
#' Copy a file/object from one stash to another
#' @param file.name Base file name for the object
#' @param from Path for where the object currently resides. Accepts a character
#'    string or *_stash object.
#' @param to Path for where the object will be copied to. Accepts a character
#'    string or *_stash object.
#' @param time.stamp TRUE or FALSE. When TRUE, files containing a time stamp
#'    generated by save_stash, or matching the save_stash pattern, will be
#'    copied.
#' @param uuid TRUE or FALSE. When TRUE, files containing a uuid
#'    generated by save_stash, or matching the save_stash pattern, will be
#'    copied.
#' @param extension Extension for the file to copy.
#' @param compression Accepts NULL for no compression, or 'gz' for gzip.
#' @param checksum Not being used right now.
#' @param keep.from TRUE or FALSE. When TRUE, the files/objects that were
#'    copied from will be deleted.
#' @param clean.up TRUE or FALSE. Only used when \code{keep.from} equals FALSE
#'    When TRUE, and \code{keep.from} equals FALSE, the directory that the file
#'    was copied from will be deleted if it is empty.
#' @return List of stash objects that were successfully copied to their
#'    destination.
#' @export
copy_stash <- function(from, to, one.to = 'one', keep.from = TRUE, clean.up = TRUE,
    simplify = TRUE) {

  from <- as.stash_file(from, simplify = FALSE)
  from <- from[file_exists(from)]
  to <- as.flat_list(to)

  if (length(from) == 0) {
    message('No files found to copy/move.')

  if (!one.to %in% c('one', 'many')) {
    warning('one.to must be "one" or "many". Using default "one".')
    one.to <- 'one'

  if (one.to == 'one') {
    to <- file_path(to, as.stash(from, .directory = ''), simplify = FALSE)

  } else if (one.to == 'many') {
    to <- llply(to, function(x)
        file_path(x, as.stash(from, .directory = ''), simplify = FALSE))

    is.multiple <- (length(to) %% length(from)) == 0
    if (!is.multiple) {
      stop('from and to lengths are incompatable')

  to <- as.flat_list(to)
  res <- mapply(copy_stash_, from = from, to = to,
      MoreArgs = list(keep.from = keep.from, clean.up = clean.up),

  if (simplify && length(res) == 1) {

copy_stash_ <- function(from, to, keep.from, clean.up) {
  UseMethod('copy_stash_', from)

#' @export
copy_stash_.local_stash <- function(from, to, keep.from, clean.up) {
  UseMethod('copy_stash_.local_stash', to)

#' @export
copy_stash_.s3_stash <- function(from, to, keep.from, clean.up) {
  UseMethod('copy_stash_.s3_stash', to)

#' @export
copy_stash_.local_stash.local_stash <- function(from, to, keep.from, clean.up) {

  if (!dir_exists(to)) {
    dir_create(to, recursive = TRUE)

  if (isTRUE(keep.from)) {
    results <- file.copy(from, to)

  } else {
    results <- file.rename(from, to)
    if (isTRUE(clean.up)) {

#' @export
copy_stash_.local_stash.s3_stash <- function(from, to, keep.from, clean.up) {

  put.response <- put_object_wrapper(from, to)

  if (!isTRUE(keep.from)) {
    if (isTRUE(clean.up)) {


#' @export
copy_stash_.s3_stash.local_stash <- function(from, to, keep.from, clean.up) {

  if (!dir_exists(to)) {
    dir_create(to, recursive = TRUE)

  from.args <- c(
    object = get_filepath(from),
    bucket = get_container(from),
    key = attr(from, 'access.key.id'),
    secret = attr(from, 'secret.access.key'),
    region = attr(from, 'region')

  save.args <- c(from.args, file = get_filepath(to))
  save.args <- as.list(save.args)
  save.args$parse_response <- FALSE
  do.call(save_object, save.args)

  if (!isTRUE(keep.from)) {
    delete.args <- as.list(from.args)
    do.call(delete_object, delete.args)


#' @export
copy_stash_.s3_stash.s3_stash <- function(from, to, keep.from, clean.up) {

  if (identical(get_container(from), get_container(to))) {
    message('Moving temp file locally...')
    ## Need to save the object to a temp file in order to load into s3
    temp.stash <- local_stash(tempfile())
    temp.file <- suppressMessages(
      copy_stash(from = from, to = temp.stash, keep.from = keep.from))

    results <- copy_stash(from = temp.file, to = to, keep.from = FALSE,
        clean.up = TRUE)


  from.args <- c(
    from_object = get_filepath(from),
    from_bucket = get_container(from),
    key = attr(from, 'access.key.id'),
    secret = attr(from, 'secret.access.key'),
    region = attr(from, 'region')

  ## TODO: Check how to specify different credentials for to and from
  to.args <- c(
    to_object = get_filepath(to),
    to_bucket = get_container(to)

  copy.args <- c(from.args, to.args)
  copy.args <- as.list(copy.args)
  do.call(copy_object, copy.args)

  if (!isTRUE(keep.from)) {
    delete.args <- as.list(from.args)
    do.call(delete_object, delete.args)

jason-huling/rstash documentation built on May 18, 2019, 4:53 p.m.