View source: R/sensAnalysis_4and5.R
sensAnalysis_4and5 | R Documentation |
This function returns results from the 4th and 5th sensitivity analysis in Fernandez et al. (2022): Using all data or only Wmax plateau achieved AND variance-weighted or unweighted data. Output is a tibble with posterior expectations and credibility intervals of a (A1) and b (A2) parameters of the CNDC.
See 'Examples' for the source code to obtain the given results. Briefly, the Bayesian hierarchical model explained by Makowski et al. (2020) was fitted to four combinations of datasets: using all data or only Wmax plateau achieved AND variance-weighted or unweighted data.
Parallel computation is recommended if running the example code.
## Not run: # Filter data by Wmax plateau achieved (or not): # 1. For each sampling time within a study, relative biomass (RelW) was first calculated as the # quotient between biomass and the maximum biomass achieved across all N supply treatments. # This procedure was performed to standardize the levels of biomass across sampling dates. # 2. Then, both linear and linear-plateau models were fitted to the biomass data across N rates # with an MCMC algorithm using the mcp:: library. Weakly-informative priors were defined for # both models. The algorithm was run with three chains of 15,000 iterations each (5,000 # discarded as a burn-in period). # 3. Last, models were compared by calculating the widely application information criteria # (WAIC). A sampling time by study combination was defined as "selected" or "excluded" if # the lowest WAIC was observed for a linear-plateau or linear response of RelW with # increasing N supply. # 4. Predictions are extracted for both models (linear and linear-plateau) in case visual # assessment is performed. model_linp <- list( RelW ~ 1 + Nrates, 1 ~ 0 ) model_null <- list(RelW ~ 1 + Nrates) prior_linp <- list( int_1 = "dnorm(0.5, 1) T(, 1)", Nrates_1 = "dnorm(0, 5)", cp_1 = "dunif(MINX, MAXX)" ) prior_null <- list( int_1 = "dnorm(0.5, 1) T(, 1)", Nrates_1 = "dnorm(0, 5)" ) dataSens_4 <- Data %>% dplyr::group_by(Site_year, Samp) %>% dplyr::mutate( Wmax = max(W, na.rm = T), RelW = W / Wmax ) %>% dplyr::group_by(Site_year, Samp) %>% tidyr::nest() %>% # loop for linear and linear-plateau models -------------------- dplyr::mutate( m1 = data %>% purrr::map(purrr::possibly(~ mcp::mcp( model = model_null, data = .x, iter = 10000, adapt = 5000, chains = 3, prior = prior_null, cores = 3 ), otherwise = NA, quiet = TRUE)), m2 = data %>% purrr::map(purrr::possibly(~ mcp::mcp( model = model_linp, data = .x, iter = 10000, adapt = 5000, chains = 3, prior = prior_linp, cores = 3 ), otherwise = NA, quiet = TRUE)) ) %>% # loop for obtaining waic for both models -------------------- dplyr::mutate( WAICm1 = m1 %>% purrr::map(purrr::possibly(~ mcp::waic(.x)$waic, otherwise = NA, quiet = TRUE)), WAICm2 = m2 %>% purrr::map(purrr::possibly(~ mcp::waic(.x)$waic, otherwise = NA, quiet = TRUE)) ) %>% # loop for selecting model -------------------- tidyr::unnest(WAICm1, WAICm2) %>% dplyr::mutate( m_sel = dplyr::case_when( ~ m2, ~ m1, WAICm1 <= WAICm2 ~ m1, TRUE ~ m2 ), Wmax_test = dplyr::case_when( & ~ "excluded", ~ "selected", ~ "excluded", WAICm1 <= WAICm2 ~ "excluded", TRUE ~ "selected" ) ) %>% # loop for extracting predictions for visual assessment -------------------- dplyr::mutate(ndat = data %>% purrr::map(~ tidyr::expand_grid(Nrates = full_seq(.x$Nrates, 10, tol = 5)))) %>% dplyr::mutate(ndat = purrr::map2(.x = ndat, .y = m_sel, purrr::possibly(~ predict(object = .y, newdata = .x, probs = c(0.5)), otherwise = NA, quiet = TRUE ))) # Filter data with variance information and combined 4th and 5th types of data: dataSens_5 <- Data %>% filter_at(.vars = vars(Na_SE, W_SE), .vars_predicate= all_vars(! dataSens_4and5 <- list( dataSens_4 %>% dplyr::select(Wmax_test) %>% right_join(dataSens_5) %>% filter(Wmax_test == "selected"), dataSens_5 ) # Parameters and JAGS settings are defined for the MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) procedure to # model the power function of CNDC across sampling dates. Weakly-informative priors were defined # following Makowski et al. (2020) and Ciampitti et al. (2021). The algorithm was run with three # chains of 200,000 iterations each (100,000 discarded as tuning and burn-in periods). The # statistical model was fitted using the rjags:: library. Last, MCMC samples are extracted in a # vector for all samples and deviance information criterion (DIC) is obtained. # Specify parameters and JAGS settings parameters <- c("A1", "A2", "Bmax", "S", "Nc") # JAGS settings adaptSteps <- 50000 #' number of steps to "tune" the samplers burnInSteps <- 50000 #' number of steps to "burn-in" the samplers nChains <- 3 #' number of chains to run thinSteps <- 10 #' number of steps to "thin" (keep every 10 steps) nIter <- 100000 #' steps per chain mcmcChain_4 <- NULL dic_4 <- NULL for (d in seq(1, 2, 1)) { Date <- as.numeric(as.factor(paste(dataSens_4and5[[d]]$Site_year, "_", dataSens_4and5[[d]]$Samp, sep = ""))) dataList <- list( "W" = dataSens_4and5[[d]]$W, "N" = dataSens_4and5[[d]]$Na, "Date" = Date, "Q" = length(Date), "K" = length(unique(Date)) ) m <- textConnection(" model { for (i in 1:Q) { W[i]~dnorm(mu[i], tau_b) N[i]~dnorm(Nc[Date[i]], tau_n) mu[i]<-min(Bmax[Date[i]], Bmax[Date[i]]+S[Date[i]]*(N[i]-Nc[Date[i]])) } for (j in 1:K) { Nc[j]=A1*Bmax[j]^(-A2) Bmax[j]~dnorm(Mu_Bmax,Prec_Bmax)T(0,) S[j]~dnorm(Mu_S,Prec_S)T(0,) } #'Weakly informative Mu_Bmax~dnorm(6,0.1) Mu_S~dnorm(0,0.1) A1~dunif(2,6) A2~dunif(0,0.7) Prec_Bmax~dgamma(0.001,0.001) Prec_S~dgamma(0.001,0.001) tau_b~dgamma(0.001,0.001) tau_n~dgamma(0.001,0.001) } ") set.seed(500) jagsModel_4 <- rjags::jags.model(m, data = dataList, n.chains = nChains, n.adapt = adaptSteps ) close(m) if (burnInSteps > 0) { update(jagsModel_4, n.iter = burnInSteps) } codaSamples_4 <- rjags::coda.samples(jagsModel_4, variable.names = parameters, n.iter = nIter, thin = thinSteps ) mcmcChain_4[[d]] <- as.matrix(codaSamples_4) dic_4[[d]] <- rjags::dic.samples(jagsModel_4, 10000) } # Specify parameters and JAGS settings parameters <- c("A1", "A2", "Bmax", "S", "Nc") # JAGS settings adaptSteps <- 50000 #' number of steps to "tune" the samplers burnInSteps <- 50000 #' number of steps to "burn-in" the samplers nChains <- 3 #' number of chains to run thinSteps <- 10 #' number of steps to "thin" (keep every 10 steps) nIter <- 100000 #' steps per chain mcmcChain_5 <- NULL dic_5 <- NULL for (d in seq(1, 2, 1)) { Date <- as.numeric(as.factor(paste(dataSens_4and5[[d]]$Site_year, "_", dataSens_4and5[[d]]$Samp, sep = ""))) dataList <- list( "W" = dataSens_4and5[[d]]$W, "N" = dataSens_4and5[[d]]$Na, "Date" = Date, "Q" = length(Date), "K" = length(unique(Date)), "Pw" = 1 / ((dataSens_4and5[[d]]$W_SE)^2), "Pn" = 1 / ((dataSens_4and5[[d]]$Na_SE)^2) ) m <- textConnection(" model { for (i in 1:Q) { #'#'#'#'The next two lines were modified W[i]~dnorm(Wtrue[i], Pw[i]) N[i]~dnorm(Ntrue[i], Pn[i]) Wtrue[i]~dnorm(mu[i], tau_b) Ntrue[i]~dnorm(Nc[Date[i]], tau_n) mu[i]<-min(Bmax[Date[i]], Bmax[Date[i]]+S[Date[i]]*(N[i]-Nc[Date[i]])) } for (j in 1:K) { Nc[j]=A1*Bmax[j]^(-A2) Bmax[j]~dnorm(Mu_Bmax,Prec_Bmax)T(0,) S[j]~dnorm(Mu_S,Prec_S)T(0,) } #'Weakly informative Mu_Bmax~dnorm(6,0.1) Mu_S~dnorm(0,0.1) A1~dunif(2,6) A2~dunif(0,0.7) Prec_Bmax~dgamma(0.001,0.001) Prec_S~dgamma(0.001,0.001) tau_b~dgamma(0.001,0.001) tau_n~dgamma(0.001,0.001) } ") set.seed(500) jagsModel_5 <- rjags::jags.model(m, data = dataList, n.chains = nChains, n.adapt = adaptSteps ) close(m) if (burnInSteps > 0) { update(jagsModel_5, n.iter = burnInSteps) } codaSamples_5 <- rjags::coda.samples(jagsModel_5, variable.names = parameters, n.iter = nIter, thin = thinSteps ) mcmcChain_5[[d]] <- as.matrix(codaSamples_5) dic_5[[d]] <- rjags::dic.samples(jagsModel_5, 10000) } # Posterior probability distributions of *a* and *b* parameters are extracted for the four combinations of models (two for each sensitivity test, 4th and 5th). fdataSens_4and5 <- bind_rows( #' unweighted models purrr::map2_dfr( mcmcChain_4, seq(1, 2, 1), ~ .x %>% %>% dplyr::mutate(Imp = .y) %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(-Imp, names_to = "Parameter", values_to = "Value") ) %>% dplyr::mutate( Method = dplyr::if_else(Imp == 1, "Unweighted-Wmax", "Unweighted-Wall"), Samp = stringr::str_replace(Parameter, ".*\\[(\\d{1,2})\\]$", "\\1"), Parameter = stringr::str_remove(Parameter, "\\[\\d{1,2}\\]$") ) %>% dplyr::filter(Parameter %in% c("A1", "A2")), #' weighted models purrr::map2_dfr( mcmcChain_5, seq(1, 2, 1), ~ .x %>% %>% dplyr::mutate(Imp = .y) %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(-Imp, names_to = "Parameter", values_to = "Value") ) %>% dplyr::mutate( Method = dplyr::if_else(Imp == 1, "Weighted-Wmax", "Weighted-Wall"), Samp = stringr::str_replace(Parameter, ".*\\[(\\d{1,2})\\]$", "\\1"), Parameter = stringr::str_remove(Parameter, "\\[\\d{1,2}\\]$") ) %>% dplyr::filter(Parameter %in% c("A1", "A2")) ) ## End(Not run)
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