
Defines functions subforestMST subgraphMST kEdgeExchange edgeExchange oneEdgeExchange

#' @title Uniform mutation for Pruefer code representation.
#' @description \code{mutUniformPruefer} replaces each component of a Pruefer code of length n - 2
#' with probability \code{p} with a random node number between 1 and n.
#' @param ind [\code{integer}]\cr
#'   Pruefer code.
#' @param p [\code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#'   Probability of mutation of each component of \code{ind}.
#'   Default is \code{1 / length(ind)}.
#' @return [\code{integer}] Mutated Pruefer code.
#' @family mcMST EMOA mutators
#' @seealso Evolutionary multi-objective algorithm \code{\link{mcMSTEmoaZhou}}
#' @export
mutUniformPruefer = makeMutator(
  mutator = function(ind, p = 1 / length(ind)) {
    n = length(ind)
    nrs = 1:(n + 2L)
    r = runif(n) < p
    if (sum(r) > 0)
      ind[r] = sample(nrs, sum(r), replace = TRUE)
  supported = "custom")

oneEdgeExchange = function(edgelist, edge.id, instance) {
  n = grapherator::getNumberOfNodes(instance)

  the.edge.idx = edge.id
  # get incident nodes
  node1 = edgelist[1L, the.edge.idx]
  node2 = edgelist[2L, the.edge.idx]

  getRandom = function(set) {
    if (length(set) == 1L)
    return(sample(set, 1L))

  # build igraph from edgelist
  tmp = igraph::graph_from_edgelist(t(edgelist), directed = FALSE)

  # now delete selected edges
  tmp = igraph::delete_edges(tmp, collapse(edgelist[, the.edge.idx], sep = "|"))

  # ... and search for components
  components = igraph::components(tmp, mode = "weak")
  comp.node1 = components$membership[node1]
  comp.node2 = components$membership[node2]

  nodes1 = which(components$membership == comp.node1)
  nodes2 = which(components$membership == comp.node2)

  getRandomConnectingEdge = function(nodes1, nodes2) {
    adj.mat = grapherator::getAdjacencyMatrix(instance)

    # reduce to part of adjacency matrix
    adj.mat2 = adj.mat[nodes1, nodes2, drop = FALSE]

    # get matrix rows and cols
    pos.edges = which(adj.mat2, arr.ind = TRUE)
    if (!is.matrix(pos.edges))
      pos.edges = matrix(pos.edges, nrow = 1L)

    # sample an edge at random
    idx.newnodes = pos.edges[getRandom(1:nrow(pos.edges)), ]

    return(c(nodes1[idx.newnodes[1L]], nodes2[idx.newnodes[2L]]))

  # replace edge with new edge
  edgelist[, the.edge.idx] = getRandomConnectingEdge(nodes1, nodes2)
  #checkValidity(edgelist, instance)


# Replace each edge with a given probability
edgeExchange = function(edgelist, p = 1 / ncol(edgelist), instance = NULL) {
  # get number of tree edges
  m = ncol(edgelist)

  # replace each edge with prob p
  for (edge.id in 1:m) {
    if (runif(1L) < p) {
      # sample random edge in tree
      edgelist = oneEdgeExchange(edgelist, edge.id, instance = instance)

# Replace k random edges
kEdgeExchange = function(edgelist, k = 1L, instance = NULL) {
  m = ncol(edgelist)

  # select k random edges
  sel.edges = sample(1:m, size = k, replace = FALSE)
  for (edge.id in sel.edges) {
    edgelist = oneEdgeExchange(edgelist, edge.id, instance = instance)

#' @title One-edge-exchange mutator for edge list representation of spanning trees.
#' @description Each edge is replaced with another feasible edge with probability p.
#' By default p = 1/m where m is the number of edges, i.e., in expectation one edge
#' is replaced. The operators maintains the spanning tree property, i.e., the resulting
#' edge list is indeed the edge list of a spanning tree.
#' @param ind [\code{matrix(2, m)}]\cr
#'   Matrix of edges (each column is one edge).
#' @param p [\code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#'   Probability of edge exchange.
#'   Default is \code{1 / ncol(ind)}.
#' @template arg_instance
#' @return [\code{matrix(2, m)}] Mutated edge list.
#' @family mcMST EMOA mutators
#' @seealso Evolutionary multi-objective algorithm \code{\link{mcMSTEmoaBG}}
#' @export
mutEdgeExchange = makeMutator(
  mutator = function(ind, p = 1 / ncol(ind), instance = NULL) {
    edgeExchange(ind, p, instance)
  supported = "custom")

#' @title k-edge-exchange mutator for edge list representation of spanning trees.
#' @description Let \eqn{m} be the number of spanning tree edges. Then, the operator
#' selects \eqn{1 \leq k \leq m} edges randomly and replaces each of the \eqn{k}
#' edges with another feasible edge.
#' @inheritParams mutEdgeExchange
#' @param k [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#'   Number of edges to swap.
#' @family mcMST EMOA mutators
#' @seealso Evolutionary multi-objective algorithm \code{\link{mcMSTEmoaBG}}
#' @export
mutKEdgeExchange = makeMutator(
  mutator = function(ind, k = 1L, instance = NULL) {
    kEdgeExchange(ind, k = k, instance = instance)
  supported = "custom")

subgraphMST = function(edgelist, sigma, scalarize, instance) {
  m = ncol(edgelist)
  n.objectives = instance$n.weights
  nsel = sample(3:sigma, 1L)
  #catf("Selecting connected subgraph with >= %i nodes.", nsel)
  inds = 1:m
  # select random edge in tree as the starting point
  start = sample(inds, 1L)

  tmp = igraph::graph_from_edgelist(t(edgelist), directed = FALSE)
  bfs.res = igraph::bfs(tmp, root = start)
  sel.nodes = as.integer(bfs.res$order[1:nsel])
  sel.edges = which(apply(edgelist, 2L, function(x) all(x %in% sel.nodes)))

  # now extract subgraph and apply Prim
  sel.nodes = sort(sel.nodes)
  dd = NULL
  if (!scalarize) {
    obj.idx = sample(1:n.objectives, 1L)
    dd = instance$weights[[obj.idx]][sel.nodes, sel.nodes]
  } else {
    lambdas = sampleWeights(n.objectives)
    dd = lapply(instance$weights, function(w) w[sel.nodes, sel.nodes])
    dd = scalarizeWeights(dd, lambdas)

  # get result of PRIM
  mstres = vegan::spantree(d = dd)

  repl.edges = matrix(
    c(sel.nodes[2:(length(sel.edges) + 1L)],
      sel.nodes[mstres$kid]), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2L)

  # replace edges
  edgelist[, sel.edges] = repl.edges

#' @title Subgraph-mutator for edge list representation.
#' @description \code{mutSubgraphMST} selects a random edge e = (u, v) and traverses
#' the tree starting form u and v respectively until a connected subtree of at most
#' \code{sigma} edges is selected. Then the subtree is replaced with the optimal spanning subtree
#' regarding one of the objectives with equal probability.
#' @param ind [\code{matrix(2, m)}]\cr
#'   Matrix of edges (each column is one edge).
#' @param sigma [\code{integer()}]\cr
#'   Upper bound for the size of the selected subtree.
#' @param scalarize [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#'   Should a scalarized version of the the subproblem be solved?
#'   If \code{TRUE}, a random weight \eqn{\lambda \in [0,1]} is sampled
#'   from a \code{U[0, 1]}-distribution. Next, a weighted sum
#'   scalarization \eqn{\lambda \cdot c_1 + (1 - \lambda) \cdot c_2}
#'   of the subproblem is solved.
#'   Default is \code{FALSE}, i.e., the single-objective subproblem is
#'   solved. The objective to optimize for is sampled with equal probability.
#' @template arg_instance
#' @return [\code{matrix(2, m)}] Mutated edge list.
#' @family mcMST EMOA mutators
#' @seealso Evolutionary multi-objective algorithm \code{\link{mcMSTEmoaBG}}
#' @export
mutSubgraphMST = makeMutator(
  mutator = function(ind, sigma = floor(ncol(ind) / 2), scalarize = FALSE, instance = NULL) {
    subgraphMST(ind, sigma, scalarize, instance)
  supported = "custom"

subforestMST = function(edgelist, sigma = ncol(edgelist), scalarize, instance) {
  n = grapherator::getNumberOfNodes(instance)
  n.objectives = grapherator::getNumberOfWeights(instance)

  # sample number between 1 and |V| - 1
  k = sample(1:sigma, 1L)

  # sample k random edges from given tree T
  edge.ids.dropped = sample(1:ncol(edgelist), k, replace = FALSE)
  # now we deleted the selected edges

  # build igraph from edgelist
  tmp = igraph::graph_from_edgelist(t(edgelist), directed = FALSE)

  # now delete selected edges
  tmp = igraph::delete_edges(tmp, edge.ids.dropped)

  # ... and search for components
  components = igraph::components(tmp, mode = "weak")

  # build new distance matrix between components
  n.comps = components$no

  # init distance matrix of component-graph
  dd = matrix(Inf, nrow = n.comps, ncol = n.comps)

  # ... and storage for edges in original graph
  dd.edge = array(dim = c(n.comps, n.comps, 2L))

  # scalarize stuff
  #FIXME: i guess we can do the scalarizeWeights stuff within the loop
  lambdas = sampleWeights(n.objectives)
  dd.scal = scalarizeWeights(instance$weights, lambdas)
  #dd.scal = instance$weights[[1L]]


  comp.nodes = lapply(1:n.comps, function(i) which(components$membership == i))

  for (i in 1:n.comps) {
    for (j in i:n.comps) {
      if (j == i)
      # now get all nodes from the corresponding components
      nodes.i = comp.nodes[[i]]
      nodes.j = comp.nodes[[j]]

      #catf("nodes in first comp: %s", collapse(nodes.i, ", "))
      #catf("nodes in second comp: %s", collapse(nodes.j, ", "))

      # now get all edges between nodes from component i and j
      dd.tmp = dd.scal[nodes.i, nodes.j, drop = FALSE]

      # get row and col indizes of cheapest edge between components i and j
      min.edge = which(dd.tmp == min(dd.tmp[dd.tmp > 0]), arr.ind = TRUE)

      # break ties at random
      if (nrow(min.edge) > 1L)
        min.edge = min.edge[sample(1:nrow(min.edge), 1L), ]
      min.edge = as.integer(min.edge)

      #catf("Indices of minimale edge: %s", collapse(min.edge))

      # store values
      dd[i, j] = dd[j, i] = dd.tmp[min.edge[1L], min.edge[2L]]
      # ... and edge for reconstruction
      dd.edge[i, j, ] = dd.edge[j, i, ] = c(nodes.i[min.edge[1L]], nodes.j[min.edge[2L]])


  # now compute MST between supernodes of components
  mstres = vegan::spantree(d = dd)

  # edglist of spanning tree of component graph
  edgelist.compgraph = matrix(
    mstres$kid), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2L)

  # finally map to "true" nodes in G
  repl.edges = apply(edgelist.compgraph, 2L, function(edge) {
    dd.edge[edge[1L], edge[2L], ]

  #catf("replacing with edges:")

  # finally replace edges
  edgelist[, edge.ids.dropped] = repl.edges

#' @title Forest-mutator for edge list representation.
#' @description \code{mutForestMST} drops k edges randomly. In consequence the
#' tree is decomposed into k+1 subtrees (forest). Now the operator reconnects the
#' subtrees by constructing a minimum spanning tree between the components.
#' @param ind [\code{matrix(2, m)}]\cr
#'   Matrix of edges (each column is one edge).
#' @param sigma [\code{integer()}]\cr
#'   Upper bound for number of dropped edges.
#' @param scalarize [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#'   Should a scalarized version of the the subproblem be solved?
#'   If \code{TRUE}, a random weight \eqn{\lambda \in [0,1]} is sampled
#'   from a \code{U[0, 1]}-distribution. Next, a weighted sum
#'   scalarization \eqn{\lambda \cdot c_1 + (1 - \lambda) \cdot c_2}
#'   of the subproblem is solved.
#'   Default is \code{FALSE}, i.e., the single-objective subproblem is
#'   solved. The objective to optimize for is sampled with equal probability.
#' @template arg_instance
#' @return [\code{matrix(2, m)}] Mutated edge list.
#' @family mcMST EMOA mutators
#' @seealso Evolutionary multi-objective algorithm \code{\link{mcMSTEmoaBG}}
#' @export
mutSubforestMST = makeMutator(
  mutator = function(ind, sigma = ncol(ind), scalarize = FALSE, instance = NULL) {
    subforestMST(ind, sigma, scalarize, instance)
  supported = "custom"
jakobbossek/mcMST documentation built on March 14, 2023, 4:28 p.m.