
Defines functions Z2d threshold2d Irregular2dWavelet

Documented in Irregular2dWavelet threshold2d Z2d

#' Creating design matrix with 2d wavelet basis functions as predictor
#' Takes in two matrices: The N x K matrices generated from 1d wavelet basis functions in each direction
#' @param Zx      An N x K matrix where the columns are the 1d wavelet basis functions in the X direction
#'                evaluated at the N locations of the data
#' @param Zy      An N x K matrix where the columns are the 1d wavelet basis functions in the Y direction
#'                evaluated at the N locations of the data
#' @return An N x K^2 matrix containing products of wavelet basis functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' n <- 1000
#' x <- runif(n)
#' y <- runif(n)
#' numLevels <- 3
#' k = 2^numLevels - 1
#' Zx <- cbind(rep(1, n), ZDaub(x, numLevels=numLevels))
#' Zy <- cbind(rep(1, n), ZDaub(y, numLevels=numLevels))
#' Zxy <- Z2d(Zx,Zy)

Z2d <- function(Zx,Zy) {
  n = dim(Zx)[1]
  k = dim(Zx)[2]
  Zxy <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=k^2)
  for (i in 1 : n) {
    for (j1 in 1 : k) {
      for (j2 in 1 : k) {
        Zxy[i, ((j1 - 1)*k) + j2] = Zx[i, j1]*Zy[i, j2]

#' Setting wavelet coefficients to zero that correspond to certain levels
#' Takes in a vector of coefficients and returns the same vector, but with entries forced to zero that correspond
#' to the desired wavelet levels
#' @param beta           Vector of wavelet coefficients
#' @param numLevels      Number of wavelet levels. Should be an integer between 2 and 10
#' @param remove.x       Vector of wavelet levels in the X direction that you want removed. Should contain
#'                       numbers between 1 and numLevels
#' @param remove.y       Vector of wavelet levels in the Y direction that you want removed. Should contain
#'                       numbers between 1 and numLevels
#' @return A vector of wavelet coefficients with those corresponding to basis functions involving levels in
#'         remove.x or remove.y set to zero
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(BostonPMsim)
#' numLevels <- 3
#' Decomp <- Irregular2dWavelet(x=BostonPMsim$long, 
#'                              y=BostonPMsim$lat,
#'                              f=BostonPMsim$pm,
#'                              numLevels=numLevels)
#' threshold.betalow4 <- threshold2d(Decomp$beta, numLevels, remove.x=4:numLevels, remove.y=4:numLevels)
#' threshold.fHatlow4 <- Decomp$Zxy%*%threshold.betalow4
#' threshold.col = colors(100)[as.numeric(cut(threshold.fHatlow4,breaks = 100))]
#' map("state","massachusetts", xlim=range(BostonPMsim$long), ylim=range(BostonPMsim$lat))
#' points(BostonPMsim$long, BostonPMsim$lat, col=threshold.col, cex=.2)

threshold2d <- function(beta, numLevels, remove.x, remove.y) {
  threshold.beta <- beta
  k <- 2^numLevels
  j1.remove <- c()
  j2.remove <- c()
  for (i in 1 : length(remove.x)) {
    temp.remove <- remove.x[i]
    j1.remove <- c(j1.remove, (2^(temp.remove-1) + 1) : (2^temp.remove))
  for (i in 1 : length(remove.y)) {
    temp.remove <- remove.y[i]
    j2.remove <- c(j2.remove, (2^(temp.remove-1) + 1) : (2^temp.remove))
  for (j1 in 1 : k) {
    for (j2 in 1 : k) {
      if (j1 %in% j1.remove | j2 %in% j2.remove) threshold.beta[((j1 - 1)*k) + j2] <- 0

#' Performing 2d wavelet decomposition
#' Takes in the location of the data as well as the data values
#' @param x              Vector of locations of the data in the first direction
#' @param y              Vector of locations of the data in the second direction
#' @param f              Vector of data values observed at the given locations
#' @param numLevels      Number of wavelet levels. Should be an integer between 2 and 10
#' @return A matrix of wavelet basis functions evaluated at the data as well as the estimated wavelet coefficients
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(BostonPMsim)
#' numLevels <- 3
#' Decomp <- Irregular2dWavelet(x=BostonPMsim$long, 
#'                              y=BostonPMsim$lat,
#'                              f=BostonPMsim$pm,
#'                              numLevels=numLevels)
#' threshold.betalow4 <- threshold2d(Decomp$beta, numLevels, remove.x=4:numLevels, remove.y=4:numLevels)
#' threshold.fHatlow4 <- Decomp$Zxy%*%threshold.betalow4
#' threshold.col = colors(100)[as.numeric(cut(threshold.fHatlow4,breaks = 100))]
#' map("state","massachusetts", xlim=range(BostonPMsim$long), ylim=range(BostonPMsim$lat))
#' points(BostonPMsim$long, BostonPMsim$lat, col=threshold.col, cex=.2)

Irregular2dWavelet <- function(x, y, f, numLevels) {

  n = length(x)
  k = 2^numLevels - 1
  Zx <- cbind(rep(1, n), Z1d(x, numLevels=numLevels))
  Zy <- cbind(rep(1, n), Z1d(y, numLevels=numLevels))
  Zxy <- Z2d(Zx,Zy)
  fCenter = f - mean(f)
  cvGLMNET <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(Zxy[,-1], fCenter, intercept=FALSE)
  betauHat <- c(mean(f), as.numeric(coef(cvGLMNET, s="lambda.1se"))[-1])
  l = list(Zxy = Zxy, beta=betauHat)
jantonelli111/Irregular2dWavelets documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:39 p.m.