
#' Robel
#' This data set contains visual obstruction robel pole readings observed at 10m 
#' intervals along a transect.
#' @section Data Collection Protocol:
#' Robel survey is a visual obstruction survey of standing vegetative material. 
#' Robel survey was done at 10m lengths along a permanent transect line. 
#' Observer placed a robel pole on the left side of the transect. 
#' Our robel pole was marked with bands every 10cm (1 decimeter) starting at a 
#' value of '1'. 
#' 0-10cm was a value of 1. Pole was 160cm tall or a value of '16'. 
#' Observer crouched at a distance of 4 meters from the pole and observed at a 
#' height of 1 meter above the ground. 
#' A robel reading was taken in all 4 cardinal directions (n,e,s,w). 
#' Robel reading is the highest band (10cm section) on the pole at which 
#' vegetation obscures greater than or equal to 50 percent of the band on the 
#' pole when vegetation obscures less than or equal to 50 percent of the band 
#' above it on the pole. 
#' Example: 4 is barely visible but 5 is unobscured, the reading is 4. 
#' Visual obstruction readings are allowed to be 0. This would occur if band 1 
#' was less than 50 percent obscured by vegetation.
#' Observations started at 0 meters on the transect and were taken every 10m of 
#' the transect and stopped before the transect ended. 
#' A transect length of 100m will have points recorded for 0 meters through 90 
#' meters; 10 points. 
#' Data is not taken at the final point on the transect as this area is outside 
#' the transect.  
#' @section Variables Notes:
#' *Direction* 'n' 'e' 's' 'w': Denotes the cardinal direction from which the 
#' data was taken. 
#'     Directions are based on the observer's position in relation to the pole, 
#'     not the direction in which the observer is looking. 
#'     Example: 'n' data is taken by the observer when the observer is north of 
#'     the pole looking south.
#'  *count* visual obstruction robel pole reading.
#'    **Note** Robel pole bands were converted from dm to cm.
#'    A value of 10 on original robel pole reading is 100 in this database. 
#'    Database is in cm, original data was in dm.
#' @format A data frame with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item date:
#'   \item round: character, the round number: 1, 2, or 3
#'   \item transectID: character, id of the transect
#'   \item section: character, the interval of the observation in length of meters along transect
#'   \item Direction: character, direction from pole in which observation was taken. n, e, w, or s
#'   \item height: numeric, visual obstruction robel pole reading. Height in cm. heigths above 160 are right-censored to 160, see censored variable.
#'   \item censored: character, either 'not' or 'right'. Right-censored data are heights that exceeded 160cm (the height of our pole).
#' }
#' @format A data.frame with the variables above.

#' Raw robel data
#' Contains raw robel data and the filenames associated with the raw data. 
#' This is primarily meant to be used for data issues. If you find an error in
#' \code{\link{robel}} and the error is also here, then the error in the raw
#' data file. If you find an error in \code{\link{robel}} and the error is not
#' here, then the error was caused by the processing script data-raw/robel.R.
#' @format A data.frame with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item filepath: character, the path and filename for the original source data
#'   \item date:
#'   \item round:
#'   \item observer:
#'   \item siteID:
#'   \item transectID:
#'   \item Direction:
#'   \item the remaining columns are the locations (sections) where the 
#'   measurements were taken along the transect
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{robel}}, \code{link{robel_surveys}}

#' Robel surveys 
#' The list of transects where robel surveys were done
#' This data set is unlikely to be needed and really only provides the names
#' of observers. 
#' @format A data.frame with the columns:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item date:
#'   \item round:
#'   \item transectID:
#'   \item observer:
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{robel}}, \code{\link{robel_raw}}
jarad/ISUmonarch documentation built on Aug. 10, 2022, 1:09 p.m.