
#' Expand rows of google forms
#' @param df A dataframe with three columns "Actor" "Recipient"
#' @return The dataframe with expanded rows, as well as a row-identifier
#'  and score variable.
#' @examples
#' expandrows(df)
#' @section Further details:
#' Expand rows that have a variable where 2 or more factors 
#' are split by commas into separate rows with
#' all other variables duplicated.
#' Make sure columns/variables are named "Actor", "Recipient"
#' The score variable will be '1' for Actors that are clear winners
#' and a '0.5' for ties between Actors and Recipients.
#' @export

expandrows <- function(df){
  temp <- cSplit(cSplit(cbind(id = 1:nrow(df), df),
                        "Actor", ",", "long"), 
                 "Recipient", ",", "long")
  ## Convert "Actor" and "Recipient" to numeric
  SD <- c("Actor", "Recipient")
  temp[, (SD) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = SD]
  ## Sort Actors and Recipients, and check for duplicates and any points where Actors equal Recipients  
  temp[, toDrop := duplicated(
    paste(pmin(Actor, Recipient), pmax(Actor, Recipient))) |
      Actor == Recipient, by = id]
  ## Create your "score" column
  temp[, score := ifelse(any(toDrop), 0.5, 1), by = id]
  ## Subset and drop the irrelevant columns
  out <-  temp[temp$toDrop!=T,]
  #out <- temp[, c(2:3,5), with = FALSE]
jalapic/curleylab documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:18 a.m.