
The monarch data is stored in this directory. Seth Appelgate is in charge of this directory. Data entry individuals: 2016: Cory Haggard. 2017: Riley Nylin. 2018: Sydney Lizotte-Hall. Data verification: 2016,2017,2018 Complete: Jacob Handel.

2016 Notes

Protocol inconsistencies:

Observers were supposed to walk the transect at a speed of 2 minutes/10m section (which they did correctly). For round 1/2 of 2016 only, if the transect was shorter than 100m they were supposed to continue to observe at the end of the transect while stationary until reaching a total of 20 minutes of survey time. This stationary observation only occurred if the site was shorter than 100m and the observer completed a 20 minute survey as they were supposed to. This stationary observation did not occur if the observer errored and stopped collecting data at the end of the transect, having not reached 20 minutes of total observation time. These errors resulted in observation times shorter than 20 minutes, as is detailed in the file ‘2016_survey_dates_transect_length’.

Weather data:

Weather data which was recorded on the physical ‘monarch’ data sheets was not used in the ‘monarch’ data set for round 1 2016. Weather data was derived from ‘landscape’ datasheets for round 1 2016 and was not recorded in Git in the ‘landscape’ data set. ‘landscape’ weather data used correct formatting. ‘monarch’ physical data sheet line items were incorrect in round 1 2016. Weather data line items were removed from ‘landscape’ data set after round 1 2016. Physical data sheet line items were resolved for ‘monarch’ data set and weather data was recorded in ‘monarch’ data set for round 2 and 3 2016. All 2017 and following years weather data was recorded in ‘environment’ data set and in no other data set.


  terminology changed. Definition of each of the 4 categories of wind was subjective to the observer; not based on any defined scale.

  Round1:    calm, light, moderate, very windy

  Round2/3:  calm, breeze, moderate breeze, too windy to monitor


    Clear: no clouds. 
  Mostly clear: <50% cloud cover
  Mostly cloudy: >50% cloud cover
  Cloudy: 100% cloud cover
  *Rain: rain (was not explicitly listed on 2016 data sheet but was always written down. 2017 ‘sky’ data in ‘environment’ data set contains same 5 categories, all explicitly listed)


  °F. Data was collected from nearest weather station using various apps accessible via mobile device at time of data collection

'start_time', 'end_time'

  Only 2016 data included an end time

  Written in ##:##AM or ##:##PM format

  If hour was a single number, a zero was not written in front.

      Example: 8:45AM was written, not 08:45AM

'start_time', 'end_time' (length of survey mistakes)

  start_time and end_time should have always been 20 minutes apart. A 20 minute survey in total. Observer mistakes were made and survey time varied at select sites and rounds. See '2016_survey_dates_transect_lengths' for length in minutes of each survey. Length of survey is sometimes NA due to missing data.

plot outline

round 1/2, only the transect location was decided. No plot borders had been established.

Sections were only used for round 1/2 data 2016.

  An observation within a section indicates the number of an adult monarchs observed within the plot while standing in the section noted.

  Section length: 2016- see datasheet or '2016_survey_dates_transect_lengths' document to determine if sections were 10m or 20m.

Bins were only used for round 3 data 2016

  An observation indicates that an adult monarch was observed at that distance from the recorder who was observing the 180° in front of themselves

Transect length not constant

  transect length changed as noted in '2016_survey_dates_transect_lengths' at sites: cre1, nkn1, nkn2, sie1, pre1a

Resampling, Round 3: ber3, dun2, har1, van2, fis1, vos1, jon1

  'stems', 'eggs', 'instar' data was collected on 8/11/2016 but adult monarch data was not taken because of rain. Adult monarch data was sampled on 8/17/2016 to make up for missed data. No 'stems', 'eggs', 'instar' data was collected on 8/17/2016.

Missing data: Data is NA as site did not yet exist.

  Round 1: ber3, dun3, bcr1, bcr2, tie1, app1
  Round 2: app1

Missing data: Data is NA as transect location was moved.

  Round 1: uth3, arm1, nor1
  Round 2: nor1


  a monarch seen outside the monitoring time, anywhere at the site. This data was not listed as a line item on the data sheets. This data only exists if the observer voluntarily wrote down this observation.


  a monarch seen during the monitoring time while the observer was standing still observing at the end of the transect. This data only exists for round 1/2 data in 2016 and was not listed as a specific line item on the data sheets. Observers were supposed to walk the transect at a speed of 2 minutes/10m section (which they did correctly). If the transect was shorter than 100m they were supposed to continue to observe at the end of the transect while stationary until reaching a total of 20 minutes of survey time. 'watch_monarch' only occurred if the site was shorter than 100m and the observer completed a 20 minute survey as they were supposed to. The observer would do 'watch_monarch' for as long as the time of the 20 minutes was remaining after reaching the end of the transect. 'watch_monarch' did not occur if the observer errored and stopped collecting data at the end of the transect, having not reached 20 minutes of total observation time.


the number of milkweed ramets observed with an upper limit of 20 ramets. Stems were counted if they were anywhere in the vicinity of the transect for all rounds as plot borders were not yet marked until round 3. Milkweed species was not specified but was almost always common milkweed. If 'stems' = 0, no rows for 'eggs' or 'instars' are listed

2017 Notes

Transect length

transect length remained the same as round 3 2016 except at sut2 and pre1a

Missing data: funding cut. Round 1 data NA (not sampled) for sites under grant 'pork'. See '2017_survey_dates_transect_length'

pre1a, pre1b, pre2a, pre2b, pre3a, pre3b, pre4a, pre4b, bcr1, bcr2, tie1, app1

No survey, rain. 8-15-17 fis1. No resampling done.

  'NA' was entered for 'start_time', '#_inside_plot', '#_outside_plot', 'extra_monarchs'

Resample, missing data. Cra1 was resampled for 'bee' and 'environment' data 8-30-17 from original date of 8-15-17

2017 and Following Years Notes

Transect length

transect length remained the same across all surveys

Survey length

surveys were always 20 minutes long

'#_inside_plot' and '#_outside_plot'

  count data of adult monarchs observed during a survey where first sighting was either inside the plot or outside the defined plot perimeter

'common_ramets' 'swamp_ramets' 'butterfly_ramets'

  Count data of randomly selected milkweed ramets observed throughout the defined plot area for each species of milkweed with an upper limit of 10 milkweed ramets per species to be surveyed for ‘eggs’ and ‘instars’

  'eggs' count data of total number of monarch eggs observed, summed across all 0-10 milkweed ramets observed for each specific milkweed species.

  ‘instar’ count data of total number of monarch instars observed for each of the separate 5 instar stages, summed across all 0-10 milkweed ramets observed for each specific milkweed species.

'palmer_amaranth' indicates observed number of palmer amaranth plants within the plot perimeter. No palmer plants have been observed at any site.

observed count data of palmer amaranth plants within the plot perimeter. No palmer plants have been observed at any site.

2018 Notes

Missing data: fis1 all rounds

site eliminated from study due to establishment failure. No more data to be collected.

All Years Notes:

Start time should be written in xx:xxPM format. Do not include a zero in the hour slot if it isn’t 10, 11, or 12. Examples: 9:36AM or 12:28PM

'extra_monarch' in 2016 or 'extra_monarchs' in all other years is a monarch seen outside the monitoring time, anywhere at the site. This data will exist for all years, all sites.

'extra_monarch' in 2016 or 'extra monarchs' in all other years is always a number, never 'NA'

If 'wind', 'sky', or 'temp' were unfavorable monarch data was not collected:

  'NA' was entered for 'start_time' (and 'end_time' in 2016)

  'NA' was entered for monarch numbers by 'bin' or meter section or 'watch_monarch'

  'stems', 'eggs', and 'instar' data were still collected regardless of weather

General ‘wind’, ‘sky’, ‘temp’ conditions which were considered unfavorable:

  Wind: >20mph
  Sky: rain
  Temp: <65°F or >95°F

jarad/ISUmonarch documentation built on Aug. 10, 2022, 1:09 p.m.