
#' Transect
#' Data set contains corresponding grant and county for each transect/site.
#' @format A data frame with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item siteID: character, id of the site
#'   \item transectID: character, id of the transect
#'   \item grant: character, grant associated with each transect/site. 
#'   'iacig' is Iowa NRCS Consevation Innovation Grant. Establishing habitat in existing grasslands on top of saturated buffers, as riparian buffers, beside oxbows, and bordering wetlands.
#'   'ncig' is National NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant. Establishing habitat in underutilized agricultural grassland field edges.
#'   'soy' is Iowa Soybean Association Grant. Establishing habitat on top of constructed bioreactors.
#'   'pork' is Iowa Pork Producers Association/National Pork Board Grant. Replacing lawn with pollinator habitat at hog confinement facilities.
#'   \item county: character, county in Iowa associated with each transect/site.

#' }
jarad/ISUmonarch documentation built on Aug. 10, 2022, 1:09 p.m.