
title: "Snow crab stock assessment" author: - name: given: Snow Crab Unit family: DFO Science # orcid: 0000-0003-3632-5723 # email: # email: # corresponding: true affiliation: - name: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Fisheries and Oceans Canada city: Dartmouth state: NS # url: keywords: - snow crab stock status assessment abstract: | Snow crab stock status assessment. fontsize: 12pt metadata-files: - _metadata.yml params: year_assessment: 2024 year_start: 1999 data_loc: "~/" sens: 1 debugging: FALSE model_variation: logistic_discrete_historical

#| eval: true
#| output: false
#| echo: false
#| label: setup


    root.dir = data_root,
    echo = FALSE,
    fig.retina = 2,

  # things to load into memory (in next step) via _load_results.qmd
  toget = c( "fishery_results", "fishery_model" )  

{{< include _load_results.qmd >}}

Stock status

Size structure

Factors: early maturation, size-selective predation, fishing of largest individuals, start or end of a recruitment pulse, timing of survey.



Reproduction (mature females)

Distributions are heterogeneous and often in shallower areas.

Sex ratios (proportion female, mature)

Modelled Biomass (pre-fishery)

#| label: fig-logisticPredictions
#| eval: true
#| echo: false
#| output: true
#| fig-dpi: 144
#| fig-height: 4
#| hold
#| fig-cap: "Fishable, posterior mean modelled biomass (pre-fishery; kt) are shown in dark orange. Light orange are posterior samples of modelled biomass (pre-fishery; kt) to illustrate the variability of the predictions. The biomass index (post-fishery, except prior to 2004) after model adjustment by the model catchability coefficient is in gray."
#| fig-subcap:
#|   - "N-ENS"
#|   - "S-ENS"
#|   - "4X"

loc = file.path( data_loc, "fishery_model", year_assessment, "logistic_discrete_historical" )
fns = file.path( loc, c(
) )

include_graphics( fns )

N-ENS: {r} round(B_north[t0], 2) t in {r} year_assessment

S-ENS: {r} round(B_south[t0], 2) t in {r} year_assessment

4X: {r} round(B_4x[t0], 2) t in {r} year_assessment-{r} year_assessment+1

Fishing Mortality

#| label: fig-logisticFishingMortality
#| eval: true
#| echo: false
#| output: true
#| fig-dpi: 144
#| fig-height: 4
#| hold
#| fig-cap: "Time-series of modelled instantaneous fishing mortality from Model 1, for N-ENS (left), S-ENS (middle), and 4X (right). Samples of the posterior densities are presented, with the darkest line being the mean."
#| fig-subcap:
#|   - "N-ENS"
#|   - "S-ENS"
#|   - "4X"

odir = file.path( fishery_model_results, year_assessment, "logistic_discrete_historical" )
fns = file.path( odir, c(

include_graphics( fns )

N-ENS: {r} round(FM_north[t0],3) (annual exploitation rate of {r} round(100*(exp(FM_north[t0])-1),2)%) in {r} year_assessment

S-ENS: {r} round(FM_south[t0],3) (annual exploitation rate of {r} round(100*(exp(FM_south[t0])-1),1)%) in {r} year_assessment

4X: {r} round(FM_4x[t0],3) (annual exploitation rate of {r} round(100*(exp(FM_4x[t0])-1),1)%) in {r} year_assessment-{r} year_assessment+1 season

Localized exploitation rates are likely higher, as not all areas for which biomass is estimated are fished.

Reference Points

#| label: fig-ReferencePoints
#| eval: true
#| echo: false
#| output: true
#| fig-dpi: 144
#| fig-height: 4
#| hold
#| fig-cap: "Harvest control rules for the Scotian Shelf Snow Crab fisheries."

fn = file.path( media_loc, "harvest_control_rules.png")
include_graphics( fn )

#| label: fig-logistic-hcr
#| eval: true
#| echo: false
#| output: true
#| fig-dpi: 144
#| fig-height: 4
#| hold
#| fig-cap: "Reference Points (fishing mortality and modelled biomass) from the Fishery Model, for N-ENS (left), S-ENS (middle), and 4X (right). The large yellow dot indicates most recent year and the 95\\% CI. Not: the model does not account for illegal and unreported landings, and interspecific interactions."
#| fig-subcap:
#|   - "N-ENS"
#|   - "S-ENS"
#|   - "4X"

odir = file.path( fishery_model_results, year_assessment, "logistic_discrete_historical" )

fns = file.path( odir, c(
  "plot_hcr_cfanorth.png" ,
) )

include_graphics( fns )

| | N-ENS | S-ENS | 4X | |----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | | | | | | |q | r round(q_north, 3) (r round(q_north_sd, 3)) | r round(q_south, 3) (r round(q_south_sd, 3)) | r round(q_4x, 3) (r round(q_4x_sd, 3)) | |r | r round(r_north, 3) (r round(r_north_sd, 3)) | r round(r_south, 3) (r round(r_south_sd, 3)) | r round(r_4x, 3) (r round(r_4x_sd, 3)) | |K | r round(K_north, 2) (r round(K_north_sd, 2)) | r round(K_south, 2) (r round(K_south_sd, 2)) | r round(K_4x, 2) (r round(K_4x_sd, 2)) | |Prefishery Biomass | r round(B_north[t0], 2) (r round(B_north_sd[t0], 2)) | r round(B_south[t0], 2) (r round(B_south_sd[t0], 2)) | r round(B_4x[t0], 2) (r round(B_4x_sd[t0], 2)) | |Fishing Mortality | r round(FM_north[t0], 3) (r round(FM_north_sd[t0], 3)) | r round(FM_south[t0], 3) (r round(FM_south_sd[t0], 3)) | r round(FM_4x[t0], 3) (r round(FM_4x_sd[t0], 3)) |

Note: Values in parentheses are Posterior standard deviations.

----------- The text needs to be updated ------------------


The ESS ecosystem is still experiencing a lot of volatility and prudence is wise:

Modelled solutions:

Conclusions: N-ENS

In N-ENS, though recruitment continues at low levels, a gap in future recruitment to the fishery is expected for the next 1-3 years

bridging this coming recruitment gap. A reduced TAC is prudent.

Conclusions: S-ENS

recruitment to the fishery is likely to continue at a moderate rate for the upcoming season

Conclusions: 4X

low to moderate levels of recruitment are expected for 2 years. 4X exists in the "cautious zone".

habitat has been depressed for many years. A reduced TAC is prudent.

Surplus production ("Shaeffer form") {.c}

#| label: fig-logistic-surplus-production
#| results: asis
#| echo: false
#| eval: true
#| output: true
#| fig-dpi: 144
#| fig-height: 4
#| fig-cap: "Surplus production. Each year is represented by a different colour."

for (r in 1:nregions){
  reg = regions[r]
  REG = reg_labels[r] 
  cat("#### ", REG, "\n")
  fn = file.path( fm_loc, paste("plot_surplus_production_", reg, ".png", sep="" ) ) 

Prior-posterior comparsons: Carrying capacity (K; kt) {.c}

#| label: fig-logistic-prior-posterior-K
#| results: asis
#| echo: false
#| eval: true
#| output: true
#| fig-dpi: 144
#| fig-height: 4
#| fig-cap: "Prior-posterior comparisons of carrying capacity (K; kt)."

for (r in 1:nregions){
  reg = regions[r]
  REG = reg_labels[r] 
  cat("#### ", REG, "\n")
  fn = file.path( fm_loc, paste("plot_prior_K_", reg, ".png", sep="" ) ) 

Prior-posterior comparsons: Intrinsic rate of biomass increase (r) {.c}

#| label: fig-logistic-prior-posterior-r
#| results: asis
#| echo: false
#| eval: true
#| output: true
#| fig-dpi: 144
#| fig-height: 4
#| fig-cap: "Prior-posterior comparisons of th iIntrinsic rate of biomass increase (r)."

for (r in 1:nregions){
  reg = regions[r]
  REG = reg_labels[r] 
  cat("#### ", REG, "\n")
  fn = file.path( fm_loc, paste("plot_prior_r_", reg, ".png", sep="" ) ) 

Prior-posterior comparsons: Catchability coefficient (q) {.c}

#| label: fig-logistic-prior-posterior-q
#| results: asis
#| echo: false
#| eval: true
#| output: true
#| fig-dpi: 144
#| fig-height: 4
#| fig-cap: "Prior-posterior comparisons of the catchability coefficient (q)."

for (r in 1:nregions){
  reg = regions[r]
  REG = reg_labels[r] 
  cat("#### ", REG, "\n")
  fn = file.path( fm_loc, paste("plot_prior_q1_", reg, ".png", sep="" ) ) 

Prior-posterior comparsons: Observation error {.c}

#| label: fig-logistic-prior-posterior-obserror
#| results: asis
#| echo: false
#| eval: true
#| output: true
#| fig-dpi: 144
#| fig-height: 4
#| fig-cap: "Prior-posterior comparisons of Observation error (kt)."

for (r in 1:nregions){
  reg = regions[r]
  REG = reg_labels[r] 
  cat("#### ", REG, "\n")
  fn = file.path( fm_loc, paste("plot_prior_bosd_", reg, ".png", sep="" ) ) 

Prior-posterior comparsons: Model process error {.c}

#| label: fig-logistic-prior-posterior-processerror
#| results: asis
#| echo: false
#| eval: true
#| output: true
#| fig-dpi: 144
#| fig-height: 4
#| fig-cap: "Prior-posterior comparisons of Model process error (kt)."

for (r in 1:nregions){
  reg = regions[r]
  REG = reg_labels[r] 
  cat("#### ", REG, "\n")
  fn = file.path( fm_loc, paste("plot_prior_bpsd_", reg, ".png", sep="" ) ) 

State space {.c}

#| label: fig-logistic-state-space
#| results: asis
#| echo: false
#| eval: true
#| output: true
#| fig-dpi: 144
#| fig-height: 4
#| fig-cap: "State space (kt): year vs year+1."

for (r in 1:nregions){
  reg = regions[r]
  REG = reg_labels[r] 
  cat("#### ", REG, "\n")
  fn = file.path( fm_loc, paste("plot_state_space_", reg, ".png", sep="" ) ) 

jae0/snowcrab documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 2:27 p.m.