterData$cd4_2015 <<- MasterData$cd4
        } else {
            if (input$new_country_name != "" & input$NEW_country == TRUE) {
                MasterData$cd4_2015 <<- GetCD4Distribution2015(input$new_country_name)
            } else {
                MasterData$cd4_2015 <<- GetCD4Distribution2015(input$selectCountry)

# Country Name update variable for report

    vIncidence <<- NULL
    vGuidelines <<- NULL
    vCD42015 <<- NULL
    vCD4 <<- NULL
    vCascade <<- NULL

    if (input$NEW_country == TRUE & input$new_country_name != "") {
        countryReportName <<- input$new_country_name
    } else {
        countryReportName <<- input$selectCountry
jackolney/CascadeDashboard documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:56 a.m.