
aegis_db_lookup = function( X, lookupvars, xy_vars=c("lon", "lat"), time_var="timestamp", spatial.domain="SSE" ) {

  # wrapper around aegis_lookup to make in-situ lookup simpler
  # spatial.domain = "SSE" is the default and really the only supported projection ..
  # others are possible but 10.surveys and associated depndencies need to be created as well

  if (!exists(xy_vars[1], X) | !exists(xy_vars[2], X) ) stop( "xy_vars not found in input data" )

  pl = aegis::aegis_parameters( DS="lookuptables", spatial.domain=spatial.domain )

  if ( xy_vars[1] != "lon" ) X$lon = X[,xy_vars[1]]
  if ( xy_vars[2] != "lat" ) X$lat = X[,xy_vars[2]]

  # rename in case of variable names colliding
  if (exists("plon", X)) X$plon_0 = X$plon
  if (exists("plat", X)) X$plat_0 = X$plat

  X = lonlat2planar( X, proj.type=pl$internal.crs )  # SSE crs is "+proj=utm +ellps=WGS84 +zone=20 +units=km"

  X_new = aegis_lookup( DS="all", p=pl, locs=X[,c("plon", "plat")], timestamp=X[,time_var], varnames=lookupvars )
  newvars = setdiff( lookupvars, names(X) )
  for ( vn in setdiff( lookupvars, newvars ) ) {
    i = which( !is.finite(X[,vn]) )
    if (length(i) > 0) X[i,vn] = X_new[i,vn]
  X = cbind( X, X_new[, newvars])
jae0/stmdat documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11 p.m.