    root.dir = data_root,
    echo = FALSE,
#     dev.args = list(type = "cairo"),
    fig.retina = 2,

  # inits and data loading (front load all required data)


  year.assessment = params$year.assessment
  year_previous = year.assessment - 1
  p = bio.snowcrab::load.environment( year.assessment=year.assessment )
  SCD = project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab")
  media_loc = params$media_loc

  # fishery_model_results = file.path( "/home", "jae", "projects", "dynamical_model", "snowcrab", "outputs" )
  fishery_model_results = file.path( SCD, "fishery_model" )

  sn_env = snowcrab_load_key_results_to_memory( year.assessment, debugging=params$debugging, loc_dde=params$loc_dde, return_as_list=TRUE  ) 


  # predator diet data
  diet_data_dir = file.path( SCD, "data", "diets" )
  require(data.table) # for speed
  require(gt)  # table formatting
  require(aegis) # map-related 
  require(bio.taxonomy)  # handle species codes

  # assimilate the CSV data tables:
  # diet = get_feeding_data( diet_data_dir, redo=TRUE )  # if there is a data update
  diet = get_feeding_data( diet_data_dir, redo=FALSE )
  tx = taxa_to_code("snow crab")  
  # matching codes are 
  #  spec    tsn                  tx                   vern tx_index
  #1  528 172379        BENTHODESMUS           BENTHODESMUS     1659
  #2 2522  98427        CHIONOECETES SPIDER QUEEN SNOW UNID      728
  #3 2526  98428 CHIONOECETES OPILIO        SNOW CRAB QUEEN      729
  # 2 and 3 are correct

  snowcrab_predators = diet[ preyspeccd %in% c(2522, 2526), ]  # n=159 oservations out of a total of 58287 observations in db (=0.28% of all data)
  snowcrab_predators$Species = code_to_taxa(snowcrab_predators$spec)$vern
  snowcrab_predators$Predator = factor(snowcrab_predators$Species)

  counts = snowcrab_predators[ , .(Frequency=.N), by=.(Species)]
  setorderv(counts, "Frequency", order=-1)

  # species composition
  psp = speciescomposition_parameters( yrs=p$yrs, runlabel="1999_present" )
  pca = speciescomposition_db( DS="pca", p=psp )  

  pcadata = pca$loadings )
  pcadata$vern = stringr::str_to_title( taxonomy.recode( from="spec", to="taxa", tolookup=rownames( pcadata ) )$vern )

  # bycatch summaries
  o_cfaall = observer.db( DS="bycatch_summary", p=p,  yrs=p$yrs, region="cfaall" )
  o_cfanorth = observer.db( DS="bycatch_summary", p=p,  yrs=p$yrs, region="cfanorth" )   
  o_cfasouth = observer.db( DS="bycatch_summary", p=p,  yrs=p$yrs, region="cfasouth" )   
  o_cfa4x = observer.db( DS="bycatch_summary", p=p,  yrs=p$yrs, region="cfa4x" )   

Life history {.c}

Photos {.c}

::: columns :::: column

fn1=file.path( media_loc, "snowcrab_zoea.png" )
knitr::include_graphics( c(fn1 ) ) 
# \@ref(fig:photos)  

:::: :::: column

fn2=file.path( media_loc, "snowcrab_male.png" )
fn3=file.path( media_loc, "snowcrab_male_and_female.png" )
knitr::include_graphics( c( fn2, fn3) ) 
# \@ref(fig:photos)  

:::: :::

Life history stages{.c}

loc = file.path( Sys.getenv("HOME"), "projects", "dynamical_model", "snowcrab", "media" )
fn1=file.path( loc, "life_history.png" )
knitr::include_graphics( fn1 ) 
# \@ref(fig:lifehistory)  

Growth stanzas {.c}

loc = file.path( Sys.getenv("HOME"), "projects", "dynamical_model", "snowcrab", "media" )
fn1=file.path( loc, "life_history_male.png" )
knitr::include_graphics( fn1 ) 
# \@ref(fig:lifehistory_male)  

Growth modes{.c}

loc = file.path( Sys.getenv("HOME"), "", "bio.snowcrab", "output" )
fn1=file.path( loc, "size_structure", "growth_summary1.png" )
knitr::include_graphics( c(fn1) ) 

Growth modes 2 {.c}

loc = file.path( Sys.getenv("HOME"), "", "bio.snowcrab", "output" )
fn1=file.path( loc, "size_structure", "growth_summary2.png" )
knitr::include_graphics( c(fn1) ) 

Notable traits

Life history: Spatially and temporally complex

Population structure integrates everything

Multiple processes at multiple scales

Observations error (precision, accuracy)

Solutions: Experimental design

Solutions: Experimental design 2

Latent ecological process

Snow crab survey locations {.c}

::: columns :::: column

loc = file.path( SCD, "output", "maps", "survey.locations" )
yrsplot = setdiff( year.assessment + c(0:-9), 2020)
fn6 = file.path( loc, paste( "survey.locations", yrsplot[6], "png", sep=".") )
fn5 = file.path( loc, paste( "survey.locations", yrsplot[5], "png", sep=".") )
fn4 = file.path( loc, paste( "survey.locations", yrsplot[4], "png", sep=".") )
fn3 = file.path( loc, paste( "survey.locations", yrsplot[3], "png", sep=".") )
fn2 = file.path( loc, paste( "survey.locations", yrsplot[2], "png", sep=".") )
fn1 = file.path( loc, paste( "survey.locations", yrsplot[1], "png", sep=".") )
knitr::include_graphics( c( fn2, fn1) )
# \@ref(fig:survey-locations-map)  

:::: :::: column

fn1 = file.path( media_loc, "carstm_prediction_domain.png" )
knitr::include_graphics( c( fn1) )

:::: :::

Clustering {.c}

```r aggregation for moulting and migration and Alaska red king crab \emph{Paralithodes camtschaticus} aggregation in Alaska for egg release, migrations.' } fn1=file.path( media_loc, "australian_leptomithrax_gaimardii.png" ) fn2=file.path( media_loc, "kingcrab_aggregation.png" ) knitr::include_graphics( c(fn1, fn2 ) )


- *Other* crab species show "Mounding" for protection from predation (larval, moulting and females)

- Narrow habitat preferences force them to move and cluster when environment is poor

## Clustering2  {.c}

fn = file.path(p$project.outputdir, "maps", "map_highdensity_locations.png" )
knitr::include_graphics( fn ) 
# \@ref(fig:aggregation)  
if (0) {
    # high density locations directly from databases
    M = snowcrab.db( DS="set.complete", p=p ) 
    i = which(M$totno.all > 2.5*10^5)
    H = M[i, .( plon, plat, towquality, dist, distance, surfacearea, vessel, yr, z, julian, no.male.all, no.female.all, cw.mean, totno.all, totno.male.imm, totno.male.mat, totno.female.imm, totno.female.mat, totno.female.primiparous, totno.female.multiparous, totno.female.berried)]
    H$log10density = log10(H$totno.all)
    cst = coastline_db( p=p, project_to=st_crs(pg) ) 
    isodepths = c(100, 200, 300)
    isob = isobath_db( DS="isobath", depths=isodepths, project_to=st_crs(pg))
    isob$level = as.factor( isob$level)
    plt = ggplot() +
      geom_sf( data=cst, show.legend=FALSE ) +
      geom_sf( data=isob, aes( alpha=0.1, fill=level), lwd=0.1, show.legend=FALSE) +
    geom_point(data=H, aes(x=plon, y=plat, colour=log10density), size=5) +
      coord_sf(xlim = c(270, 940 ), ylim = c(4780, 5200 )) +
    theme(legend.position=c(0.08, 0.8)) 
    png(filename=fn, width=1000,height=600, res=144)

Sampling bias: depth

loc = file.path( homedir, "projects", "snowcrabframework" )
knitr::include_graphics( file.path( loc, "bias_depth.png" ) )

Sampling bias: substrate grain size

loc = file.path( homedir, "projects", "snowcrabframework" )
knitr::include_graphics( file.path( loc, "bias_substrate.png" ) ) 

Sampling bias: bottom temperature

loc = file.path( homedir, "projects", "snowcrabframework" )
knitr::include_graphics( file.path( loc, "bias_temp.png" ) ) 

Sampling bias: species composition 1 (temperature related)

loc = file.path( homedir, "projects", "snowcrabframework" )
knitr::include_graphics( file.path( loc, "bias_pca1.png" ) ) 

Sampling bias: species composition 2 (depth related)

loc = file.path( homedir, "projects", "snowcrabframework" )
knitr::include_graphics( file.path( loc, "bias_pca2.png" ) ) 

Sampling bias: summary

Indications of sampling bias relative to spatial domain of snow crab:

Generalized linear models (GLM)


::: columns :::: column

$S={S_{1},...,S_{K}}$ is a set of $k=1,...,K$ non-overlapping (areal) units.

$\boldsymbol{Y}=(y_{1},...,y_{K})$ are observations on $S$, then:

$$\begin{aligned} Y & \sim f(y|\Omega) g(\mu) &=\boldsymbol{x}^{T}\boldsymbol{\beta}+\boldsymbol{O}+\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}. \end{aligned}$$


:::: column

:::: :::


Generalized linear models (GLM) ...

\small ::: columns :::: column For each distributional family: \vspace{2mm}


$Y\sim\text{Poisson}(\mu)$, and


:::: column

Stratified random sampling assumes:

$$\begin{aligned} \varepsilon_{s} & \sim\text{N}(0,{}^{\varepsilon}!\sigma_{s}^{2}) \end{aligned}$$

i.e., IID errors in space (time is usually ignored)

:::: :::


Autocorrelated spatial errors


Kriging extends $\varepsilon$ to spatial contraints ("variograms").

$$\begin{aligned} Y_{t} & \sim\text{MVN}(\boldsymbol{\mu}{t},\boldsymbol{\Sigma}{t})\ g(\mu_{t}) & =\boldsymbol{x_{t}}^{T}\boldsymbol{\beta_{t}}+\boldsymbol{\omega}{t}+\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}{t}\ \varepsilon_{t} & \sim N(0,{}^{\varepsilon}!\sigma_{t}^{2})\ \omega_{t} & \sim\text{GP}(\boldsymbol{0},C(s_{t},s_{t}';^{\omega}!\theta_{t}))\ \boldsymbol{\Sigma_{t}} & =\left[C(\text{s}{it},\text{s}{jt};^{\omega}!\theta_{t})\right]{i,j=1}^{K}+{}^{\varepsilon}!\sigma{t}^{2}I_{S} \ C(h){\text{Mat\'{e}rn}} & = ;^{\omega}\sigma^{2}\frac{1}{2^{\nu-1}\Gamma(\nu)}(\sqrt{2\nu}h/\phi)^{\nu}\ K{\nu}(\sqrt{2\nu}h/\phi). \end{aligned}$$

\footnotesize - ignores temporal structure, focus upon spatial-only process


Reference Points ... {.c}

  # odir = file.path( fishery_model_results, year.assessment, "logistic_discrete_historical" )
  odir = file.path( homedir, "projects", "dynamical_model", "snowcrab", "outputs_alt",  year.assessment, "logistic_discrete_historical" )
  fn1 = file.path( odir, 'plot_hcr_cfanorth.png' ) 
  fn2 = file.path( odir, 'plot_hcr_cfasouth.png' ) 
  fn3 = file.path( odir, 'plot_hcr_cfa4x.png' ) 
  include_graphics(c(fn1, fn2, fn3) )
#  \@ref(fig:logistic-hcr)

Prior and posterior comparisons: K

# loc = file.path(data_root, 'bio.snowcrab', 'fishery_model', '2023', 'logistic_discrete_historical' )
loc = file.path( homedir, "projects", "dynamical_model", "snowcrab", "outputs_alt",  year.assessment, "logistic_discrete_historical" )
fn1 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_K_cfanorth.png')
fn2 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_K_cfasouth.png')
fn3 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_K_cfa4x.png')
# knitr::include_graphics( c(fn1)  ) 
knitr::include_graphics( c(fn1, fn2, fn3)  ) 

Prior and posterior comparisons: r

# loc = file.path(data_root, 'bio.snowcrab', 'fishery_model', '2023', 'logistic_discrete_historical' )
loc = file.path( homedir, "projects", "dynamical_model", "snowcrab", "outputs_alt",  year.assessment, "logistic_discrete_historical" )
fn1 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_r_cfanorth.png')
fn2 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_r_cfasouth.png')
fn3 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_r_cfa4x.png')
knitr::include_graphics( c(fn1, fn2, fn3)  ) 

Prior and posterior comparisons: q

# loc = file.path(data_root, 'bio.snowcrab', 'fishery_model', '2023', 'logistic_discrete_historical' )
loc = file.path( homedir, "projects", "dynamical_model", "snowcrab", "outputs_alt",  year.assessment, "logistic_discrete_historical" )
fn1 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_q1_cfanorth.png')
fn2 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_q1_cfasouth.png')
fn3 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_q1_cfa4x.png')
knitr::include_graphics( c(fn1, fn2, fn3)  )  

Prior and posterior comparisons: observaton error

# loc = file.path(data_root, 'bio.snowcrab', 'fishery_model', '2023', 'logistic_discrete_historical' )
loc = file.path( homedir, "projects", "dynamical_model", "snowcrab", "outputs_alt",  year.assessment, "logistic_discrete_historical" )
fn1 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_bosd_cfanorth.png')
fn2 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_bosd_cfasouth.png')
fn3 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_bosd_cfa4x.png') 
knitr::include_graphics( c( fn1, fn2, fn3)  )  

Prior and posterior comparisons: process error

# loc = file.path(data_root, 'bio.snowcrab', 'fishery_model', '2023', 'logistic_discrete_historical' )
loc = file.path( homedir, "projects", "dynamical_model", "snowcrab", "outputs_alt",  year.assessment, "logistic_discrete_historical" )
fn1 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_bpsd_cfanorth.png')
fn2 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_bpsd_cfasouth.png')
fn3 = file.path(loc, 'plot_prior_bpsd_cfa4x.png') 
knitr::include_graphics( c(fn1, fn2, fn3)  )   

jae0/snowcrab documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 2:42 p.m.