title: "Snow crab Areal unit modelling of fishery data" keywords: - snow crab fishery performance assessment - areal-unit modelling of catch and effort abstract: | Snow crab modelling of snow crab catch and effort using conditional autoregressive models. fontsize: 12pt metadata-files: - _metadata.yml params: year_assessment: 2024 year_start: 1999 data_loc: "~/bio.data/bio.snowcrab" sens: 1 debugging: FALSE model_variation: logistic_discrete_historical
The snow crab fishery performance is subjected to a Bayesian spatiotemporal model with the carstm front-end to INLA, used to perform "non-separable" spatial Conditional autocorrelation (CAR) and temporal (AR1) models.
#| label: setup
#| eval: true
#| output: false
require(bio.snowcrab) # loadfunctions("bio.snowcrab")
data_loc= params$data_loc
media_loc = params$media_loc
year_assessment = params$year_assessment
year_start = params$year_start
yrs = year_start:year_assessment
spec_bio = bio.taxonomy::taxonomy.recode( from="spec", to="parsimonious", tolookup=2526 )
snowcrab_filter_class = "fb" # fishable biomass (including soft-shelled )
carstm_model_label= paste( "fishery", snowcrab_filter_class, sep="_" )
# params for catch and effort
pB = snowcrab_parameters(
carstm_model_label= carstm_model_label,
selection = list(
type = "biomass",
biologicals=list( spec_bio=spec_bio ),
variabletomodel = "catch"
pB$formula = update.formula( pB$formula, catch ~ . + offset( data_offset ) )
# areal units upon which carstm will operate ... this is made in 01.snowcrab.r
sppoly=areal_units( p=pB )
pB$space_name = sppoly$AUID
pB$space_id = 1:nrow(sppoly) # must match M$space
pB$time_name = as.character(pB$yrs)
pB$time_id = 1:pB$ny
pB$cyclic_name = as.character(pB$cyclic_levels)
pB$cyclic_id = 1:pB$nw
# params for probability of observation
pH = snowcrab_parameters(
carstm_model_label= carstm_model_label,
selection = list(
type = "presence_absence",
biologicals=list( spec_bio=spec_bio ),
pH$space_name = sppoly$AUID
pH$space_id = 1:nrow(sppoly) # must match M$space
pH$time_name = as.character(pH$yrs)
pH$time_id = 1:pH$ny
pH$cyclic_name = as.character(pH$cyclic_levels)
pH$cyclic_id = 1:pH$nw
Now that parameter are loaded, we can create (run manually) or reload the input data (later).
#| label: input data
#| eval: false
#| output: false
# create model data inputs and the output fields
M = logbook.db( p=pB, DS="carstm_inputs", sppoly=sppoly, redo=TRUE ) # will redo if not found
With all required parameters defined, the modelling is straightforward.
#| label: carstm-run
#| eval: false
#| output: false
M = logbook.db( p=pB, DS="carstm_inputs", sppoly=sppoly )
io = which(M$tag=="observations")
ip = which(M$tag=="predictions")
iq = unique( c( which( M$catch > 0), ip ) )
# model pa using all data
carstm_model( p=pH, data=M, sppoly=sppoly,
toget = c("summary", "random_spatial", "predictions"),
posterior_simulations_to_retain = c("predictions"),
family = "binomial", # "binomial", # "nbinomial", "betabinomial", "zeroinflatedbinomial0" , "zeroinflatednbinomial0"
# redo_fit=FALSE,
# debug = "summary",
# control.family=list(control.link=list(model="logit")), # default for binomial .. no need to specify
# control.inla = list( strategy="laplace", int.strategy="eb" ),
# posterior predictive check
carstm_posterior_predictive_check(p=pH, M=M[ , ] )
res = carstm_model( p=pH, DS="carstm_summary" ) # parameters in p and summary
outputdir = file.path(pH$modeldir, pH$carstm_model_label)
res_vars = c( names( res$hypers), names(res$fixed) )
for (i in 1:length(res_vars) ) {
o = carstm_prior_posterior_compare( res, vn=res_vars[i], outputdir=outputdir )
dev.new(); print(o)
carstm_model( p=pB, data=M[ iq, ], sppoly=sppoly,
toget = c("summary", "random_spatial", "predictions"),
posterior_simulations_to_retain = c("predictions"),
family = "lognormal", # CARSTM does log-transformation internally for "lognormal"
# redo_fit=FALSE,
# debug = "summary",
# debug = "predictions",
# posterior predictive check
carstm_posterior_predictive_check(p=pB, M=M[ iq, ] )
res = carstm_model( p=pB, DS="carstm_summary" ) # parameters in p and summary
outputdir = file.path(pB$modeldir, pB$carstm_model_label)
res_vars = c( names( res$hypers), names(res$fixed) )
for (i in 1:length(res_vars) ) {
o = carstm_prior_posterior_compare( res, vn=res_vars[i], outputdir=outputdir )
dev.new(); print(o)
# end spatiotemporal model
# some maps and plots
# for mapping below, some bathymetry and polygons
additional_features = snowcrab_mapping_features(pB)
for (vns in c( "catch", "habitat") ) {
#vns ="catch"
#vns ="habitat"
if ( vns=="catch" ) {
ylab = "catch"
fn_root_prefix = "Predicted_catch"
fn_root = "catch"
# title= paste( snowcrab_filter_class, "catch; kg/trap haul" )
if ( vns=="habitat" ) {
ylab = "Probability"
fn_root_prefix = "Predicted_presence_absence"
fn_root = "habitat"
# title= paste( snowcrab_filter_class, "Probability")
outputdir = file.path( p$modeldir, p$carstm_model_label, "figures" )
if ( !file.exists(outputdir)) dir.create( outputdir, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE )
# # to compute habitat prob
# sims = carstm_posterior_simulations( pH=pH, pa_threshold=0.05, qmax=0.95 )
# SM = aggregate_simulations(
# sims=sims,
# sppoly=sppoly,
# fn=carstm_filenames( pB, returnvalue="filename", fn="aggregated_timeseries" ),
# yrs=pB$yrs,
# method="mean",
# redo=TRUE
# )
# outputdir = file.path( carstm_filenames( pB, returnvalue="output_directory"), "aggregated_habitat_timeseries" )
# ylabel = "Habitat probability"
# fn_ts = "habitat_M0.png"
# vn = paste("habitat", "predicted", sep=".")
# outputdir2 = file.path( carstm_filenames( pB, returnvalue="output_directory"), "predicted_habitat" )
# to load currently saved results
res = carstm_model( p=p, DS="carstm_summary" ) # parameters in p and direct summary
res = NULL; gc()
# plots with 95% PI
carstm_plot_marginaleffects( p, outputdir, fn_root )
# maps of some of the results
outputdirmap = file.path(p$modeldir, p$carstm_model_label, "maps" )
carstm_plot_map( p=p, outputdir=outputdirmap, fn_root_prefix=fn_root_prefix , additional_features=additional_features,
toplot="random_spatial", probs=c(0.025, 0.975) )
carstm_plot_map( p=p, outputdir=outputdirmap, fn_root_prefix=fn_root_prefix , additional_features=additional_features,
toplot="predictions", probs=c(0.1, 0.9))
Convolution is straightforward as it is operating upon joint posterior simulations. Add more maps/figures as required.
# wgts_max = 1.1 # kg, hard upper limit
# N_max = NULL
# # quantile( M$totno[ipositive]/M$data_offset[ipositive], probs=0.95, na.rm=TRUE )
# posterior sims
regions = c("cfanorth", "cfasouth", "cfa4x" )
region_label = c("N-ENS", "S-ENS", "4X")
color_map = c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#CC79A7" )
additional_features = snowcrab_mapping_features(pB)
sppoly = areal_units( p=pB ) # to reload
for ( vns in c("catch", "habitat") ) {
if (vns=="catch") {
sims = carstm_posterior_simulations( pB=pB, pH=pH, pa_threshold=0.05, qmax=0.95 )
SM = aggregate_simulations(
fn=carstm_filenames( pB, returnvalue="filename", fn="aggregated_timeseries" ),
# note: using pB, even though this is catch
outputdir = file.path( carstm_filenames( pB, returnvalue="output_directory"), "aggregated_timeseries" )
ylabel = "CPUE (kg/trap haul)"
fn_ts = "cpue.png"
vn = paste("catch", "predicted", sep=".")
outputdir2 = file.path( carstm_filenames( pB, returnvalue="output_directory"), "predicted_cpue" )
if (vns=="habitat") {
sims = carstm_posterior_simulations( pH=pH, pa_threshold=0.05, qmax=0.95 )
SM = aggregate_simulations(
fn=carstm_filenames( pB, returnvalue="filename", fn="aggregated_timeseries" ),
# units: probability
# note: using pB, even though this is habitat
outputdir = file.path( carstm_filenames( pB, returnvalue="output_directory"), "aggregated_habitat_timeseries" )
ylabel = "Habitat probability"
fn_ts = "habitat_M0.png"
vn = paste("habitat", "predicted", sep=".")
outputdir2 = file.path( carstm_filenames( pB, returnvalue="output_directory"), "predicted_habitat" )
if ( !file.exists(outputdir)) dir.create( outputdir, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE )
# plot effects
( fn = file.path( outputdir, "cfa_all.png") )
png( filename=fn, width=3072, height=2304, pointsize=12, res=300 )
plot( cfaall ~ yrs, data=RES, lty="solid", lwd=4, pch=20, col="slateblue", type="b", ylab=ylabel, xlab="")
lines( cfaall_lb ~ yrs, data=RES, lty="dotted", lwd=2, col="slategray" )
lines( cfaall_ub ~ yrs, data=RES, lty="dotted", lwd=2, col="slategray" )
( fn = file.path( outputdir, "cfa_south.png") )
png( filename=fn, width=3072, height=2304, pointsize=12, res=300 )
plot( cfasouth ~ yrs, data=RES, lty="solid", lwd=4, pch=20, col="slateblue", type="b", ylab=ylabel, xlab="")
lines( cfasouth_lb ~ yrs, data=RES, lty="dotted", lwd=2, col="slategray" )
lines( cfasouth_ub ~ yrs, data=RES, lty="dotted", lwd=2, col="slategray" )
( fn = file.path( outputdir, "cfa_north.png") )
png( filename=fn, width=3072, height=2304, pointsize=12, res=300 )
plot( cfanorth ~ yrs, data=RES, lty="solid", lwd=4, pch=20, col="slateblue", type="b", ylab=ylabel, xlab="")
lines( cfanorth_lb ~ yrs, data=RES, lty="dotted", lwd=2, col="slategray" )
lines( cfanorth_ub ~ yrs, data=RES, lty="dotted", lwd=2, col="slategray" )
( fn = file.path( outputdir, "cfa_4x.png") )
png( filename=fn, width=3072, height=2304, pointsize=12, res=300 )
plot( cfa4x ~ yrs, data=RES, lty="solid", lwd=4, pch=20, col="slateblue", type="b", ylab=ylabel, xlab="")
lines( cfa4x_lb ~ yrs, data=RES, lty="dotted", lwd=2, col="slategray" )
lines( cfa4x_ub ~ yrs, data=RES, lty="dotted", lwd=2, col="slategray" )
a = cbind( "cfanorth", RES[,c("yrs", "cfanorth", "cfanorth_lb", "cfanorth_ub")] )
b = cbind( "cfasouth", RES[,c("yrs", "cfasouth", "cfasouth_lb", "cfasouth_ub")] )
c = cbind( "cfa4x", RES[,c("yrs", "cfa4x", "cfa4x_lb", "cfa4x_ub")] )
names(a) = names(b) = names(c) = c("region", "year", "mean", "lb", "ub")
tdb = rbind(a, b, c)
tdb$region = factor(tdb$region, levels=regions, labels =region_label)
tdb = tdb[(which(!is.na(tdb$region))), ]
fn = file.path( outputdir, fn_ts )
if (vns=="catch") {
out = ggplot(tdb, aes(x=year, y=mean, fill=region, colour=region)) +
geom_line( alpha=0.9, linewidth=1.2 ) +
geom_point(aes(shape=region), size=3, alpha=0.7 ) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=lb,ymax=ub), linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.8, width=0.3) +
labs(x="Year/Année", y="CPUE (kt/trap haul)", size = rel(1.5)) +
scale_colour_manual(values=color_map) +
scale_fill_manual(values=color_map) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(15, 17, 19)) +
theme_light( base_size = 22) +
theme( legend.position="inside", legend.position.inside=c(0.75, 0.9), legend.title=element_blank()) +
scale_y_break(c(14, 28), scales = 1)
# scale_y_continuous( limits=c(0, 300) )
ggsave(filename=fn, plot=out, width=12, height = 8)
# map it ..mean density
if ( !file.exists(outputdir2)) dir.create( outputdir2, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE )
B = apply( sims, c(1,2), mean ) # sims units (kt);
B[ which(!is.finite(B)) ] = NA
# brks = pretty( log10( quantile( B[], probs=c(0.05, 0.95), na.rm=TRUE )* 10^6) )
sa = units::drop_units(sppoly$au_sa_km2)
brks = pretty( ( quantile( log(B * 10^6 / sa), probs=c(0.05, 0.95), na.rm=TRUE )) )
for (i in 1:length(pB$yrs) ) {
y = as.character( pB$yrs[i] )
# u = log10( B[,y]* 10^6 ) ## Total kt->kg: log10( kg )
u = log( B[,y]* 10^6 / sa) # ;; density log10( kg /km^2 )
sppoly[,vn] = u
outfilename = file.path( outputdir2 , paste( "cpue", y, "png", sep=".") )
carstm_map( sppoly=sppoly, vn=vn,
legend.position.inside=c( 0.1, 0.9 ),
# annotation=paste( "log_10( Predicted cpue; kg/trap haul )", y ),
colors=rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5, "RdYlBu")),
} # end year loop
if (vns=="habitat") {
out = ggplot(tdb, aes(x=year, y=mean, fill=region, colour=region)) +
geom_line( alpha=0.9, linewidth=1.2 ) +
geom_point(aes(shape=region), size=3, alpha=0.7 ) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=lb,ymax=ub), linewidth=0.8, alpha=0.8, width=0.3) +
labs(x="Year/Année", y="Viable habitat (probability) /\nHabitat viable (probabilité)", size = rel(1.0)) +
scale_colour_manual(values=color_map) +
scale_fill_manual(values=color_map) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(15, 17, 19)) +
theme_light( base_size = 22) +
theme( legend.position="inside", legend.position.inside=c(0.75, 0.9), legend.title=element_blank())
# scale_y_continuous( limits=c(0, 300) )
ggsave(filename=fn, plot=out, width=12, height = 8)
if ( !file.exists(outputdir2)) dir.create( outputdir2, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE )
B = apply( sims, c(1,2), mean ) # sims units (kg/th );
B[ which(!is.finite(B)) ] = NA
# brks = pretty( log10( quantile( B[], probs=c(0.05, 0.95), na.rm=TRUE )* 10^6) )
sa = units::drop_units(sppoly$au_sa_km2)
brks = pretty( c(0, 1) )
for (i in 1:length(pB$yrs) ) {
y = as.character( pB$yrs[i] )
u = B[,y]
sppoly[,vn] = u
outfilename = file.path( outputdir2 , paste( "habitat", y, "png", sep=".") )
carstm_map( sppoly=sppoly, vn=vn,
legend.position.inside=c( 0.1, 0.9 ),
# annotation=paste( "log_10( Predicted cpue; kg/trap haul )", y ),
colors=rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5, "RdYlBu")),
} # end year loop
} # end vns loop
# end assimilate size and numbers
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