biblioCNDC: Review on CNDC in literature dataset.

biblioCNDCR Documentation

Review on CNDC in literature dataset.


Articles publishing CNDCs in agriculture were screened with a systematic review search using Web of Science and Google Scholar databases (last search on 03/14/2022, 392 articles retrieved in total). The following keywords were used: critical AND nitrogen AND dilution AND curve AND crop. This review covered 111 CNDCs for multiple genotype ✕ environment ✕ management (G ✕ E ✕ M) combinations of 20 crop species (Table S1). These were reported in 46 publications from 1984 to 2022.




A data frame with 111 rows and 18 variables


  • Paper. Publication reference

  • Year. Year of publication

  • Crop_type. Crop name

  • Species. Scientific name of species

  • studyType. Type of CNDC developed in the study

  • a. a coefficient of CNDC

  • b. b coefficient of CNDC

  • nExp_calibration. Number of experiments used in calibrations of the CNDC

  • nExp_validation. Number of experiments used in validation of the CNDC

  • nRates. Number of N rates used in dataset for fitting CNDC

  • nSamp. Number of sampling times in dataset for fitting CNDC

  • Model. Statistical procedure

  • hierarchicalMod. Specifies if a hierarchical model structure was used

  • minW. Minimum value of biomass used in dataset

  • maxW. Maximum value of biomass used in dataset

  • Method. Method for fitting the CNDC in the study

  • preProcess. Specifies if a criteria was used to define lower biomass values in the CNDC dataset

  • NLabMethod. Methodology for N analyses in laboratory

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